Ji Mingxia stared at Yu Ning blankly,  only after a few seconds did he suddenly react and almost jumped up from his spot.

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Tong Jing was the head of the hotel and could mobilise all the staff in the hotel.


They were able to meet Tong Jing because on the first night, he and Zhao Zhuoye had fallen into the water and almost died.


In any hotel, the safety of customers’ lives is considered very important, and in serious accidents, it could make the social news pages.


Such an incident must be resolved by the highest-ranking person in charge.


However, there was no accident at the spa, and in the eyes of outsiders, it was just Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning’s nonsense.


In that situation, Tong Jing, the person in charge, not only appeared, but was even very cooperative.


When Yu Ning said he suspected that the SPA was unclean, Tong Jing personally sent people to the SPA and went to great lengths to investigate.


After concluding that there were no problems, not only did she not blame them, but she even gave them a gift.


Ji Mingxia still retained the memory of the previous day and at first glance, there was nothing unusual about Tong Jing’s behavior.


But once you think out of the box and think about it carefully, it was simply too abnormal.


They were just ordinary guests, why would the hotel cooperate with them like that?


Yu Ning woke up the dreamer with a word, and once enlightened, Ji Mingxia had no other thought in his head than “shit”.


Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning and said, “So, you began to suspect Tong Jing since then?”


Yu Ning nodded, “Well, after checking out bills, I was 100% sure it was her.”


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“Checking the bills?” Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning in confusion.


It was only after a few seconds that Ji Mingxia suddenly remembered. While waiting for the surveillance video to be sent over, Yu Ning had refused Tong Jing’s kind offer and inquired about how much would be refunded if they left that day.


Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning in shock: “I thought you were calculating our bills, as well as Zhao Zhuoye’s  and the others, to see how much should be refunded after checking out.”


Yu Ning said, “They were safe and did not need to check out, it was actually us who should have checked out.”


Ji Mingxia said, “But we were here for the ring, we couldn’t leave either ……”


Thinking back now, Ji Mingxia found that Yu Ning’s request to calculate the room charge was, in fact, illogical.


But then again, no one other than Yu Ning himself would suspect that there was anything wrong with his actions.


After all, having just expressed his dissatisfaction with the hotel, it was a normal act to ask for a refund.


Ji Mingxia said, “So, why were you calculating the bills?”


Yu Ning said, “Do you still remember that after you and Zhao Zhouye fell into the water, Tong Jing promised to upgrade all of us to lifetime VIP membership on behalf of the hotel as a gesture of apology.”


Ji Mingxia thought about it, and it seemed that there was such a thing.


But at that time, his attention was all on the paranormal incident, and he didn’t give any attention to the compensation.


Fortunately, it had happened just two days ago and Yu Ning had reminded him in time. Otherwise, if it had been a little longer, Ji Mingxia would have forgotten all about this detail.


Thinking about this, Ji Mingxia pondered, “The hotel promised us lifetime VIP membership, but there was collective memory loss the next day. Did you check the room charge to see whether the VIP membership promised was still there?”


Yu Ning nodded, “The VIP member information was registered within the data information database. The unique energy of the mysterious item was able to make people lose their memories, I wanted to see if it could make software lose its data as well.”

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Ji Mingxia did not expect that Yu Ning had considered even this detail.


That was simply mystical power against scientific power.


Ji Mingxia no longer knew what to say. He thought it was just an ordinary surveillance investigation, and he never thought that Yu Ning had a deeper intention.


He had almost forgotten about the VIP membership and room fee calculation, much less paying attention to the details surrounding them.


He looked at Yu Ning with some impatience and enquired, “So what conclusion did you come up with?”


Yu Ning said, “Based on the room fee calculation results, Zhao Zhuoye and the others were still ordinary users, while us two were lifetime VIP members in the information database.”


“Only the two of us? No upgrade for Zhao Zhouye and the others?” Ji Mingxia asked in surprise, then suddenly remembered something, “Oh, I also remember that we got a VIP room because there were no double rooms. The hotel agreed to change the room and upgraded us to a VIP one .”


Yu Ning said, “Yes, it was temporarily agreed and they only gave us the upgrade. When Zhao Zhouye met the ghost, it didn’t take the initiative to attack, but when it came to us, it was more aggressive.”


The scenes from the past two days flashed through his mind, and a chill gradually crept up Ji Mingxia’s spine.


Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning: “You mean that Zhao Zhuoye’s incident was an accident? The ghost did not want to deal with him, and that its target was only the two of us? We were already being targeted the moment we entered the hotel?”


Yu Ning nodded.


By this point, Ji Mingxia had finally understood what was going on.


Mysterious items were capable of devouring each other.


Tong Jing’s first prey should have been Li Youzi.


For some unknown reason, Li Youzi was currently not in the hotel, but it didn’t matter as Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning delivered themselves to her door.

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Anyway, they were all rings, it didn't matter which one she ate so naturally, Tong Jing won’t turn down any offers.


No wonder they were suddenly given an upgrade yet there was clearly no room at the beginning. Ji Mingxia thought he was taking advantage of them, but it turned out that the other party had already set their eyes on them.


Giving benefits in advance facilitated various operations to follow. The hotel’s reputation was stabilized, while the prey would be eaten quietly.


‘I have to say, this Tong Jing is quite meticulous and very skilled. If not for Yu Ning, I would have died without knowing that I’d been played like this.’


‘But, now I have a new question. Tong Jing is so powerful, how did Yu Ning manage to not only beat her down, but also subdue the bronze mirror?’


At least the two of them worked together last time, and although he didn’t play any role, he was involved throughout the whole process.


But because of the illusion this time, they were separated. Ji Mingxia was running away the whole time, but in a few moments’ time, Yu Ning’s side was surprisingly finished.


Faced with Ji Mingxia’s question, Yu Ning explained, “Do you remember what that driver told you before we came to the Quanzhuang hotel?”


“Driver? You mean the …… ghost hitting the wall?” Ji Mingxia said as he thought back.


Yu Ning said, “For long distance drivers, driving while fatigued is most likely to occur at night. People in a state of fatigue are most likely to have all kinds of hallucinations. During the driving process, these drivers are most worried about two situations; one is to hit something that shouldn’t be hit, the second is to take the wrong road, which is commonly known as the ghost hitting the wall.”


Ji Mingxia went back into listening mode and looked at Yu Ning curiously, “This could only mean that there is something supernatural around the hotel. Is there a connection with the ring and the bronze mirror?”


Yu Ning patiently said, “The ghost hitting the wall was something that happened a few years ago, at that time, Li Youzi and Lin Siyun were still just ordinary students and hadn’t gotten the rings yet.”


Ji Mingxia was reminded of this and was shocked to realise that the two events, although seemingly the same thing, were not in the same time period.


In this way, not only did it confirm that the events happening in the hotel were unrelated to the ring, but it also showed a possibility that there was another mysterious item at work.


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Yu Ning revealed so much information that Ji Mingxia’s brain finally started turning.


He immediately came to his senses and made a guess, “If a mysterious item is related to the ghost hitting the wall incidents, and the ghost hitting the wall is related to the illusions, if combined with the ghosts we encountered, one can basically guess what the mysterious item’s modus operandi is, and what its specific abilities are.”


“That’s right.” Yu Ning said, “What it is best at is creating illusions and using fear to defeat people.”


Through Tong Jing’s methods of dealing with them, it could be deduced that Tong Jing was careful and cautious by nature. From a certain point of view, she cherished her lair and took great care to maintain the hotel’s environment and external reputation.


The root of this was to create a safe environment in which she could lie in, and have food delivered to her door.


After all, long-distance drivers would probably hit people if they encountered a ghost while driving and if people kept dying on this stretch of road, the government would surely order a road closure.


So there were only incidents of ghosts hitting the wall, and although scary, it would not attract that much concern, which was in line with Tong Jing’s style of feeding on a thin stream.


Therefore, with the establishment of Quanzhuang Hotel, the matter of the ghost hitting the wall disappeared without a trace since she was getting regular prey.


The paranormal events that Ji Mingxia and the others encountered at the Quanzhuang hotel could indeed be explained by visions and fears.


Ji Mingxia said, “So the ghosts in …… Quanzhuang hotel are refracted according to one’s inner fears.


“Zhao Zhouye saw Li Youzi’s ghost because he had his heart set on helping me find Li Youzi.”


“I saw Lin Siyun’s ghost because she was what I was most afraid of.… the illusion visualizes fear based on our inner hearts.”


“Once you are defeated by your inner fear, you will fall prey to Tong Jing and fall into the trap of amnesia?”


As Ji Mingxia said this, something suddenly came to mind.


From this, the faceless man within the spa turned out to be the personification of Yu Ning’s inner fear.

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