Chapter 135 - "Don't. You don't want Zhuzhu to see this." (2)

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Wen Rugui had his colleague Zhou Yan came and picked him up.

As soon as he got inside the car, he met Zhou Yan’s inquisitive look.

He pretended that he didn’t notice it and said, “Thank you for picking me up.”

Zhou Yan tsked and asked. “What happened with you the last few days, Rugui? Why did you take so many days off all of a sudden? Did you go to matchmaking again?”

Wen Rugui pinched his lips shut and said, “No.”

Zhou Yan obviously did not believe him. “Just look at you. You didn’t like the girl again? If you ask me, you really should stop being so choosy. You can’t tell people apart anyway, does it really matter who you are with?”

Wen Rugui said nonchalantly, “Of course it matters.”

If he couldn’t even tell her apart, how could he get to know her better?

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Besides, marriage should not be all about having children; it should be the joining of two souls.

Naturally, he had no intention of explaining that to his Zhou Yan.

And Zhou Yan did not seem particularly interested in continuing that conversation either.

He sniffed around like a dog and asked, “What kind of yummy food did you bring from home?”

Wen Rugui’s hand that was holding onto the date cake paused a little. “Date cake.”

“Oh, that’d explain the date smell!” Zhou Yan smiled and said, “It so happened that I didn’t have enough to eat tonight. Give me a piece.”

Wen Rugui’s grip on the bag tightened some more and he rejected Zhou Yan’s request. “No.”

No, NO?!

Zhou Yan was so shocked that his jaw dropped. “Since when have you become so stingy, Rugui? We are just talking about a piece of date cake. Here I am coming to pick you up in the middle of the night and you can’t even spare a piece of date cake? Are you kidding me?”

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Wen Rugui, “I’ll treat you to the cafeteria tomorrow.”

“Who wants to go to the cafeteria?!”

Zhou Yan didn’t care about a piece of date cake, but Wen Rugui’s attitude was too bizarre.

Zhou Yan looked over at him a few times. “I mean, Rugui, you can’t be so ungrateful. You have plenty of date cakes there. What’s gonna happen if you spare me one?”

Wen Rugui turned him down again. “If you don’t want to eat at the cafeteria, I’ll take you to the government-operated restaurant.”


Now Zhou Yan was troubled.

He had known Wen Rugui for years and he had always been a generous one. Wen Rugui had always shared yummy food that he brought from home. What was up with him this time then?

He felt that the problem lied with the date cake.

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He was unable to get even a piece from Wen Rugui all the way back to the base.

That was very bizarre.


Inside the compound of the Logistic Department.

Mother Tong brought up Tong Zhenzhen’s change to the other Tong family members over dinner and nobody believed her.

Cai Chunlan shoved a piece of fatty meat into her mouth and said, “Mom, are you serious? Why did that sound so unbelievable?”

They had all gone and visited Tong Zhenzhen since she had been sent to the farm.

Everybody could still clearly remember how she had cursed all of them to go to hell. As such, nobody believed Mother Tong when she said that.

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Mother Lu gave her Second Daughter-in-law a look and said, “Do you think I’d make something like that up? Zhenzhen just needed some time to think things through was all. You can’t badmouth her outside anymore!”

Her Second Daughter-in-law always had a big mouth. When Tong Xuelu was there, she would badmouth Tong Xuelu to others. After Tong Zhenzhen’s incident, she had been badmouthing Tong Zhenzhen.

What would others think of her when she was always badmouthing others? What a stupid woman with no self-awareness!

Cai Chunlan didn’t expect her mother-in-law to call her out suddenly and her face that resembled a pancake turned beet red. “Everything that I’ve said was true.”

Mother Lu did not dignify that with a comment. She told her two sons and her Big Daughter-in-law, “Zhenzhen already knew that she old ways were wrong and you shouldn’t continue to hold that against her in the future, alright?”

Big Brother Tong said, “What Mom said is true. Zhenzhen has really had it all figured out. I think sending her to the farm was the right move.”

The others finally believed that it was true after Big Brother Tong had spoken up.

Pleased, Father Tong said, “Your mom is right. Zhenzhen already knew that her old ways were wrong and, as her brothers and sisters-in-law, you should be forgiving toward her. She is, after all, your real sister!”

The two sons and daughters-in-law all expressed their agreement.

As for what Tong Zhenzhen had asked of her, Mother Tong planned to pay the other Tong family a visit after the holidays.

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