Hi there! My name is Kirara and as you might have guessed, I absolutely adore everything that sparkles. My love for reading webnovels and light...

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After finishing my first outing, every time a holiday came around, I would go out of town with my father to learn practical knowledge needed for adventurers. Today, I went to the forest with him again to learn how to handle getting lost in the forest and how to identify herbs. After finishing our excursion training in the forest, he approached me.

“Lark… thanks to the sudden increase in your level, you’re moving much better than before.”

“Yes, but because my stats have rapidly increased, adjusting the power of my magic is still a bit difficult.”

“Is that so? I don’t use magic very often, so I’ve never really thought about it…”

Father muttered to himself. Unlike me, who excels at medium-range combat, he is the type to fight in the vanguard and his armor is built for defense.

“Come to think of it, I’ve never seen your stats before, Father.”

“I have a record of the stats from when I was appraised before. Do you want to see it?”


When I nodded, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to me.

[Level] 176

[SP] 232


[Magic] 5632

[Agility] 8448

[Dexterity] 4928

[Luck] 59

“I only wrote down my ability values because it was too much of a hassle to write everything, but it’s something like this.”

“Thank you… huh?”

Looking at the paper with his stats, I noticed something. Later, I used my own “Appraising Eye” to display my stats.

[Name] Lark Voltoris

[Age] 12

[Race] Human

[Gender] Male

[Status] Healthy

[Level] 38

[SP] 370

[Strength] 3960

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[Mana] 4552

[Agility] 4256

[Dexterity] 2865

[Luck] 51

[Skills] Cooking: 3, Useful Box: 3, Daily Life Magic: 1, Appraising Eye: 3, Short Sword Technique: 3, Mana Control: 3, Sewing: 2, Concentration: 4, Faith: 5, Wordless Incantation: 3, Synthesis Magic: 3, Presence Detection: 3, Martial Arts: 3, Swordsmanship: 2, Physical Ability Enhancement: 3, Poison Resistance: 1, Mental Resistance: 3, Hunger Resistance: 1, Fire Magic: 3, Wind Magic: 4, Water Magic: 3, Earth Magic: 2, Light Magic: 1 , Dark Magic: 1, Thunder Magic: 1, Ice Magic: 2, Holy Magic: 1 , Null Magic: 2

[Special Abilities] Enhanced Memory Capacity, World Language, EXP Amplification: 10x, God’s Veil,

[Divine Technique] Miraculous Sacred Light, God Summoning Magic

[Blessings] Samadyla’s Protection, Magilt’s Protection, Goldra’s Protection

[Title] The Reincarnated, The God’s Host, The Blessed, Individual who has Reached the Limit, Believer, Divine One

(Isn’t my stats value pretty high?)

Although Father’s level is over four times higher than mine, the difference in our ability values reallyisn’t that big.

(Come to think of it, could it be because of the title that makes it easier for my ability values to increase?)

Upon seeing his stats, I was able to recognize my own strength once again.

“How about that? It’s not often you see someone surpass level 150, you know?” Father bragged.

As he said, I had heard before that while there were quite a few people in our country of Recommetys with levels over 100, there were hardly any who exceeded 150. This was because the higher the level, the harder it becomes to increase it.

By the way, it was said that the current king of the kingdom, Ars, had the highest level. He had once publicly released his own status for the sake of entertainment, and at that time, it was said that he had exceeded 200.

I had asked him about this rumor before, and he had replied with a smile, “Occasionally, I hunt monsters too, so I have definitely gone up even more now.”

Anyway, I asked Father to confirm his ability values.

“Father, can I ask you a question?”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“What is the average ability value for people at the same level as me?”

“Average value? Well… It varies depending on the effort put in, but for someone like Lark at your level, it’s around 1500, I think. Of course, there are people with even higher values due to individual differences.”

Upon hearing those words, I was convinced that my ability values were abnormally high.

(Samady-san…the title I received is too strong!)

I couldn’t help but snicker inside my head.

“So, what are Lark’s stats values?” Father asked.

Um, I don’t want to be thought of as weird for being honest about this…

“Uh…it’s around an average of 2000.”

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I thought that and ended up lying.

“I see, 2000. That means the increase rate of your foundation must be pretty high,” he nodded.

As I was praised, my chest felt a little painful. Feeling a slight sense of guilt, I decided to ask about something that was bothering me.

“Um, what is the range of increase for basic stats?”

