Hi there! My name is Kirara and as you might have guessed, I absolutely adore everything that sparkles. My love for reading webnovels and light...

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The next day, Leticia and I gathered at the guild and registered our party with Father at the reception.

“So you two decided to form a party just yesterday?” Father said, looking slightly surprised, and Leticia-san replied with a smile:

“Yes. From now on, we’ll do our best as party members.”

“Hahaha, just don’t push yourselves too hard.”

…Hmm? Seems like Leticia-san can talk to Father normally. I’ve heard that his scary face can make even adults run away, let alone children. Come to think of it, she was talking to him normally yesterday as well.

“Leticia-san, are you able to talk to Father normally?”

When I asked, Leticia-san nodded without hesitation. “Yeah, well. I’ve played with Guldo-sama when I was young, so I don’t really feel nervous.”

“I see.”

“I didn’t realize who you were until Lark told me your name. You’ve grown a lot.”

At Father’s words, Leticia-san laughed shyly.

After registering our party, we went to the bulletin board where request papers were posted. Looking for a suitable request that matched our rank, we found a slightly unusual request from a townsperson that said, “I want help with my work.”

It seemed to have been posted a few days ago, seeing the paper wrinkled. The fact that it hadn’t been taken for a few days might mean that the person who posted this request is in trouble now.

Thinking that, I turned to Leticia-san, saying, “Leticia-san, is it okay if we take this request?”

“Yeah, of course, it’s fine.”

Having received permission, I took the request paper and returned to Father’s reception desk.

“Oh! Lark, are you going to accept this request?”

“Yes. If there’s someone in need, I want to help.”

“I see, understood. These kinds of requests don’t offer much reward money, so there aren’t many people willing to take them. It’s helpful that you’re accepting it. The client’s name is Thomas, and he wants the person who accepts the request to come to his home. The location of his house is on this map, so you should take it with you.”

I received the map from Father and left the guild with Leticia. Thanks to the map, we arrived at the client’s house without any issues. For now, I pressed the doorbell.

“Yes, I’m coming.”

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Then, a voice accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps came from deep within the house. A few seconds later, the door opened with a click, revealing a young man. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were dirty.

“We came from the guild for your request. Are you Thomas-san?”

“Yes, I’m Thomas. You know, I didn’t think anyone would come for my request again since it’s not that popular.”

Again? Does that mean he’s submitted requests several times before? Anyway, let’s ask about the nature of his request.

“You mentioned that you need help with your work, but what kind of help do you need with?”

“Let’s talk about that inside. Come on in.”

As Thomas invited us, we entered his house. In the living room, after Thomas served us tea followed by my and Leticia’s introduction, his eyes widened in surprise.

“Wait, are you Lark, Guldo-san’s child? And Leticia, are you Maurice-san’s daughter?”

As Leticia and I nodded, Thomas’s eyes sparkled.

“I can’t believe the children of former A-rank adventurers are here to help me.”

Seeing his reaction, I realized how great Father and Maurice were. We then chatted a little about our parents and the world before moving on to the request.

“Now, let’s get to the main topic. This time, I’d like your help with creating a work of art.”

“‘A work of art?’” At Thomas’s words, Leticia and I responded in unison.

“Wait just a moment,” Thomas said with a smile before disappearing into a room at the back of the house. He then returned carrying a large picture frame. Inside the frame, I caught a glimpse of a painting of a dragon.

“Is that… something you painted, Thomas-san?”

“Yes, I’m an artist. I paint various pictures and sell them. I think I’m somewhat well-known, at least,” he replied, showing us the painting.

… I feel like I’ve seen this style before… Ah!

“Could it be… Thomas-san, are you the one who drew the silver dragon painting displayed at the academy!?”

“Yeah, that’s right. The headmistress had asked me to draw a powerful dragon painting…” he muttered. However, after reminiscing his creation, Thomas’s shoulders slumped for some reason. “But personally, I don’t really like that painting. It’s not like I drew it after seeing a real silver dragon.”

“Is that so?”

Even though it’s such a well-done painting, he’s not satisfied… He must have such a high professionalism sense inside him…

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Thomas was looking down for a while, but eventually, he raised his face and brought up the main subject. “So, about this request, I want you to show me something impactful as a model for me to draw an amazing, powerful painting. It can be anything that strikes a chord with my senses… For example, it would be perfect if you could show me a dragon like the silver dragon,” he ended with a joking tone.


Leticia and I exchanged glances.

“What should we do, Lark? Do you have something that’s that powerful?” Leticia whispered to me with a troubled expression.

“…Uh, yes, I do.”

That’s right, I have a silver dragon. To be precise, I have the remains of Shafal, which were left behind after his reincarnation. I had planned to dismantle it and use it as material once, but I ended up leaving it alone since I liked my current equipment.

“Really? What kind of thing is it?”

“…It’s the remains of a dragon.”


Leticia looked puzzled, which was a natural reaction. I decided to explain later.

I decided to check in with Thomas, “Um, is it a living dragon that you want to see, Thomas-san?”

