“Well, yes.” Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia and said,

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Ji Mingxia looked at him in confusion.


Yu Ning said, “The Faceless Man is the embodiment of my inner fear.”


“Ah?” Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning in surprise and hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand, “Did I ……did I think out loud?”


Did he unknowingly say his thoughts out loud?


This involved Yu Ning’s inner heart. He just had a fleeting thought, and did not mean to pry.


“No.” Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia and said, “You guessed Zhao Zhouye’s, guessed your own, and left mine unsaid.”


Ji Mingxia, having been guessed, said somewhat sarcastically, “I just feel …… that yours seems different from ours.”


Whether it was him or Zhao Zhouye, the ghosts from fear were based on reality and derived from the paranormal wind.


Yu Ning’s Faceless Man looked more like a horrific image formed by the negative consciousness in his heart.


Yu Ning said, “I grew up in an orphanage, and because my eyes were different from others, everyone was always afraid of me and no one played with me. In order to get people’s attention, I deliberately told a lot of supernatural stories to scare those children. They were so scared and curious that they couldn’t help but circle around me. In this way, I made friends.”


Ji Mingxia raised his head and looked at Yu Ning with some curiosity.


Yu Ning slowly said, “Little kids didn’t know any better and didn’t realise what the stories meant until those words reached the ears of the teachers. From then, not only did the kids not dare to join me, but even the adults were scared of me. At that time, someone suggested that I should be kicked out of the orphanage and left to fend for myself outside.”


Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia as he talked, “It just so happened that a circus came to perform in Funan County, they were going to perform at the stadium for seven consecutive days, and the place where they rested and landed on a daily basis was right next door to the orphanage.”


“A circus?” Ji Mingxia froze.


It was Yu Ning’s first time to mention the past and he was a little distressed while listening.  On hearing the mention of a circus, he couldn’t help but recall it.


He had also grown up in Funan County, and he had a few impressions of the circus that had performed.


Ji Mingxia said: “Was it something that happened when we were in kindergarten? I remember a car running all over the street and advertising with a loudspeaker that there was an animal show …… I even pestered my parents to take me to see it, but as far as I remember, there were no animals at all, and it was even quite boring.”

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“Hmm.” Yu Ning said, “There were no animals. The whole circus was full of people, and the people played the animals.”


Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning with some confusion.


This had happened when he was very young, and although Ji Mingxia had seen the show himself, it didn’t leave any impression so he was a little unsure of what Yu Ning meant by this statement.


Yu Ning whispered, “Singing dogs, beautiful snake women, vase girls ……”


Knowing that the circus was coming to perform and living right next door, the whole orphanage was abuzz with excitement.


The children couldn’t afford to buy tickets to see the show, but they could peek through the fence and see the daily training of the circus.


The fence was high and full of greenery in the middle so the orphanage children burrowed between the vines and then poked their heads through the gaps in the rusty fence, looking on with curiosity.


From a distance, it looked as if the faces of young children were growing among the flourishing plants.


The group of children soon attracted the attention of the circus manager, who, upon learning that they were all unwanted orphans, not only did not drive them away, but led the performers and invited them over with great enthusiasm.


The gap in the fence was not large, but it was easy for the children to get through.


The invited children happily entered the circus camp as guests, except for Yu Ning, who looked on indifferently.


It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go, but he was so used to being rejected that he actively chose to hide away and not get involved in anything.


A few days later, at the warm invitation of the children, the head of the circus came to the orphanage as a guest and met the director of the orphanage.


He offered to adopt some of the children to work in the circus.


The circus was short of people, especially children who were willing to perform.


The children are not yet fully developed. They were small, soft and malleable, and as long as they were willing to suffer, they could be fed and clothed if they joined the circus.


Once the child is handed over to the circus manager, it not only relieves the burden on the orphanage, but also helps the circus as the child is a skill of its own.

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In this way, it was killing three birds with one stone.


In those days, and in a small county, the administrative procedures were not so strict, and although all the children in the orphanage were registered, it was not difficult to send a few out.


The director of the orphanage was immediately persuaded by the circus director.


The first child that came to her mind was Yu Ning, the most unpopular child in the orphanage.


Rumours about Yu Ning had spread all over the county, and not only had it affected Yu Ning’s personal reputation, the entire orphanage had come close to being dragged down.


At such a time, handing Yu Ning over was undoubtedly the most appropriate solution.


Ji Mingxia didn’t quite understand what “singing dogs” and “beautiful snake women” were, and he couldn’t help taking out his mobile phone to search.


He had just clicked on the webpage and typed when he heard that the director of the orphanage actually intended to hand Yu Ning over. His heart tightened and he didn’t care to look at his phone. He quickly looked at Yu Ning in shock: “They wouldn’t really hand you over to the circus people, right?!”


