Chapter 56 - My cousin Tong Yanliang took advantage of a woman (3)

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Sun Guilan was so angry that her nose was crooked. “I was being facetious. Who would take those literally? What had your parents been teaching you?!”

Tong Xuelu replied sincerely, “My parents always teach me that I should help out others whenever I can.”

Everyone, “……”

“Mom, look at her. I am so mad!”

Sun Guilan was so livid that her entire body was shaking. She could just drop dead right now.

Jie Jinhua was already upset from Tong Xuelu’s behavior from back inside the hospital. Now that she saw Tong Xuelu getting physical at Sun Guilan, she wanted to take this opportunity to teach her a lesson.

Nevertheless, before she could start saying anything, she heard Tong Xuelu saying, “Are you not hungry at all? I had told my friends at the government-operated restaurant to save us some food. If you don’t hurry up and head over, she will be selling the meats to someone else.”

The word “meats” made the Tong family members salivate. Their stomachs started to growl and they felt even more hungry than before.

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Jie Jinhua quickly stopped herself from shouting. She turned toward Sun Guilan and said, “You are the older one here. Why are you fighting with someone of a younger generation? Hurry, hurry. Let’s go eat!”


Sun Guilan hadn’t expected that her mother-in-law would not be on her side.

She turned to look at her husband and the latter turned his head away slowly, pretended that he didn’t see anything.

Sun Guilan, “……”

Ooooooh, she’s so mad!

Tong Xuelu’s lips curved upward slightly when she saw that Sun Guilan was so angry that she could puke out blood. She then noticed Tong Jiaming looking at her when she turned her head.

“What is it?”

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Tong Jiaming blinked his long eyelashes and said in a low voice, “No, nothing.”

“Then let’s go. Let’s have a great meal over at the government-operated restaurant!”


The Tong’s were hoping to dine at the government-operated restaurant in the city but they were told that they had already ran out of meats when they arrived.

For the sake of having meats, they decided to hold off and wait until they get to the government-operated restaurant in Yanqing County so they could feast.

Lo and behold, they had to wait for an hour for the car ride, the trip took another hour, then it was another half an hour walk. By the time they’ve reached the restaurant, the group was short of collapsing at the door.

The Tongs: This was such a disaster.

“What took you so long? Here I thought you won’t be coming today!”

Chen Dani and Huang Xianglan had thought that Tong Xuelu wouldn’t be coming anymore. They hadn’t expected her to show up with a group of people at this hour.

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“Aye, that was a long story. Long story short, my cousin had sustained damages when he was kicked by someone.” As she talked, she purposefully stopped and pointed at him out to them. “That’s the one I am talking about. Tong Yanliang, my cousin.”

Tong Yanliang, “……”


He was so angry that he slammed his hand down on the table and shouted, “Can you shut up already?”


He slammed his hand down once again.

Chen Dani slammed her hand down even harder than him. “What do you think you are doing here? What kind of attitude was that? Smack it one more time, I dare you. I am going to have you arrested right away!”

Tong Yanliang’s face turned blue. Staring at Tong Xuelu in a unreconciled way, he said reluctantly, “I’m sorry.”

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Tong Xuelu said in a very green tea manner, “Please pardon him, Sister Dani. It is only normal to feel upset after such a horrible ordeal.”

Tong Yanliang, “……”

*(#@(&*(* How many times did he have to say it? His tool was fine! It was not broken!

Chen Dani grunted, “Whatever. I’ll forgive him this one time for your sake. Let me go bring the meat out.”

Tong Xuelu thanked her with a smile and quickly pulled out the money and the tickets from her military purse.

There was a total of 10 people from the Tong family. 12 total counting Tong Xuelu and Tong Jiaming.

Dinner was a large plate of braised pork legs, a plate of cabbage and meat stir fry, stewed radish, a plate of dumplings made out of fortified flour, and a bowl of rice for each person.

The total came out to be 15.94 yuan along with a lot of meat and food tickets.

Tong Xuelu had splurged on this meal.

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