“You know that ability values can be increased not only through daily training, but also by leveling up, right? And the range of increase in ability values that come with each level up is predetermined. It varies depending on the race, but for humans, it’s generally said to be between 15 to 30. In addition, if you have any blessings or titles that affect your ability values, the adjustments will be reflected in your status.”

“I see, so that’s how it works.”

So there’s such a thing as the range of increase for basic stats. I’ll make sure to remember that.

After that, I decided to head back to town with Father and leave the forest. As we were walking through the grasslands, I noticed a person wearing a hood walking towards us.

I wondered if that person was an adventurer, so I casually talked to Father, “What would you like for dinner tonight, Father?”

“Hmm, let me think…”

As we talked about trivial things, we passed by the hooded person. At that moment, I heard the hooded person muttering “Found you.” The next instant, the scenery in front of me suddenly changed from the grasslands to somewhere dark.


I was confused by the sudden turn of events and looked around, but it was too dark to see anything. I cast a fire attribute magic to light up the surroundings and was met with an even more shocking sight.

“A… dra… gon…!?”

Yes, in front of me was a silver dragon that was several times bigger than me.

I recalled the silver shadow I saw from my window the other day. It must have been this dragon. Feeling overwhelmed by its presence, my legs started shaking and I fell on my backside with a thud. This was my first time seeing a dragon, and it was incredibly intimidating.

“Heh, you react more like a human compared to that one,” the dragon said, looking at me.


At that moment, a mocking voice could be heard from somewhere. Are there other humans here besides me? I darted my eyes around to see whereabouts of the voice. For some reason, I seemed to have teleported to what appears to be a cave. However, no matter how much I looked around, there was only me and a dragon here.

“Why are you looking around like that? I am right in front of you.”

“……Huh, could it be that this voice is coming from the dragon in front of me?”

“That’s right. The dragon in front of you is speaking. I am Shafar, a wise dragon who has existed since the beginning of this world. Humans also call me the Silver Dragon. And what is your name?”

“M-My name is Lark!” I hastily told the dragon, who introduced himself as Shafar, my name.

I didn’t want to offend him and get eaten.

So, the Silver Dragon really exists. It’s so sudden that I don’t really feel like it’s real.

“I see, your name is Lark… Oh, sorry about that. I left my ‘Intimidation’ skill on to create the right atmosphere.”

As soon as Shafar said this, the overbearing pressure I felt before disappeared. It turned out that the intimidation I was feeling just now was caused by his skill.

Anyway, if we can communicate, I’ll ask about the current situation.

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“Um, excuse me! Why am I here? I was with my father on the grasslands just a moment ago.”

“That’s because I used my body double to teleport you here,” Shafar answered and summoned the hooded person I saw on the grasslands in front of me.

I don’t really understand, but is that hooded person a clone created by Shafar’s magic? It’s surprising that a dragon can create a human clone and even use teleportation magic. However, I still don’t get why Shafar called me here.

“Um, I understand how we moved, but why did you bring me here in the first place?” I asked again, still not fully grasping the situation.

“Well, originally I was planning to ask someone else, but they declined because they had other things to do. So, I asked around for other candidates and have been searching for your whereabouts for a few months now. It was quite difficult to find since my power has greatly diminished,” Shafar explained in detail. “I mentioned earlier that I have existed since the beginning of this world. The reason for that is because even if I die, I can be reincarnated. The interval is once every several hundred years. This is the place I use for my reincarnation… let’s call it the space for reincarnation,” he further added to his lengthy explanation.

“Reincarnation…?” I was surprised, wondering if such a thing was possible. Then I remembered that I had also reincarnated once. Moreover, since I came from Earth to a different world, I might be even rarer.

Shafar continued speaking, “As a young, reincarnated dragon, I need to supply myself with a large amount of magical power to grow into an adult. Although I can acquire magical power on my own when I reach a certain level of growth, it is difficult to do so as a young one. I need to receive magical power from other dragons, monsters, humans, or other beings.”

“So, in other words, until you reach a certain size, you need someone to take care of you?”

“Well, that’s one way to put it. However, even though I look like this, I am considered to be a high-ranking dragon species, so I don’t like to receive help from others. There was a time when I tried to live without relying on others’ power after reincarnating, but I always died from being attacked by monsters before I could grow, so it didn’t work out,” Shafar said with a bitter expression.

Well, even if you’re a legendary dragon, it’s natural to be weak when you’re just born.

“But now you’re growing normally, right? Did you end up receiving magical power from other beings?”

