Chapter 55 - My cousin Tong Yanliang took advantage of a woman (2)

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Old Mr. Wen felt unreconciled. “Then tell me her name, her family, her age, and whether she is single!”

“Let’s head back inside, Grandpa. It’s time to take your medicines.”

He knew very well what was going through his old grandpa’s mind.

Seeing how he couldn’t say anything to change Wen Rugui’s mind, Old Mr. Wen was so angry that even beard was shaking.

He turned and said to Uncle Zong. “Xiao Zong. Did you take a good look at that girl? How old would you say she is?”

Uncle Zong took a look at Wen Rugui, scratched his nose, and played dumb. “I am old and have bad eyesight. I didn’t get a very good look earlier.”

Old Mr. Wen rolled his eyes. “Hu Zong, out with it right now. This is an order!”

Uncle Zong gave him a military salute and said, “Reporting to the Commander, the girl has very fine and fair skin and is very pretty. I will put her at around 16 ~ 17 years old!”

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16 ~ 17 years old huh……

Old Mr. Wen gave his grandson an ox-eye stare. “Old cow grazing for young grass.* You are so shameless!”

Wen Rugui, “……”

Immediately after that, Old Mr. Wen’s look changed again. He patted Wen Rugui on his shoulder and said, “But you don’t need to feel bad about it. Being able to graze for the young grass as an old cow means you’ve got good teeth. Come to think about it, you’ve inherited the excellent genes from your grandfather.”

Wen Rugui, “…………”

Old Mr. Wen never got tired of teasing his grandson.

Uncle Zong gave Wen Rugui a sympathetic look.

Wen Rugui rubbed his forehead and said, “Grandpa, it seems you are in good spirit now so I am going to head back to base.”

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Having said that, he handed the receipt over to Uncle Zong, turned, and walked out of the hospital briskly.

Old Mr. Wen tapped his cane on the group repeatedly. “You get back here, brat. You haven’t told me the name of the girl yet!”

The more Old Mr. Wen shouted, the faster was Wen Rugui’s pace as he quickly disappeared outside the hospital’s door.

Seeing that he wasn’t able to get Wen Rugui to come back from his shouting, Old Mr. Wen smacked his lips and said to Uncle Zong, “Xiao Zong, do you think that girl looks like my future granddaughter-in-law?”

Uncle Zong, “…… Commander, I am old and have poor eyesight. I couldn’t see that.”

Old Mr. Wen gave him another stare and said, “Do you think I will be able to have a cup of tea made by my granddaughter-in-law this year then?”

Uncle Zong, “Commander, I am old……”

“Oh, shut up!”

Old Mr. Wen was very annoyed that Uncle Zong kept repeating the same line.

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He hrumphed and walked back into this patient room with his cane in hand.


After Tong Xuelu had finished paying the hospital bills, she saw Sun Guilan standing in front of Tong Jiaming with her hands on her waist and her willow brows standing straight up. Her thin lips moved up and down nonstop.

Tong Xuelu couldn’t quite hear what she was saying but she only needed half a brain to figure out that she was saying all sorts of awful things to Tong Jiaming.

Tong Jiaming’s lips were shut tightly and veins could be seen on his fist from how hard he was clenching them.

“…… Second Aunty, please don’t say that. My parents are not that kind of people.”

Sun Guilan’s finger was short of touching Tong Jiaming’s nose. “Oh yeah? So I am saying that. What are you going to do about that, huh? And what’s that look on your face? Are you going to hit me? Alright, hit me then. C’mon, hit me. I dare you to hit me––“


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Sun Guilan was smacked across her cheek and a handprint quickly appeared on her left cheek.

The air was silence for a few seconds.

Sun Guilan recollected herself and shouted at Tong Xuelu angrily, “Did you just hit me? I, I, I am going to kill you!”

Tong Xuelu dodged her hand and blinked innocently. “Second Aunty, weren’t you asking to be hit? I saw that Jiaming dared not comply, so I, as his sister, needed to step in.”

Sun Guilan, “……”

The Tong family, “……”


Translator's notes:

* A common saying

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