Chapter 378 - Her bottom was on fire. (4)

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Tong Xuelu finally couldn’t help herself but busted out laughing.

Oh mi. Tis was the first time she saw Wen Rugui in his mean-mode. That was so ungodly cute!

If they were surrounded by so many other people. She very much wanted to cup his face and gave him a big kiss!

Sun Wuyang’s face was dark like the bottom of a pan. He quickly looked for an excuse to excuse himself.

The atmosphere cleared up all of a sudden when the annoying people were gone.

Tong Xuelu cocked her head and asked Wen Rugui, “Do you really not recognize that Comrade Sun?”

Wen Rugui nodded. “That’s correct. I have a hard time with faces. Some I could recognize through certain characteristics. Others I just couldn’t remember at all.”

Sun Manrou fell the second category.

Tong Xuelu was the one who was taken a back this time. “Can you recognize me then?”

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The tips of Wen Rugui’s ears turned red. “Yes.”

He couldn’t explain it but she was the only one the could remember in his entire life.

He remembered her look since the first time that they have met.

Tong Xuelu had no idea that Wen Rugui had prosopagnosia, nor did she know that she was the only one that he could recognize.

That meant that she was very special to him, right?

That was a strange and sweet feeling.

Half an hour later, the banquet began.

The first program commenced amidst the applause after the opening.

Tong Xuelu didn’t think that Green Tea Sun was the first program.

Tsk tsk. It looked like she had pulled all the strings in order to attract the attention of the Wen’s men.

The stage at this era was nothing like those in later times. The set up was simple and crude, but that did not make the audiences any less enthusiastic.

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A prop that looked to be a ladder was pushed onto the stage amidst the audiences’ cheers and applause.

The novel item attracted everyone’s attention and everyone looked at the stage.

Sun Manrou was in her bright red costume and she walked onto the stage under everyone’s envy look.

She had a smile on her. She thrusted out her chest and confidence flashed in her eyes.

“I’ve heard that this comrade is going to perform a back flip, right from that ladder!”

“You are kidding? Doing a back flip from a ladder? That sounds very dangerous!”

“Of course she is performing because she knows what she is doing!”

“I guess you are right. I’ve heard that this female comrade works at the publisher and she is still single……”

Sun Manrou walked onto the top of the ladder amidst all the discussion. She stood there with her back to the audiences.

The host said loudly, “How about a round of applause for our Comrade Sun?”

There was another round of applause.

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Sun Manrou took a deep breath, stood on her tip toes, and was about to do a back flip.

Lo and behold, her foot slipped and she started falling backward.

She landed squarely on bottom. It had turned into a back flip on bottom.


Landed once on her bottom.


Landed twice on her bottom.


Landed third, fourth, and fifth time on her bottom……

Everybody was shocked. They thought she was going to perform back flips. How did it ended up to be back flips on bottom?

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Was that what the host was referring to as the unique performance?

Tong Xuelu counted silently for Sun Manrou as soon as she starting falling backward.

There was a total of nine steps and Sun Manrou landed on her bottom a whole nine times.

Darn! Just one more and she could make an even ten!

She wondered how Sun Manrou’s bottom was. Did it hurt?

After her final landing, Sun Manrou felt that her bottom was burning like it could crack into halves.

She was stunned.

After a few seconds of silences, the crowd roared.

“Landing on your bottom. That sure was an unique performance!”

“For sure. I have never seen or even heard of anything like that before. You really learn something new every day!”

“Facing backward and landing gracefully. That’s a first for me as well.”

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