Chapter 445 - "Yeah, no." (3)

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The two were so close to each other that Wen Rugui was sure that Tong Xuelu could hear his heartbeat.

And, truth was, she did. She could pick up the scent that was undeniably his. Their scents mixed and the temperature in the room went up bit by bit.

The suggestive feeling spread in the room.

Her lips curved and she said, “Someone else is going to show up if you don’t hurry up and prove yourself.”

Wen Rugui’s heart skipped a beat. Back at the Tong’s, his plan foiled by Tong Mianmian, twice!

His heart pulsed and he suddenly slammed his mouth toward her.

Tong Xuelu hadn’t expected that he would suddenly slam into her. Luckily he watched his force. She might otherwise lose a few teeth from the impact.

Wen Rugui’s lips touched her and his body stiffened. He had completely lost control of his heartbeat.

And he stopped moving with his lips on top of hers.

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Tong Xuelu lifted her brows a little.

Was that it? Was that it?

But that would be normal. As a big, cute, and innocent boy, it would be very odd if he knew how to kiss.

Tong Xuelu lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck.

She touched his lips with the tip of her tongue.

Wen Rugui shuddered. He felt a tingling sensation running through his entire body as though he had been shocked by electricity.

His breathing quickened. The sensation was so odd yet also so wonderful at the same time.

Tong Xuelu said softly, “Part you lips a little.”

Wen Rugui docilely parted his lips.

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Her lips took the opportunity, snuck inside, and started invading.

Wen Rugui was stunned.

He had no idea that a tongue could do such a thing.

He was stunned like a dummy at the beginning but he was a smart student.

He was a fast learner and, soon, he took the initiative and started invading the way that Tong Xuelu did.

Oh way. He wasn’t a little fool after all.

The two hugged each other and the exchange went on for a while. They only let go of each other when they could no longer breathe.

Tong Xuelu’s heart was throbbing and she looked at him, dazed.

Suddenly, her lips curved and she leaned over and nibbled his chin quickly.

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She then oved onto his Adam's apple.

Wen Rugui’s body shook like leave in the wind. All of his blood rushed to his face and electric currents were running through all his limbs.

He felt a tingling sensation throughout his entire body.


Over at Capital City in this moment in time, Minister Yan of the Revolutionary Committee was talking to his nephew.

Yan Ming pulled out a letter and said in a somewhat hesitant tone, “A female comrade by the name of Tong Zhenzhen wanted me to give this to you.”

Minister Yan gave him a look and said, “How do you even know someone like that?”

Yan Ming rubbed his nose. “We went to junior high together.”

Minister Yan gave him a stern look. “Don’t tell me you are fond of her. Let me tell you, she is not good enough for our family. If you have any stupid ideas at all, better give that up right now.”

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Yan Ming’s face turned pale but he nodded anyway. “I understand, Uncle.”

Minister Yan looked at the letter and asked, “What did she say inside? And why did she want you to give this to me?”

Yan Ming shook his head. “I have no idea. I went to visit her at the farm and she wanted me to bring this to you. She said you would understand the importance after you’ve read it.”

He knew that it was wrong for him to pass the letter along for Tong Zhenzhen, but he couldn’t resist her at all once she started talking to him coquettishly.

Minister Yan gave his nephew a stare and opened the envelope.

He had a nonchalant and look of contempt at the beginning. Once he saw the content of the letter, his eyes widened and then turned stern.

Yan Ming, seeing the look on his uncle, couldn't help but asked curiously, “What did Tong Zhenzhen tell you in the letter, Uncle?”

Minister Yan looked up and said, “Which farm is she at? Take me there right now.

Yan Ming, “?”

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