“Wang! Wang!!”

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The police dog was only four or five months old and had not been trained yet. It barked very fiercely and looked quite cute.

Gu You You tentatively reached out and cautiously approached the little police dog tied by the dog chain.

“…you…why are you shouting so loudly?” You You squatted in front of it, swallowing in fear and slowly said, “My, my dad said…it’s impolite to yell…”

The little police dog, “Wang! Wang!! Wang Wang!!!”

Hearing the bark getting louder, Gu You You shivered with fright and retracted her hand.

She didn’t know why, but since she was a child, she had no relationship with animals. 

The cats and dogs she saw on the road either barked at her or ran away as soon as she got close.

Seeing the cute puppy but not able to touch it, Gu You You threw her arms angrily.

If you can’t touch it, don’t touch it.

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“Wang! Wang! Wang!”

When the Sister Police came out with Gu Miao Miao, You You was still arguing with the little police dog.

But as soon as she saw Gu Miao Miao, she immediately stood up, and ran in front of her.

With smiling eyes, she spread her palms and excitedly said, “Sister, eat candy!”

In the palm of Gu You You’s hand there was a hard candy.

This was given to her by a fat policeman just now. You You didn’t want to eat the candy by herself. 

So, she kept it in her hand and wanted to give it to her sister.

Seeing the look of anticipation on the little dumpling’s face, Gu Miao Miao, who wasn’t used to this kind of ardent gesture, stiffly pushed the candy back.

“I don’t eat it.” She paused, then quietly added, “I don’t like sugar.”

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Gu You You tilted her head, confused at the fact that there are children who don’t like candy.

But she didn’t force it, she turned around and ran to get something else.

“Sister, look! For you!”

Gu You You held the violin she had purchased earlier in front of Gu Miao Miao.

The violin was a bit big for her, but the little girl’s fleshy little arm still held it high for her.

The half of the little girl’s face exposed above the piano case was full of pure eagerness, so clear and translucent that it almost glowed, as if the whole person was illuminated by trusting and anticipating gaze—

The look in the little girl’s eyes was like she was waiting for praise after doing a good thing.

Gu Miao Miao swallowed back the scolding that came to her mouth.

“…The one arrested just now was a human trafficker.” Gu Miao Miao tried her best to educate her while keeping a cold face, trying not to be distracted by her cuteness.

“You were almost abducted by him to be a child bride in the mountains, do you know??”

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Hearing this, Gu You You tilted her head and asked, “What is a child bride?”

Gu Miao Miao, “…”

Gu Miao Miao really didn’t know how to explain to a three-year-old silly white girl, what a child bride was?!

So, she perfunctorily said, “In short, that person just wants to take you away from home, so that you will never see your parents again, and you will be beaten if you don’t obey him, and he will never give you enough food.”

After speaking, Gu Miao Miao thought that what she said was scary enough, but she was stunned again soon.

Gu You You thought about it for a moment and tentatively asked, “…Can’t I drink strawberry milk too?”

Gu Miao Miao was startled by the child’s brain circuit, but still answered, “No!”

Hearing the affirmation, Gu You You flattened her mouth in fear, “Yooo, can’t drink strawberry milk.”

Gu Miao Miao, “…”

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“But…” You You suddenly thought about it again, not knowing what she thought but she clapped her hands happily, “You You has a sister! My sister will protect me! You You is not afraid!”

Hearing this, Gu Miao Miao suddenly showed an incomprehensible look.

“…Why should I protect you?”

Gu You You was very determined, looking at Gu Miao Miao with the innocent and trusting eyes of a newborn chick, and started blowing the rainbow fart seriously, “Because my sister is the best in the world! The kindest! The cutest big sister!”

Gu Miao Miao, “…”

Gu Miao Miao felt that being stared at by these innocent eyes when she was about to speak harshly was indeed a test of conscience.

She held the violin that You You shoved into her arms, pursed her lips, and fell silent for a while, while pretending to be indifferent, she said, “All right.”

“It’s not for you, it’s just… a thank you gift for giving me the violin.”

Soon, Yu Lan rushed to the police station to pick up Gu You You and Gu Miao Miao.

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