Chapter 388 - There was a lot to be uncovered here. (1)

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Fang Jingyuan sighed and said, “You are right. I know it’s hard to feel for my brother. Oh, right. The potato boy finally told my mom that we don’t clock. Do you know how I’ve accomplished that?”

Tong Xuelu, “How?”

Fang Jingyuan lowered her voice some more, “I purpose age a lot of yam before our meeting and I started farting as soon as we met. Am I smart or am I smart?”

Tong Xuelu, “……” Em, not really.

Fang Jingyuan, however, was very proud of herself. “That was such a good idea. I will keep using this method whenever I run into an arranged date that I dislike.”

Tong Xuelu didn’t comment on that. “How was that Comrade Sun who embarrassed herself on the night of the banquet? How’s she doing now?”

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Fang Jingyuan laughed out loud when she heard Sun Manrou’s name. “She is very well known within the military compound now. Many of us in the Cultural Troupe still want to laugh when she was brought up. I’ve heard that many wanted to set her up with boys before but they had all given up on that idea now!”

Tong Xuelu, “I am baffled about something. She isn’t even with the Cultural Troupe. How was she the first one up on stage?”

Fang Jingyuan pushed her lips out a little and said, “Because of her god grandfather!”

Tong Xuelu raised her brows. “Her god grandfather? Who is he? Is he very high up?”

Fang Jingyuan nodded. “Matter of fact, he is. Her god grandfather is the Commander of the Northwestern district. Even though Sun is just his god granddaughter but, as Commander Xiao had never gotten married nor have children his entire life, that made Sun’s status very precious.”

Tong Xuelu nodded and said nothing.

No wonder she could openly try to steal her boyfriend. She has backing.

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That being said, she better know better than to do something truly immoral. She just might not be able sweep them all under the rug.

Fang Jingyuan took off after lunch.

Tong Xuelu practiced her cooking skill in the afternoon and she heard Tong Jiaxin’s voice the second she walked inside the door when she returned home after dark.

“Mooncake! You can’t pee and poop here! You need to do your business outside! If you keep this up, you are not going to get fed!”

Mooncake whimpered. Its ears drooped and it looked pitiful.

Seeing how pitiful Mooncake look, Tong Mianmian hugged her and said, “Third Brother, don’t scold Mooncake. It’s still young.”

Tong Jiaxin, “It’s not young anymore. Big Sister said that dog’s age is not the same as human’s age. Mooncake is about the same age as me right now!”

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Tong Mianmian cocked her head and blinked her limpid big eyes. “But Third Brother you still cheated on your examination  and make Big Sister angry all the time. You are more of a dog than Mooncake is!”

Tong Jiaxin, “……”

Tong Xuelu couldn't help but busted out laughing when she heard that.

When Tong Mianmian saw her Big Sister, she immediately let go of Mooncake and ran up to her. “Big Sister, you are back! Mianmian misses you so much!”

Tong Xuelu hugged the little bun and rubbed her on her head. “Have you had dinner yet?”

Tong Mianmian nodded like a little chick eating rice [from the ground]. “Yes, Third Brother cooked. Big Sister, why is it that for the same thing, they taste so much nastier then they were made by Third Brother?”

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Tong Jiaxin, “……”

Tong Xuelu took a look at Tong Jiaxin, who had been looked down upon, before she glanced around the living room. “Where’s your Second Brother? Is he studying?”

Tong Mianmian shook her head. “Second Brother said he was tried and went to bed.”

Went to bed at this hour?

Tong Xuelu raised her brows slightly when she heard that.

It wasn’t even 8 o’clock yet and going to bed so early was unlike Tong Jiaming.

In particular, he would not normally leave his little brother and sister alone by themselves before she got home. Besides, he would usually still be studying at this hour.

Feeling that something was wrong, she put down her military bag and went looking for Tong Jiaming.

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