Chapter 444 - "Yeah, no." (2)

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Tong Xuelu went to inform the Vice Director.

He had already found out that Wen Rugui was her boyfriend so he nodded and said, “Then hurry up and accompany your boyfriend to the hospital. The government-operated restaurants open today and we can go and try out the local cuisines.”

Tong Xuelu nodded and went to the hospital with Wen Rugui.

Only after they had arrived at the hospital and Wen Rugui had his shot and some medications did his fever subside.

The two sat snugging next to each other on the bus on their way back to the hotel.

Tong Xuelu, “For sure you had caught a cold last night. Don’t go out tonight. Nobody would know if you just stay inside the room.”

As she was female, nobody would come looking for her in her room unless there was an emergency.

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Wen Rugui’s eyelashes shuddered a little. “Okay.”

There seemed to be a hint of abnormal redness on his cheeks and he appeared to be very docile.

Tong Xuelu wanted to rub his hair but, as the two were on a bus, she decided against it.

Back at the hotel, the server came to inform them that the others were out.

The two entered Tong Xuelu’s room one after another.

This was the first time the two of them were inside the room together in daytime.

The windows were closed and it blocked out the wind and snow noises from the outside.

With just the two of them inside the room, it was so quiet that they thought they could hear each other’s breathing and the beating of their hearts.

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Seeing that he seemed dazed when he was sick, Tong Xuelu walked over and touched his forehead again. “How you feeling? Are you feeling bad again?”

Wen Rugui looked at her with his ink-like eyes and shook his head. “No, I feel fine.”

People are weak when they are sick. They all wish to be wooed like kids.

Seeing him that way, Tong Xuelu’s heart softened. “Is there anything that you would like to eat?”

Wen Rugui looked intensely at her. He remained silence for a little while and said, “Yes.”

“What is it?”


As soon as he had finished saying that, the room went silent for a few seconds.

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Tong Xuelu widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief. “What did you just say?”

Nobody knew whether it was from the temperature or that Wen Rugui was being shy, his cheeks reddened again. “I… want to prove my innocence.”

The sun poured in through the window casting shadows in the room. There was a hint of melancholy and profoundness in his eyes but even more in them were a fire burning intensely.

Tong Xuelu looked at him and, from inside his eyes, she saw her own hand lifting his chin. “And how would you like to do that?”

Anyone who didn’t know better would have thought that Tong Xuelu was the one teasing an innocent young man.

And that would not be too far from the truth. Wen Rugui was laying in bed and Tong Xuelu, sitting on the bed, was lifting his chin with her hand. Anyway one looked at it, she looked like a female hooligan.

Unfortunately, all the one from the receiving end could think about was hoping her to be even more of a hooligan.

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Wen Rugui’s throat rolled a little and his voice was low and hoarse. “I want to kiss you, Xuelu. Is that alright?”

What a fool.

Who asked that? Just do it already.

Meeting his burning eyes, Tong Xuelu’s heart started to throb as well.

Soon as she was done saying that, Wen Rugui sat up abruptly from the bed. He did not look like someone who was sick at all.

He looked at her and at the red birthmark on the corner of her eye.

Inside the dim room, her birthmark was so red that it made one’s heart pound.

He leaned into her slowly.


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