Chapter 394 - She will never tell that to anyone. (3)

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Xiao Yanghua nodded and hurried up to look for a car. They were heading in the direction of the Production Team an hour later.

Those back at the original family had been waiting for days without hearing a peep and had been growing extremely impatient.

Right when they were about to give up, a car pulled up in front of their house.

Everybody from the Production Team were stunned and they quickly gathered around.

Tong Erzhu ran inside the house, his hands shaking. “Mom! Mom! Commander Xiao is here!”

Xie Jinhua happened to be eating an egg and when she heard that, the egg slipped into her throat and she almost choked to death.

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Tong Erzhu quickly ran over and patted his mother on her back.

He patted her in rapid succession for a little while before Xie Jinhua was able to swallow the egg. She could feel sharp pain coming from her throat and her back. “Are you trying to kill me?”

Tong Erzhu said, “Mom, Commander Xiao’s car is outside our house right now!”

Xie Jinhua’s heart pounded. “Well, hurry up and show them in!”

She had barely finished saying that when two tall and burly men walked inside the house.

The one walking in the front looked to be in his 50s. He stood straight and his features stern. His eyes, under his sword-like brows, were sharp like those of eagles. It was enough to make one trembled when he looked at you.

His face immediately reminded of her Tong Daijin.

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Luckily Tong Daijin was already gone. Else it wouldn’t matter what she said given how much the two resembled each other.

Commander Xiao looked at Xie Jinhua with his eagle-like eyes. “Hi Mrs. Tong, long time no see!”

Xie Jinhua shuddered reflexively. “Hi, Commander Xiao. It had been a few years since we’ve last seen each other. I can’t believe you are a commander already. What a bummer that Menzhi was no longer around to see this……”

Sadness flashed through Commander Xiao’s eyes and he cut her off. “Why did you tell me that Menzhi was getting married instead of being pregnant when I returned two months after my departure?”

He left and never returned again because he was heart broken from the news.

Xie Jinhua’s heart shuddered. “Menzhi had me tell you that. She said you were an irresponsible person and that you were in the military. It was too risky. And that she wanted to spend her life with a more stable man.

“We had already accepted the bride money. She would have gotten married had we not found out that she was pregnant later on. What I had told you was the truth!”

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Commander Xiao looked at her, not saying a word.

That matched up to what he had found out. Back in the days, Menzhi did have an arranged marriage and that the groom family had paid the bride money.

What he didn’t know was that Menzhi never ended up getting married and that she had his child.

Xie Jinhua let out a sigh of relief when she saw that he had believed in her words.

Truth was, Tong Menzhi did not want to wed back then. It was Xie Jinhua who forced her into it and, later on, when discovered that she was pregnant, Tong Menzhi threatened that she would kill herself, so the wedding was cancelled.

The Tong family had to pay the groom’s family a big sack of rice. Xie Jinhua could not have been more upset about that.

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For the sake of revenging Tong Menzhi, Xie Jinhua never told her to the day that she died that Xiao Zhenting returned to look for her. Tong Menzhi dying from complications had a lot to do with her depressive mood.

That being said, she would never spill a word about this to anyone, not even her own son or her daughter-in-law.

Commander Xiao said, “Where is Menzhi’s cemetery? Have someone take me there.”

Xie Jinhua was taken aback a little. “You want to head over to the cemetery right now? Don’t you want to meet your son first?”

Commander Xiao, “Cemetery.”

Meeting his stern look, Xie Jinhua couldn’t find the courage to speak another word.

She sent Tong Erzhu to fetch Xie Guangtian and brought Commander Xiao to the cemetery.

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