Chapter 367 - "Chickies are so cute; how can you eat them?" (1)

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Naturally, Tong Xuelu wasn’t going to head over to the school the next day.

She had Tong Jiaming informed Tong Jiaxin’s teacher that Tong Jiaxin had already recovered and would be ready to go back to school the next day.

Tong Jiaming was only too happy to do that.

Tong Xuelu had already completed her proposal the night before. Nevertheless, she had just met up with Secretary Zhuo the day before. It would look bad for her to go look for Minister Lin the very next day.

As such, she planned to wait a couple of days first.

The restaurant had used up all of their beef meatballs and fish balls and she’d need to make a shopping trip again today.

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Tong Xuelu brought Guo Weiping with her to the market for the beef.

The master at the beef stand pulled out the best sirloin part of the beef and asked Tong Xuelu, “Manager Tong, you haven’t conducted any new interviews for your Achievement Board. Are you having a hard time looking for candidates?”

Looking at the sirloin that he was holding, Tong Xuelu got it right away. “No, it isn’t that I can’t find anyone but, you know, it can’t just be anyone. I will need to do research and look into the person and made sure that they are qualified before I will interview them.”

Master Wang stuck his tongue out. “That complicated? Does that I won’t have a shot at it at all?”

Tong Xuelu held back her smile. “You should have more confident in yourself, Master Wang. After our month-long research, we feel that Master Wang fit our need. I was just going to bring it up and you beat me to it.”

Master Wang had thought that he had no shot at all but things had turned a different way. He was delighted. “When do you want to do the interview, Manager Tong? I have a lot of availability!”

Tong Xuelu said, “How about tomorrow? I can come by in the afternoon.”

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There was a big smile on Master Wang’s face. When he handed the meat over to Tong Xuelu, it was the same price as usual but it was much heavier than what it normally would have been.

The team started working on the beef meatballs and fish balls when Tong Xuelu and Guo Weiping returned to the restaurant.

Patrons began to arrive around lunch time.

Old Mr. Wen had frequented the restaurant but Uncle Zong mentioned that he had high blood sugar so Tong Xuelu talked him out of going there daily. He could just come from time to time. 4

Old Mr. Wen probably would not have listened had it been anyone else who told him that. But, coming from Tong Xuelu, Old Mr. Wen turned immediately into a very good student.

It was a tall and stocky young man who was the first in line today.

Tong Xuelu hadn’t noticed him at first but he seemed to have been studying her.

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Tong Xuelu had always been conscious of being looked at. By the third time the young man looked at him, she was certain that he was checking her out.

Nevertheless, she wasn’t going to be the first to make a move. As the young man hadn’t said anything, she wasn’t going to ask either.

Sun Wuyang walked up with the number that he had received. “I want an order of malatang, a set of everything that you have. Spicy.”

Meng Qingqing quickly told him his total. “That would be 8 meal tickets and 6 meat tickets. The vegetables come to 73 cents and the meat 81 cents. Your total is 1.54 yuan.”

Sun Wuyang handed over the tickets and the money and headed into the restaurant to look for a spot.

When Meng Qingqing brought the malatang over, he smiled at her. “Was that your manager that was out front earlier?”

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Meng Qingqing looked very proud. “The young one. Our Manager Tong is shy of 19 years old this year but she had already made her way to a manager. She is truly an amazing person!”

Sun Wuyang smiled, “That is quite amazing.”

Tong Xuelu happened to saw that from the window. She asked Meng Qingqing when she returned, “What did the patron say to you?”

Meng Qingqing told her the truth.

As she was the first female manager at a restaurant and she was young, many had asked about her.

Tong Xuelu thought about it some and concluded that she was being overly sensitive. As such, she put aside her thought and didn’t pay the young man any more attention.

That young man didn’t do anything else but finished his food and took off.

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