Chapter 379 - Looking at her lips, Wen Rugui felt like he was spellbound. (1)

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Tong Xuelu had expected Green Tea Sun to be so unlucky.

That was the first performance of the night and everybody was watching it. Her wish of stunning all the audiences had come true.

Sun Manrou hadn’t expected she would be that unlucky either.

She was just standing on the edge of the stairs earlier when she lost her footing and starting falling backward. Her bottom was killing her right now.

Never mind about the pain. How would she ever be able to look anyone in their eyes after this?

Hearing all the jeering from below the stage, Sun Manrou’s face turned red and white. She only wished she could dig a whole and bury herself in it.

Sun Wuyang’s face was burning as well. He felt like someone had boxed his ears.

He had told many before the show how amazing of a performer that Sun Manrou was.

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His face hurt as much as he had bragged earlier.

Sun Manrou had no idea who to do next. She closed her eyes and pretended that she had passed out on stage

The host, who was in shock, finally recollected himself and sent someone to help Sun Manrou down.

Seeing that she had fainted, many felt bad for Sun Manrou, being embarrassed in front of so many tonight.

There were many higher ups and those from older generations there tonight as well. Who’d dare match make her after this? At least nobody would want to date her while the incident was still fresh in people’s memories.

Those from the Cultural Troupe, however, felt redeemed. Some were even happy at the incident.

Not only did Sun Manrou, an outsider, squeezed out one of their programs, she even took the spot of the first performance of the night!

One must know that the first and the last performances were the two most important ones. Nevertheless, Sun Manrou had wrestled that away from them.

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She deserved to be made a fool in front of everyone!

Fang Jingyuan was one of those who felt redeemed. That being said, her performance was coming up shortly and she had no more time to pay any attention to Sun Manrou.

Tong Xuelu had expected performances in this era to be cliché and boring. Nevertheless, the following performances were quite infectious.

What she was attracted to the most was the passion both on and off the stage. At this deprived era with few entertainments, people embraced their lives with their passion.

She found it resentful when she had first transmigrated over. Now, however, she felt that she had truly become a part of this era.

Tong Xuelu worried about the time being too late and she worried about having the three children home by themselves. As such, she and Wen Rugui took off quietly half way through the event.

Fang Wanyuan spotted Tong Xuelu a long time ago. He felt his world rocked when he saw her standing next to a tall and strong man.

He had learned long time ago that Tong Xuelu had a boyfriend, but he had refused to believe that that was true.

Tong Xuelu had, after all, chased him for all these years. He did not believe that she would just give up on him just like that.

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Now that he had witnessed it with his own eyes, he felt like he had been slapped across his cheek!

Seeing that Tong Xuelu had gotten up to leave, Fang Wanyuan couldn't help but followed her.

After they had walked out of the crowd, Wen Rugui suddenly touched her arm gently. “Hang on.”

Tong Xuelu looked at him quizzically.

Wen Rugui walked in front of her, squatted down in front of her, released her shoelace that was half undone and redid it for her.

Tong Xuelu didn’t think that he would stop her just to tie her shoe for her.

Men at this day and age were mostly very chauvinistic. It was rare to run into one who was willing to tie their girlfriend’s shoe for them.

Looking at the black top of his head, Tong Xuelu felt a warm stream running through her heart.

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Wen Rugui stood up and his ears turned red slightly when he saw her looking at him. “I’m done.”

Tong Xuelu’s lips curved slightly. “Thank you, darling.”


She just called him darling again!

Wen Rugui’s ears became redder. As did his cheeks. His heart pounded.

Looking at the red tips of his ears, Tong Xuelu couldn't help but smiled.

How could one be so cute and naïve but also could say such mean words at the same time?

How loveable was that!

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