“The director had this idea, but she didn’t implement it immediately. She first called me over to ask for my opinion.” Yu Ning said. He saw that Ji Mingxia’s cup was empty and he refilled it for him. He also put some snacks in front of Ji Mingxia so he could just raise his hand in case he wanted to eat.


“Asking for your opinion?” Ji Mingxia did not notice Yu Ning’s actions. His attention was all on Yu Ning’s words, he could not help but frown, “You were only four or five years old at that time and you wouldn’t know what that meant. How could you make such a decision!”


Yu Ning said, “Yeah, they also thought that I would be convinced, but they forgot that I could see things that normal people couldn’t see.”


When the head of the circus saw Yu Ning, his eyes lit up and he was extremely satisfied with him.


For a place like the circus, what is most feared is mediocrity.


Yu Ning’s eyes, which ordinary people found horrifying, were a bright feature for the circus people.


At the time, Yu Ning was no more than four or five years old, and the circus director could have taken him away from the orphanage as long as he agreed.


It was not difficult for most adults to persuade a young child.


The circus head brought many toys and snacks and handed them to Yu Ning, persuading him to join the circus.

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Everyone thought that Yu Ning would be impressed by the colourful toys and snacks.


However, only Yu Ning knew that all the toys were stained with blood, and that behind the seemingly amiable circus head were countless resentful spirits of children that would not dissipate for a long time.


The dead children still looked as miserable as they did before they died.


Some had their eyes gouged out, some had their skulls opened, some had their limbs chopped off, and a few children had even been sewn together.


Like a black fog, they sprawled behind the circus head and converged into a huge faceless man stretching out his hands towards Yu Ning to grab him.


Yu Ning was frightened away.


Although he saw through the circus’s plot and escaped in time, he hid outside for three whole days to avoid being “harvested” and “cut”.


A four/ five year old child, without an adult to look after him, wandered around for several days until the circus left Funan County and he returned to the orphanage.


He was already very unpopular in the orphanage, and after this incident, Yu Ning became completely invisible in the orphanage.


It was not until he was admitted to the best primary school in the county, and with the highest score, that everyone looked at him again.


He was a strange, withdrawn, gloomy student with an excellent academic performer.


The label had been with Yu Ning for most of his life and had not gone away until now.


At the same time, the search page on Ji Mingxia’s phone finally popped up.


When Ji Mingxia first heard about “singing dogs” and “beautiful snake women”, he thought it was a circus show program.


It was only when the news and pictures on the internet popped out that Ji Mingxia realised that this was actually a genocidal “harvesting and cutting”. 


The word “harvest” meant to take, to collect; “cut” meant cutting the raw material. These were usually young children who had developed normally. 


In simple terms, it meant to take a living, normal human being and turn them into a strangely shaped and disabled freak by cutting with a knife, hacking with an axe, or other means.

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The artificial creation of cripples or “freaks” was used as a pretext to gain the sympathy of the world or, as in the case of circuses, to attract the attention of the public and to obtain large sums of money from passers-by.


Because the adult body is already full-grown and difficult to cut or sculpt, the cruel and perverse practice of harvesting and cutting mostly occurred with young children.


The so-called “singing dogs” and “beautiful snake women” are young children whose limbs had been cut off and made into artificially transformed into “human-headed, dog-bodied” or “human-headed, snake-bodied” freaks, so as to achieve the purpose of attracting eyes and getting money.


At this point, Ji Mingxia remembered why he didn’t remember this circus yet he had obviously seen it.


He had been deceived by false advertising. Instead of seeing what he wanted to see, he saw all sorts of weird and bizarre performances.


At that time, he was too young to understand what the singing dogs represented behind the scenes, but he instinctively felt uncomfortable.


It wasn’t until after leaving the circus that he returned to normal. He was a young child after all, and he soon put the incident behind him, so much so that only now could he barely recall it.


Ji Mingxia looked at the photos of the victims who were harvested and cut, then at Yu Ning in front of him, and he was simply terrified.


The impact of such a thing was even greater than the frightening ghosts.


He and Yu Ning, who obviously lived in the same place, were of a similar age, yet their childhoods were very different.


Ji Mingxia lost both parents before he reached adulthood, and in the eyes of many people, was a pitiful child.


He was indeed sad and depressed for a long time, but when compared to Yu Ning, at least he had a happy childhood, and even if his parents were gone, he still had his loving grandmother.


What made Ji Mingxia most sad was that Yu Ning had such an experience, and was in a way, also “artificial”. The story of his past was summarized as “growing up in an orphanage “


The novel started at Yu Ning’s university life and focused more on the adventures of Yu Ning and Pei Yuan, with little detail on the past.


The easiest way for authors not to waste ink on portraying family members was to make the protagonist all alone. The most common setting was to have both parents dead and the protagonist growing up in an orphanage.


Ji Mingxia had even seen many protagonists who came straight out of mental hospitals.


When you’re used to seeing that kind of persona, you don’t even think about how the protagonist survived the first ten years or so when you read the novel.

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