Hi there! My name is Kirara and as you might have guessed, I absolutely adore everything that sparkles. My love for reading webnovels and light...

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According to the Silver Dragon Shafal, it seemed that we were on the mountainside of “Silver Dragon Mountain,” located in the Leblanc Kingdom, adjacent to the Recommetys Kingdom. When Father told me about the legend of the silver dragon living there, I wanted to visit someday, but I never thought it would happen so soon.

The Silver Dragon Mountain usually swarmed with monsters, but since Shafal returned to this mountain to be reincarnated, the monsters were either hiding or fleeing in fear. I was told to descend the mountain while I had the chance, so I followed the instructions and walked along the mountain path.

On the way, I talked to Shafal, who was perching on my head.

“You know, we really haven’t encountered any monsters, Shafal-san.”

(The average monster flees the moment they sense my magical power. By the way, Lark, we are in an equal relationship since we formed a contract. Just drop the ‘san.’)

“Ah, understood.”

We walked for a while, descended the mountain, and passed through the forest at the foot of the mountain.

Continuing straight, we found a well-maintained road that seemed like a highway. It branched to the left and right.

(If you go left, you’ll reach the royal capital of Recommetys.)

“Thank you,” I thanked Shafal for giving me directions and headed down the left path.

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As we walked, I asked Shafal about his past. Apparently, one of my ancestors tried to make Shafal his familiar long ago.

“Becoming a human’s familiar… Is that okay for a silver dragon’s pride?”

(I have no objection to becoming a familiar. I once heard that being a familiar allows one to live a very comfortable life. So, I thought it was fine to become one, but because my power as a species was too strong, it didn’t work out.)

Hearing Shafal’s words, I suddenly remembered something and stopped.

Shafal might’ve been a divine beast-like existence. If the your counterpart is a divine beast, I heard that they couldn’t be subjugated with regular familiar magic.

That’s when I remembered that I had received a special ability called “Divine Familiar Magic” from Samady during my time in the divine realm the other day. If I remember correctly, with “Divine Familiar Magic,” I should be able to make even a divine beast my familiar.

“Um, just hypothetically, would you want to become my familiar if you could?”

(Hmm, it would be less troublesome for me, too. I’ve heard that when you become a familiar, you naturally receive your master’s magical power just by being together. I’ve also thought that controlling and replenishing my magic was bothersome… *yawns*)

Shafal said that and yawned widely.

“With my ability, I think I can make you my familiar.”

(W-what?! What do you mean?)

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Surprised by my words while yawning, Shafal made a strange noise and brought his face close to mine.

“It’s hard to explain, but… Anyway, if you genuinely want to become my familiar, I think you can. Do you really want to become my familiar?”

(Well, yes… I can tell from your magical aura that you’re not a bad person, and I genuinely want to become your familiar.)

Shafal answered with a serious expression.

If that’s the case, I want to fulfill that wish for him. Alright, let’s use “Divine Familiar Magic.”

Holding Shafal, who was perched on my head, with both hands, I brought him to face me directly. Next, I focused my consciousness and activated the “Divine Familiar Magic”. As a result, a crest signifying the completion of the familiar contract was engraved on Shafal’s shoulder.

(Woah! I really became a familiar!? Lark, how did you do it?)

“Well, you see, my ‘Divine Familiar Magic’ can not only subdue monsters but also divine beasts. I was thinking about it after hearing your story earlier, and I believe Shafal must be a type of divine beast. Ordinary familiar magic cannot subdue divine beasts, so perhaps that was the reason for the previous failure.”

(Hmm, now that you mention it, I think I received an oracle from a self-proclaimed god a few hundred years ago… I didn’t pay much attention to the conversation, so I hardly remember it, but if I recall correctly, they did mention something about divine beasts.)

As Shafal spoke, he fluttered his small wings, left my arm, and returned to the top of my head.

“It’s possible that when you received the oracle, your race changed from a dragon to a divine beast.”

(Who knows? I currently have no way of determining my own abilities. Lark, can you see my status?)

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Let’s see… Should I try using “Appraising Eye”?

I focused my consciousness and stared at Shafal, but… Huh? Nothing is being displayed.

I tried activating “Appraisal Eye” several more times, but I still could not confirm Shafal’s status.

“Hmm… I tried several times, but I couldn’t appraise you at all.”

Is it simply that the level of my “Appraising Eye” is too low, or is Shafal possessing a top-class hindrance skill like “God’s Veil”? I don’t know the cause, but it seems that I cannot see Shafal’s status in the current situation.

Well, I guess I won’t think too deeply about it for now. More importantly, I need to return to the royal capital quickly. Father must’ve been worried sick.

(That’s right. As a familiar, I can enter my master’s inner space.)

The moment Shafal sent his telepathic message as if muttering to himself, Shafal, who was supposed to be on my head, suddenly vanished.

“Wha-? Shafal!? Where did you go!?”

As I panicked and looked around, I heard his telepathic voice again.

(Don’t worry. I’m simply inside you. I’m in a place that only familiars can enter, within their master… Oh, this place feels like this, huh…)

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That explanation doesn’t help! What’s the principle behind familiars entering their master’s inner space? And where exactly is “inside me”?

“Wait, I don’t understand at all! Please explain more!”

However, despite my outcry, Shafal did not reply at all.

“… Sigh, he hasn’t come out since then.”

Having been left alone, I gave up on calling Shafal back and resumed my journey towards Recommetys.

There isn’t a foreign body sensation or anything like that… but when I think about the fact that Shafal is inside me, I can’t help but feel a bit restless.

As I walked, the sun set, and the surroundings grew dark, so I decided to stop for the day and camp out for the night.

Fortunately, the “Useful Box” contains a tent, lighting equipment, pots and pans for cooking, tableware, and a simple set of adventurer’s tools. There’s also food stored inside, so I won’t have to worry about struggling for a few days.

I pitched the tent on a grassy plain just off the main road and used earth magic to create a spiked fence around the area to ward off monsters. Then, I began preparing dinner.

“Let’s just have something really simple today…” I muttered to myself as I eat the rice I cooked and saved at home, along with a soup of meat and vegetables.

I wonder if Shafal will eat, too. I tried calling him, but as expected, there was no response. Well, he’ll probably come out on his own when he’s hungry. But what do dragons eat? Is it meat?

After that, I prepared for bed, entered the tent, and snuggled into my sleeping bag. With my eyes closed, I recited a prayer for Samady and the others before falling asleep.

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