Hi there! My name is Kirara and as you might have guessed, I absolutely adore everything that sparkles. My love for reading webnovels and light...

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The next day, I arrived at Leticia’s house on time. As I rang the doorbell and waited, Leticia, dressed not in her usual adventurer attire but rather in cute clothes, came to greet me.

“Lark, welcome. Please, come in.”

“Excuse my intrusion,” I bowed my head and entered the house.

In the living room, where Leticia guided me, Maurice and a woman who appeared to be Leticia’s mother were relaxing on the sofa.

Maurice looked at me with wide eyes. “Huh? Lark, why are you at our place?”

“Leticia invited me. Didn’t you tell Maurice-san, Leticia?”

When I asked, Leticia shook her head, “I thought Dad was going out today, so I didn’t tell him.”

At that moment, Leticia’s mother stood up and bowed her head to me, “Sorry, Lark-kun. For suddenly calling you over.”

“No, no, it’s fine. And once again, my name is Lark Voltoris.”

“Oh, my, you’re just as well-mannered as I’ve heard. I’m Rune Rubarb. I called you here today to ask you to teach me the recipe for the dish Leticia ate the other day.”

Then, Leticia joined the conversation, exclaiming, “It was the most delicious meal I’ve ever had in my life. I’m sure Mom will think the same once she tries it. It’s a hundred times better than Mom’s cooking!”

… Is it really okay to say that in front of the person in question?

“Oh my, you’ve been eating my cooking and calling it delicious all this time, but you’re really quite honest right now, aren’t you?”

As soon as she said this, she suddenly grabbed Leticia’s head with her right hand and lifted her up! Leticia flailed around in panic, but Rune didn’t seem fazed at all. On the contrary, it seemed like she was putting more and more force into her grip, as creaking noises could be heard. Eventually, Leticia went limp and stopped moving.

D-Did she just lost consciousness?

Rune then gently laid the unconscious Leticia down. “Oh dear, Leticia went to sleep even though we have a guest… Can you please take her to her room?”

“Ah, understood…”

Maurice picked up Leticia and whispered to me, “Lark, don’t make Rune angry. Despite appearances, she’s a former B-rank adventurer,” before leaving the scene.

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Then, Maurice and Leticia left, leaving me alone with Rune.

“So, Lark-kun, could you teach me how to make it?”


I wonder if I’ll be okay…

Although I was initially scared, Rune turned out to be a very nice person, and the cooking lesson proceeded in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. When I took out the braised pork ingredients from the “Useful Box,” Rune expressed her interest in the soy sauce she had never seen before, so I told her that she could buy it at Taldora’s shop.

A few dozen minutes later, the braised pork was finished, and I ate it together with Maurice and the now-conscious Leticia. I personally thought it turned out very delicious, but Rune was saying that she could make it even more delicious which ignited her fighting spirit.

After eating the braised pork, Leticia and I took Rune to the commercial district to buy soy sauce.

“It’s over there, Rune-san,” I pointed to Taldora’s shop in the distance.

We walked straight in without any detours, and a familiar shop assistant approached us.

“Lark-kun, what are you here to buy today?”

“Today, I’m here to accompany Rune-san.”

As I introduced Rune-san, the shop assistant’s eyes widened. “Could it be… Are you the former B-rank, Rune-sama!?”

“Oh my? Do you know who I am?”

“Of course! I’ll call Taldora-san right away!”

He dashed up the stairs at breakneck speed. Not only was Maurice well-known, but so was Rune. What an amazing couple they were. Before long, Taldora came down the stairs and bowed his head when he saw Rune.

“Lady Rune, thank you for gracing my store with your presence this time.”

“Please don’t be so formal. I’m just an ordinary housewife now. More importantly, I’d like to buy the soy sauce seasoning that Lark-kun has been using. Do you have any in stock?”

“Yes, of course we do.”

Taldora then brought along a wooden box from a shelf on the side. Upon opening the lid, bottles of soy sauce were revealed inside.

