Chapter 108 - Alrighty. All of them were traitors! (3)

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He Baogen’s seeds were problematic, and it would be difficult for him to have more children in the future. He Xiaoqiu very well might be his only child in this lifetime.

Now that he had divorced Su Xiuying, he worried that Su Xiuying would remarry and change Xiaoqiu’s last name, which was why he offered her the house in exchange.

Su Xiuying went on to explain, “I have no plans to remarry, and it is a bad time to change Xiaoqiu’s surname. I have no reason to turn down the house. He owes Xiaoqiu and I this much, so I agreed to his condition.”

Tong Xuelu, “You are exactly right. Why wouldn’t you want it? Now is not the time to be prideful.”

Seeing that Tong Xuelu did not look down on her because of that, Su Xiuying let out a sigh of relief. “You can feel reassured renting this place. Once they figured out the back story, they would not dare to come and fuss over it.”

Tong Xuelu nodded. She shoved the money and meal tickets into Su Xiuying’s hand, turned, and ran off.

Su Xiuying couldn't help but burst out laughing when she saw how Tong Xuelu had run away.

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By the time Tong Xuelu had returned to the compound, the others had alright caught wind that she would be leaving.

Aunty Cai was the one who did not want her to leave the most. “You haven’t even been here for that long, Xuelu. Why are you leaving so soon?”

From Aunty Cai’s perspective, Tong Xuelu was good tempered, kind, and generous. She would always offer some of the yummy food that she made to her child, and it was comfortable being her next door neighbor.

The others nodded as well. “Exactly. We didn’t know about this at all, and it is all so sudden. This is difficult for us too!”

Tong Xuelu put on a look like she didn’t want to leave either. “I didn’t want to leave you either, but there isn’t much that I could say before everything had been finalized. It would be embarrassing if things had fallen through.”

Mother Xu said, “Do you have anywhere to stay in the city? Who will be looking after Mianmian for you in the future?”

Tong Xuelu nodded. “I’ve found a place to stay already. I don’t have anyone who can help me look after Mianmian yet. I will talk to my manager later on and see if I can bring her with me to the restaurant.”

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The government-operated restaurant was only busy during dining hours. There wasn't a lot going on during other times. It was not entirely inconceivable to bring the little bun with her to work.

That being said. Liu Dongchang, the manager of the restaurant, didn’t look like someone who was easy-going. She would have to play it by the ear then.

Seeing that Tong Xuelu already had everything planned out, the others chatted a bit more with her and dispersed.

Old Lin’s wife stood outside her door and stared at Tong Xuelu with her triangular eyes the entire time. She was so envious of Tong Xuelu that her eyes were beet red.

Nevertheless, she had just returned from her maiden family and dared not provoke Tong Xuelu at this point. She grunted through her nostrils, turned, and walked back inside her house wagging her bottom from side to side.

After dinner, Tong Xuelu told her three siblings about their upcoming move.

Tong Jiaming had known about it in advance and was not surprised when he heard the news again.

Tong Jiaxin’s eyes were rounded. “When did you switch your job?”

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Tong Xuelu, “Just today. Let your teachers know tomorrow when you go to school. You will not be attending this school anymore. You will be transferred to schools in the city.”

The government-operated restaurant gave her 5 days’ time.

She would need to move and get Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin into new schools within these five days. The time was quite tight.

Tong Jiaxin looked like he was having a toothache. “Why are you only telling me this now? I don’t want to transfer to a different school!”

Tong Xuelu wasn’t going to negotiate with him. “That’s fine. You can stay behind if you don’t want to transfer to a new school. I’ll give money and meal tickets to Aunty Cai in a little while and you can sleep on her floor.”

Tong Jiaxin, “……”

The bear child was so upset that his lips were poking out. He turned to look at Tong Jiaming, hoping to have some support from him.

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Lo and behold, Tong Jiaming said, “I’ll start packing tonight.”

Tong Jiaxin, “…………”

Second Brother was being a traitor! Oh, he’s so mad!

Tong Mianmian wrapped her arms around Tong Xuelu’s neck and said in her milky voice, “Mianmian will follow Big Sister. Wherever Big Sister goes, Mianmian will follow.”

Tong Xuelu’s heart softened, and she planted a big kiss on Mianmian’s cheek. “Our Mianmian is the cutest.”

The little bun smiled so much that her dimples could be seen. She buried her head into Tong Xuelu’s neck shyly.

Tong Jiaxin, “…………”

Alrighty. All of them were traitors!

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