Chapter 387 - “Menzhi, so many years had passed before I learned that we had a child together. Will you blame me for that?” (2)

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Leaving the department store, Wen Rugui biked to the restaurant.

Tong Xuelu smiled when she saw him. “How come you came over so early?”

Wen Rugui acknowledged her and then handed the scarves over to her. “These are for you.”

Tong Xuelu opened the bag and peeked inside. She saw a white and a red wool scarves and they were warm in her hands.

“Are they both for me? Did you not get one for yourself?”

Wen Rugui only shook his head gently.

Tong Xuelu looked at the scarves some more. The white one was fairly neutral and could work with both males and females. “I’ll take the red one. You keep the white one.”

Wen Rugui was going to decline her when Tong Xuelu quickly said to him, “We will go out in the future wearing these two scarves together. Do you know what that is?”

Wen Rugui, “No, what?”

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“Lover’s outfit. We will wear the same item and others could tell that we are lovers right away.”

This was the first time Wen Rugui heard of the term.

He pictured that in his head. The two of them walking down the street, she was her red scarf and him white. The two scarves were identical and they would look like lovers.

Wen Rugui’s lips curved upward slightly. “Okay.”

Lover’s outfit.

He liked the term.


Sun Manrou returned to the publisher. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

She was better than Tong Xuelu in every way. She didn’t understand why Wen Rugui had no interest in her.

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Wen Rugui himself was an idiot as well. With his family background, he should have joined the military. Why would he become a researcher instead?!

If he was with her, for sure she would make him quit his job as a researcher and join the military instead.

With the Wen family’s status and network, it was just a matter of time before he became a commander. Then she would be the wife of a commander.

As such, she would not give up on Wen Rugui no matter what.

She thought about it some and picked up the phone and dialed the troop. “Hi, I want to speak to Commander Xiao.”

“Commander Xiao is not here right now. Who is this?”

Sun Manrou was taken aback a little. “Commander Xiao is my grandpa. If he’s not there, is he coming to Capital City?”

The person on the other end of the phone said, “No, Commander Xiao departed for personal matters. I don’t know where he was heading.”

Sun Manrou’s brows furrowed after she hung up on the phone.

She had wanted to find out when her God Grandpa would be heading to Capital City. And now, she couldn’t even get a hold of him.

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She had been so unlucky as of late, in every area no less.

Sun Manrou’s face turned dark when she thought about that.

Commander Xiao was on the train heading toward Beihe Province in the meantime.

He pulled out a photo from his chest pocket. The photo was yellowish and obviously an old one.

The images on it was already bury but one could still make out a woman in it.

Looking at the woman in the photo, Commander Xiao looked loving and sad. “Menzhi, so many years had passed before I learned that we had a child together. Will you blame me for that?”


Fang Jingyuan, who had been gone for half a month finally returned for lunch at the restaurant this afternoon.

“Xuelu, gave me an order of malatang quickly. I want two, no three, skewers of beef meatballs!”

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Tong Xuelu opened up her palm at her, “Hand over money and tickets.”

Fang Jingyuan pouted a little. “Why are you such a miser? I didn’t say I am not paying for it.”

Having said that, she pulled out money and tickets from her pocket. Tong Xuelu took them and handed them over to Meng Qingqing.

Fang Jingyuan waved at her. “C’mon over. There’s something that I want to tell you.”

Tong Xuelu sat down next to her, “What is it?”

Fang Jingyuan looked very secretive. She looked around them and said in a lowered voice. “I suspect that my brother still has feelings for you.”

Tong Xuelu rolled her eyes. “When had he even looked at me back when I was blind?”

Fang Jingyuan thought about it some. “I guess you are right. What is up with him now then? He didn’t care for you when you were chasing after him. Now that you have a boyfriend, he wants you back?

“He went on a arranged date last time and then said the girl wasn’t as pretty as you. Last time he asked me how you had a change of heart so abruptly. He’s been sick and I heard him calling out your name in his dreams!”

Tong Xuelu shrugged. “Your brother has issues. Stop bringing him up in front of me in the future. That’s revolting.”

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