“Hahaha, I wouldn’t ask for something so unreasonable. It could be a scale, a fang, or something like that, anything that can help me imagine the real thing. I’ve never seen a dragon before, so if you can show me something like that, I’d be grateful… But actually, I was half-joking earlier, so it doesn’t have to be a dragon. Dragon materials rarely appear in the market anyway.”

“Well, Thomas-san… The thing is, I happen to have the remains of a dragon due to certain circumstances.”


The moment he heard my words, Thomas’s eyes popped. “La-Lark, you’ve actually defeated a dragon!?” he exclaimed.

“No, it was more like a coincidence that I obtained it… Anyway, would you like to see it?”

“I’d love to! Where can I see it?”

Hmm, it’s too cramped to take it out here… We need to move to a larger space.

“I can prepare it if we go to a spacious place, do you know any good spots? I’d appreciate it if it’s a quiet place since I don’t want to attract attention.”

When I asked again, Thomas let out a thoughtful hum. “In that case, let’s go outside the town. I have an idea, so we don’t have to worry about prying eyes.”

Afterward, we left Thomas’s house and headed out of the town.

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“Alright, I’m going to cast the magic now.”

In a grassy field about five minutes’ walk from the town’s outskirts, Thomas held both his hands up. The next moment, I could sense that our surroundings were enveloped by magical power. It seemed to cover a radius of about ten meters with us at the center.

As I wondered about this, Thomas explained, “I’ve just used a concealment magic. With this, we won’t be visible from the outside.”

“Wow, that’s quite amazing magic. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

“Neither have I,” I said, marveling along with Leticia.

Thomas scratched his head bashfully, “All I can do is these strange magics. On the other hand, I’m pretty much useless with normal magic. Every time I go out, I have to hire adventurers.”

“Is that so… Well then, let me show you right away.”

“Alright, please do.”

I put some distance between Thomas and the others, and I summoned the corpse of Shafal from before his reincarnation using the “Useful Box.”

Upon seeing the corpse of Shafal emerge from another dimension, Thomas’s eyes sparkled brightly.

“Wow! This is incredible!”

Quickly afterward, he began to examine Shafar’s body with enthusiasm.

At that moment, Leticia, who had been waiting behind us, came over and whispered into my ear, “Your storage skill can hold such big things, huh, Lark-kun? More importantly, that dragon has silver scales… Could it be…?”

“Yes, it’s a Silver Dragon. I’ll explain in detail later.”

Afterwards, Thomas, who seemed to have finished his observations, came back to us.

“I’ve completely memorized the appearance of this dragon, so it’s all good now. I feel like I can draw a piece I’ve never done before. Thank you, Lark-kun and Leticia-san.”

I’m glad he seemed satisfied.

I put Shafal’s corpse back into the “Useful Box” and returned to town. We went straight to the guild with Thomas and reported the completion of the request. We received the reward money from Father, and then escorted Thomas home. After that, I invited Leticia to our house to explain the situation.

While drinking tea in the living room, I told her about how I obtained the corpse and about Shafal.

“So, Lark-kun, are you a descendant of the clan from the Silver Dragon Legend!?”

I nodded at Leticia’s surprised exclamation.

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“It seems so. And the reincarnated Silver Dragon is right here as well. Shafal, come out for a moment.”

As I called out, Shafal appeared before my eyes with a flash of light.

“Hmm… What is it? I was sleeping so comfortably… Ah, you’re the one who ate that delicious-looking Red Boar meat dish before me yesterday, aren’t you?” he spoke, glaring at Leticia.

Actually, I had planned to introduce Shafal to her yesterday, but he was napping and didn’t come out. Moreover, getting angry just because someone ate a dish before him… How greedy can he be…

However, the serious Leticia bowed her head, apologizing, “I-I’m sorry, Silver Dragon-sama!”

It was Shafal who was being unreasonable, so I decided to speak up a bit. “Wasn’t it Shafal’s fault for not waking up yesterday? Don’t glare at Leticia.”

“But still…”

“It’s fine since you ate after Leticia left. You’re really fussy about food… Uh, Leticia, please don’t worry about it. It’s Shafal’s fault after all, so there’s no need for you to apologize.”

When I said that and looked at Leticia, she was trembling for some reason.

“L-Lark, the Silver Dragon is a very respected dragon in this region, revered as much as a god. You can’t say such disrespectful things.”

Ah, I think Father said the same thing the other day.

“But living with Shafal, I can’t think of him as such a great dragon. I mean, he’s a lazy dragon who spends most of his time sleeping when he’s not eating.”

When I said that, Shafar protested loudly, “I can’t help it, can I? My current job is to continuously replenish my magical power while being inside you to grow faster.” After his rebuttal, he turned his back opposite of me.

I felt like he got away with a clever excuse.

“Lark, you’re really amazing in various ways…”


Since Leticia said that with admiration, I responded with a wry smile. With the explanation out of the way, I asked Leticia about tomorrow’s plans. “So, Leticia, shall we call it a day? So, we meet again at the guild tomorrow?”

“Ah, before that, can you come to my house? My mom asked me to bring you since she has a favor to ask Lark…”

“Understood. Is the same time we met at the guild today, okay?”

“Yeah, thank you. See you tomorrow.”

With that, Leticia went home.

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