Chapter 136 - "Don't. You don't want Zhuzhu to see this." (3)

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The thought of the other Tong family reminded Mother Tong of Tong Xuelu.

She had loved Tong Xuelu deeply before she learned about the switch at birth incident. After Tong Zhenzhen’s return, she felt that her heart had been split into two, much like there are meats on both side of one’s hand.

Tong Xuelu wasn’t her real daughter but she had, after all, loved her all these years. She did not wish for her to leave.

It was until she started having conflicts with Tong Zhenzhen and Tong Zhenzhen was sent to the farm before Mother Tong’s mentality started to change.

Particularly when she saw Tong Zhenzhen so skinny and disheveled today. Her heart ached for her.

She knew that it wasn’t Tong Xuelu’s fault but it still bothered her.

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Naturally, she did not tell that to anyone.

The Yi family, too, were talking about Tong Xuelu and her siblings right now.

Shen Wanrong said to her husband, “A few kids moved next door to us. The youngest one of them is just 3~4 years old. I had yet to see their parents and I’m afraid they are no longer around.”

If their parents were still around. There was no way they would just like such young kids take care of the move with them never even showing their faces.

Wei Zhiguo placed the peeled chestnuts into Shen Wanrong and their granddaughter’s bowls, “How are they able to move here then? Are they decent people?”

They lived so close to each other that he worried about them affect his granddaughter if they were not decent people.

Upon hearing that, Wei Zhuzhu lifted her chubby little face up from the bowl and said, “Of course they are. Big Sister Tong and her siblings are all attractive people. I am sure they are nice too!”

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What his granddaughter said did not surprised Wei Zhiguo at all. “You can tell whether someone is nice from their looks. Just because someone is good looking don’t necessarily mean they are nice people and that unattractive people are all bad people. You keep that in mind, okay?”

Wei Zhuzhu acknowledged with her crisp voice. “Yes! But Big Sister Tong and her siblings are nice people!”

Having said that, she tossed away her chopsticks, hopped off the chair, and went to read her children books.

Wei Zhiguo had a helpless look on him.

Shen Wanrong looked at her husband and smiled. “Those kids are exceptionally good looking, especially that big sister. She looks prettier than a hibiscus coming out of water. She looks familiar for some reason but I can’t quite put a finger on it.”

Wei Zhiguo, “No worry about it. Memory is a tricky thing. The more you try to think about it, the harder it is to come by. It’ll come to you one day.”

Having said that, he stuck his head over and planted a kiss on her cheek.

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Shen Wanrong’s face turned the color of cooked shrimp all of a sudden. She gave him a shove and said, “What do you think you are doing? What if Zhuzhu see us?’

Wei Zhiguo grinned at her and said, “She won’t.”

Shen Wanrong gave him a loving stare.


Tong Xuelu and the others did not unpack anymore after Wen Rugui was gone. They showered and went to bed early.

Tong Jiaxin had been happy about having his own room but, when it came time to go to bed, he was intimidated and refused to get out of Tong Jiaming’s room.

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The two brothers slept in the same room after all.

It was a bright sunny day the next day.

Tong Xuelu still had one more day off and she had no rush to go into work.

There were still a lot of tidying up to do in the yard and she planned to get them all done today.

Tong Jiaming was the one who got up and made breakfast – porridge and pickled vegetables.

After Tong Xuelu had gotten up, she fried a few eggs for all of them.

Tong Jiaxin finally stopped frowning when he saw the fried eggs.

As soon as they had finished breakfast, they heard knocking on the wooden door in their yard ––

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