Chapter 368 - "Chickies are so cute; how can you eat them?" (2)

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Sun Wuyang returned to the military compound that night and repeated to Sun Manrou what he had learned that day.

“Rugui’s girlfriend’s last name is Tong, Tong Xuelu. She’s 19 years old and is the manager of City Nan Restaurant.”

Sun Manrou was taken a back a little. “Manager of the restaurant? She’s not a cook?”

Sun Wuyang shook his head. “That woman is quite competent. She was a server at the restaurant originally. She had subsequently took over as the substitute for the chef and became the manager of the restaurant in less than two months.”

Sun Manrou frowned a little. “What kind of family background does she have?”

Sun Wuyang snickered. “What family background? Both her parents had passed away. That being said, her former adoptive parents are government workers, but nothing special. And I’ve heard that they are not on favorable terms.”

Sun Manrou, “Then it seems like the Wen family helped her get into the position that she is in today.”

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Sun Wuyang thought so too. “Being pretty is a woman’s best asset.”

Sun Manrou lifted her brows when she heard that. “Is she pretty? Who’s prettier? She or I?”

Sun Wuyang smiled and said, “About the same, I’d say. However, she is an orphan and had 3 younger siblings. She cannot measure up to us.

“Not to mention that you are Commander’s Xiao’s adopted Granddaughter and are talented and competent. Comparing yourself with her is already showing her more respect than she deserves!”

Sun Manrou’s eyes reddened all of a sudden. “But Rugui is so nice to her. He even used his network to get her into the position that she is in. I’m afraid that I don’t stand a chance.”

Sun Wuyang, “Why would you say such a thing? Rugui only picked her because he hadn’t met you yet at the time. Had he known how incredible you are, I’m sure he would give it serious thoughts!”

Sun Manrou finally smiled a little when she heard that.

Sun Wuyang, “How’s your interview with Grandpa Wen coming along? I heard that Grandpa Wen is a big foodie. It’d be best if you bring over some homemade snacks.”

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Sun Manrou frowned. “I don’t know how to cook.”

Sun Wuyang said, “That reminds me. I have a friend who’s grandmother can make heck of a snack. I’ll have her make some snacks and you can pass it off as they were made by you when you visit Grandpa Wen.”

Sun Manrou frowned. “That’s not nice.”

Sun Wuyang, “What you worried about? If neither one of us say anything, who would ever find out?”

Sun Manrou frowned but refused Sun Wuyang’s suggestion. She finally gave in when Sun Wuyang “forced” her into it.

Sun Manrou went over to the Wen’s with the snacks the next day.

Tong Xuelu happened to be over at the Wen’s as well. Old Mr. Wen had mentioned that Xiao Qi was already all grown and had her bring it home and turn it into a dish of stewed chicken.

Tong Xuelu knew that that was what Old Mr. Wen wanted to have so she figured she would come over and make some good food for Old Mr. Wen and Uncle Zong.

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Uncle Zong had slaughtered the chicken before Tong Xuelu had arrived. “I am not sure if you are okay with slaughtering the chicken yourself so I had Xiao Wang prepared it for you.”

Tong Xuelu smiled and said, “Thank you Uncle Zong. I do have a hard time slaughtering chicken. Can you show me to the kitchen, Uncle Zong……”

She hadn’t even finished her sentence when Sun Manrou walked over.

Sun Manrou, too, knew that the Wen family had to chickens by the names of Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba. Her eyes reddened when she heard Uncle Zong’s words.

Covering her mouth, she had a look of disbelief on her, “Chickies are so cute. How can you eat chickies?”

Tong Xuelu, “……”


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Comrade, if I don’t know any better, I’d think you are trying to talk dirty!

That being said, Tong Xuelu was a little emotional when she met a real-life green tea, and one in the 70s no less.

Ever since she had been crowned the Queen of Green Tea, she had never ran into another real-life green tea. That had made her feel quite lonely as someone who no rivals.

Tong Xuelu’s red lips curved and she said, “Chickies are so cute and that’s exactly why we want to eat them. Stewed chicken, braised chicken, spicy chicken, dry pot chicken, salted chicken, cold cut chicken, roasted chicken, fried chicken, salt-baked chicken. All of them are delicious dishes!”

Uncle Zong couldn't help but gulped when he heard that.


Translator’s note:

The slang “chickies” can also be used to refer to the male’s anatomy.

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