“No, that’s not it. Several hundred years ago, I was approached by a certain human clan to make a contract. They offered to provide me with magical power in exchange for using my remains as a material to protect their clan from all dangers after I become an adult. I never thought I would be able to obtain magical power in an equal position, so I decided to make the contract,” Shafar replied, shaking his head when I asked about my relationship to the situation.

“Huh? I understand that, but what does that have to do with me?” I asked.

“What, even after I explained everything, you still don’t understand? In other words, you are the descendant of the clan with whom I made the contract. I want to receive magical power from you,” Shafar bellowed.

“What!?” I exclaimed in surprise.

Overcome with surprise, I let out a loud voice.

So, either my father who abandoned me or my mother who died young has the bloodline of the clan that once formed a contract with the Silver Dragon. I never expected to uncover the secret of my family lineage at this timing…

“However, how do you know that I am from that clan?”

“The feel of your magic and your silver hair…there’s no mistaking it. You are a descendant of the one who made a contract with me.”

“Is that…is that really true?”

Seeing me in confusion, Shafar added with a pleased expression, “You have a completely different personality from the one I called before. It’s easier to talk to you, but you seem to be too surprised…So, what do you say? Would you share your magic with me until I grow up? My lifespan seems to be running out and I’ll be in trouble if I don’t reincarnate soon.”

I then thought for a moment after hearing his pleas.

Hmm, I want to help someone in need…or rather, I want to help a dragon if possible. He doesn’t seem like a bad dragon, so maybe I can share my magic with him?

“Um…yes. As long as there’s no harm to me by sharing my magic, I don’t mind. But, can I ask how much magic should I provide?”

“Hmm, thanks. To tell you the truth, the amount of magic needed for growth is enormous, far beyond what a human can provide in a day. Therefore, I will spend some time with you. Of course, I will adjust my life to yours, is that okay?”


Satisfied with my reply, Shafar suddenly fell down with a thud. As I wondered what was going on, the space in front of me started to shine. Eventually, the light subsided, and a small dragon about 50 centimeters long appeared on my head.

“Um…is that Shafar…san?”

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“Yes, that’s right,” Shafar’s voice echoed in my head.

“Wow! Directly in my brain!”

“Oops, sorry. I forgot to tell you that I can only communicate telepathically right after reincarnating. Anyway, Lark, would you share your magic with me now?”

I was surprised, but then followed Shafar’s instructions.

But how do I share my magic? As I thought about it, another telepathic message arrived in my mind.

“Simply put your hand on me and emit your magic. I will take care of the rest.”

As instructed, I raised both hands and released my magic power, and Shafar absorbed it, stretching his body comfortably.

(Phew, that’s enough for now. Thank you. I don’t want to burden you any further.)

“No, I’m still okay. Please let me know if you need more.”

(Oh, it seems like you have quite a lot of magic power. Can I have some more?)

With that, I shared more magic power with him. Shafar absorbed it happily again, but despite sharing quite a bit, there was no sign of his body growing larger. As I heard earlier, it seemed that he needed a considerable amount of magic power to grow.

Now that things were settled, I thought about going back home quickly so as not to worry my father too much, but then I realized that I didn’t know how to get back.

Well, I could just ask him to teleport me.

“Um, there’s something I’d like to ask for…”

(What is it? If it’s something I can do in my current state, just tell me.)

“I’d like to go back to the royal capital. Can you teleport me like you did earlier?” I said it casually, but for some reason, there was no reply. When I began to have a bad feeling, the telepathic voice finally reached me again.

“…I’m sorry, but as a young dragon, I don’t have enough magic power to use teleportation magic. I was in such a hurry to reincarnate that I forgot about the way back…”


“However, since we’re very close to the royal capital, you can get there easily on foot. And as the wise dragon, I can guide you on the way there, so you don’t have to worry.”

…Can he really be called a wise dragon when he makes such a beginner’s mistake? Well, since he knows the way, it’s okay. Let’s get going.

When I tried to leave the cave, Shafar sent me another telepathic message.

“Wait, Lark. What about my remains? You can disassemble me and take me with you if you want.”

“That’s right…”

I remembered that dragon scales and fangs are good materials for weapons. I decided to put it in my “Useful Box” for now. I raised both hands to Shafar’s remains and activated my “Useful Box” skill. I was a little worried if it would fit because it was huge, but it was safely stored.

“I can’t believe you have a storage skill that can fit my entire body.”

“I was a little worried because it was the first time I stored something this big, but it fit surprisingly well.”

“You don’t even understand the effects of your own skills…” he said, amazed.

Anyway, I left the cave with Shafar, who had shrunk to a small size, on my head.

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