Chapter 393 - She will never tell that to anyone. (2)

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Tong Menzhi and Xiao Zhenting met in the year 1937, when China was defending themselves against the Japanese. Xiao Zhenting was not a commander back then but just a little platoon leader. He was badly injured during the war and had to stay behind in a village to heal instead of moving on with his troop.

And the Tong family was where he stayed. Tong Menzhi helped took care of him. The romance formed them and Tong Menzhi went as far as bedding him while he was under her care!

Xiao Zhenting left the village and rejoined his troop after he had recovered and Tong Menzhi discovered that she was pregnant shortly thereafter. Xie Jinhua was pregnant around the same time and the two of them gave birth on the same day 9 months later.

Tong Menzhi had a boy and Xie Jinhua had a still birth.

Tong Menzhi had excessive bleeding and, not wanting words to get out that she was pregnant before she had gotten married, they dared not fetch the doctor, let alone taking her to the hospital. Xie Jinhua’s husband, for the sake of his sister, took the child and said he was their child.

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Now that Tong Menzhi, Tong Genlai, and Tong Daijin had all died, Xie Jinhua was the only one left who knew the truth.

In short, Xiao Zhenting had no choice but to take her words to it whoever she said was his son.

She had wanted her own son to be the fake son at the beginning. Except that Tong Erzhu was three years younger than Tong Daijin and looked nothing like Tong Menzhi.

That was the only reason she returned to her family and handed the opportunity over to Jie Guangtian, her nephew.

Jie Guangtian resemble Tong Menzhi either but he looked a little like the young Xiao Zhenting.

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She felt that Heaven was on her side. Once Commander Xiao recognized her nephew as her son, she would make sure that Tong Xuelu and the other bastard children never again see the light of day!

The more Xie Jinhua thought about it, the happier she became. She couldn’t wait for Commander Xiao to get there.

Commander Xiao, however, did not head straight to the Production Team after arriving at Hebei Province.

He had his nephew and grandnephew looked into the matters for him and to find out more about the Tong family.

His nephew had just returned with what he had found out.

Xiao Yanghua said to him, “Uncle, the Tong family has three sons, Tong Daijin, Tong Erzhu, Tong Sanzhuang. Of the three of them, Tong Daijin matched the most in age. He was both on new year day, 1938.”

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Commander Xiao was rattled. He left the village May, 1937. The age would match had Menzhi gotten pregnant then.

Commander Xiao’s hand trembled. “Where is he now? Is he at the Production Team?”

Xiao Yanghua shook his head, “No. He and his wife died in a car accident in Captial City 6 months ago.”

Commander Xiao almost stopped breathing. He looked almost pale. “How could that be. Did they have any children?”

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Xiao Yanghua nodded. “Yes. Tong Daijin had two sons and two daughters. What was odd was that none of them had ever visited. The Tong family always said how unfilial they are at the Production Team and were nothing but disasters.”

A light of intelligence flashed past Commander Xiao’s eyes. “You mean to say that Xie Jinhua was not nice to her oldest son nor does she care about his children, right?”

Xiao Yanghua nodded. “What I heard from the Production Team was that Xie Jinhua never liked her oldest son Tong Daijin. He was the only who did all the heavy lifting at home. He saved someone a while back and they helped him got a job in Capital City. He sent most of his income home but, even so, Xie Jinhua was not happy and always complained that him and his wife were very unfalial.”

It was common that parents would favor one child over another. But it was odd when it was this extreme.

Commander Xiao thought about it some and said, “Go have a car ready. Let’s go and meet them at the Production Team today.”

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