Gu Miao Miao’s guess was not wrong.

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There was a musical instrument store in the market district not far from the villa area.

Gu You You usually saw this store when she went to kindergarten. 

So, she followed the path in her memory, and she really found the store.

A few minutes later, You You walked out of the musical instrument store with a brand new violin on her back.

Got it… a present for my sister!

Now my sister won’t be angry anymore when she gets the violin!!

…It’s a pity that her piggy bank was smashed.

The little piggy bank was bought for her by her father, and it was stuffed with all her lucky money. 

Even though the piggy bank was not big, it was filled with big banknotes.

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In the beginning, when the clerks of the musical instrument store saw that the kid was too young to buy anything, Gu You You directly smashed the piggy bank.

Seeing the scattered money, the clerk really sold the violin.

But… Along the way, Gu You You felt a little dazed.

Is the way back home left or right??

“Little girl?” A man’s voice came from behind.

Hearing the voice, Gu You You was startled, and when she looked back, she saw an unfamiliar uncle who she didn’t know.

“Who are you?”

You You looked vigilantly at the unknown uncle, hugged her violin, and took a step back.

The man didn’t look ugly, his facial features were straight, and his appearance was nothing like an abnormal person.

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The man crouched down and asked with a smile, “Is this the violin you just bought?”

Seeing him asking about the violin, You You nodded and replied, “I bought this for my sister.”

As she answered, she thought to herself, what her mother and teacher said— Not to go with strangers, not to eat what strangers give…

“Sister.” The man followed her words and slowly said, “Then uncle will take you to find your sister, okay?”

Hearing this, You You was surprised, “Does uncle know my sister?”

He knew… the ghost.

He just started to follow this little girl from afar, and followed her all the way here, after confirming that she came out alone, he took the opportunity to act.

There were many pedestrians around, so he didn’t dare to kidnap the child directly, so he stepped forward to talk first.

“Of course I know, it’s your sister who asked me to come to find you.” The man softly whispered, coaxing Yoy You.

The three-year-old You You had always been well protected by her family, and she naturally trusted people who claimed to know her sister.

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Since he said he knew his sister, then he was not considered an unfamiliar uncle.

You You said, “Then please take me to find my sister, I can’t find my way home.”

Silly You You did not hesitate to sell herself completely.

Hearing this, the man raised his eyebrows with joy, quickly took You You’s little hand, and said, “Okay, okay, uncle will take you to find your sister…”

Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly felt the hands behind him pressing on his shoulders.

Gu Miao Miao gnashed her teeth and a breathless voice came from behind him, “I am going to find your father first…!”  

Trafficker, “???”

Hearing the girl’s voice, the trafficker was stunned for a while, before realizing that the little girl was scolding him just now.

Before he could speak anything, Gu Miao Miao covered You You’s ears and said, “You dare to start kidnapping under surveillance. You are really not bright, just plain stupid.”

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“Having hands and feet, still living by abducting and selling children, I feel sorry for the eighteenth generation of your ancestors, how did they give birth to unworthy descendants like you.”

The Trafficker thought, what kind of kid is this?

Before he regained his senses, the girl called out two big passers-by, pointed at him, and shouted, “He is a trafficker, hurry up and call the police.”

Hearing this, the trafficker wanted to hug You You and ran away on the spot. This act was tantamount to announcing himself as a child trafficker.

The two big men immediately came to help, he took the thin monkey-like trafficker on the spot and decisively called the police.

After calling the police, the police came quickly and Gu You You and Gu Miao Miao were also taken back to the police station. 

After inquiring about the situation, the police called Gu’s family and asked the parents to come to the police station to report.

The three-year-old You You was still too young and looked ignorant, so the police thought only asked Gu Miao Miao the questions

(Translated by Beauty Brute.)

And You You, who didn’t know that she was almost abducted, sat outside and conversed with a small police dog in the police station.

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