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Rune took out several bottles of soy sauce before informing Taldora, saying, “I would like to take these, please.”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

Afterward, Taldora stated the price to which Rune paid accordingly. Before leaving, she added, “I’ll come back to buy more.”

Great, the spreading of my food is going smoothly.

After leaving the store, we enjoyed shopping until the sun set.

Several days have passed since I taught Rune the recipe for braised pork. However, it seemed that she had been making braised pork every day since then, to which Leticia complained, “It seems like Mom has become hooked on braised pork.”

Speaking of Leticia, she’s been coming to my house for meals more frequently lately. Her reactions are always good, so it’s rewarding for me to cook for her.

Today, after finishing breakfast at my house, Leticia suddenly said this, “Lark-kun, if you opened a restaurant, you’d definitely become famous, you know.”

“…I see, that’s indeed a possibility. I’ll add it to my list of things I want to do.”

As I muttered quietly to myself, her eyes widened, “Eh!? Are you really going to open a restaurant?”

Oops, seems like she heard me.

I turned to Leticia and nodded. “Yes, I’d like to try it someday. I enjoy having others eat the dishes I make.”

“I’m sure your shop would be a huge hit, Lark.”

After some light banter, we headed to the guild to accept a request.

Today’s task was to remove the overgrown weeds around the town, a typical weeding job. The weeds had grown so much that monsters might nest in them, so a royal institution that was researching monsters requested the guild to take care of it before it’s too late.

While working, I spotted a goblin sneaking up behind Leticia. For now, I drove it away with a gust of wind magic.

“Gugya!” the goblin screamed and fled.

Leticia turned around to thank me, “Ah, thank you, Lark. I didn’t notice the goblin.”

“No problem, it’s only natural as your teammate.”

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We continued working and managed to cut down most of the weeds. Afterward, we stored the cut grass in the “Useful Box”. The obtained grass would be submitted to the research institution that requested it to be taken as a sample.

We then returned to the guild and reported our task completion to Father.

“Father, we’ve finished weeding.”

We put the weeds in the wooden box provided on the counter. Later, Father stored the wooden box behind the counter and handed us a leather pouch filled with coins.

“Good, here’s your reward. Having a storage skill sure does speeds up the process and saves time on transportation.”

At his words, Leticia reacted, “Yes, it’s great having Lark around. We have fewer things to carry, and he stores all the materials we collect.”

Right then, Father and Leticia gazed at me enviously.

“Well, you both often work with me, so it’s like you have a storage skill too,” I offered an unclear explanation, and they respond with a “well, I guess so” kind of reaction. After that, we went to the guild cafeteria for lunch.

Since Father was about to take his lunch break, we decided to eat together. After arriving at the cafeteria, Father went ahead to order our meals. In the meantime, Leticia and I secured our own seats.

While waiting, Leticia started a conversation, “By the way, Lark, have you decided what to do with Shafal’s materials? And why are you holding onto such amazing materials without using them?”

Leticia was now referring Shafal as “Shafal-san” instead of “Silver Dragon-sama”. She said it’s because she felt connected with Shafal after getting to know him.

I thought for a moment before answering Leticia’s question. “Um, I thought about using the materials to create new equipment, but I like the equipment I have now. It’s a gift from Father, after all.”

“…I see, I understand that feeling. My equipment was also bought by my dad as a graduation gift and a memento for becoming an adventurer… But I was still surprised when I heard about the performance of your equipment from you.” Leticia spoke wistfully.

That’s right, a few days ago, Leticia found out I had appraisal skills and asked me to appraise her equipment. I happily agreed and examined it with my “Appraising Eye”. Surprisingly, her equipment was made by Forno, the same craftsman who made mine.

Forno is Father’s old friend and the owner of an armory. His “Divine Protection of the War God” grants various special abilities to the equipment he makes. Therefore, the weapons made by Forno have incredible performance. One of the reasons why I don’t make new equipment is because the current one is good enough to fight with.

Anyway, what should I do with the material from Shafal…

“Hmm, it’s a waste not to use it. How about making an accessory as sigil of the party? If it’s made of silver dragon material, other parties won’t be able to imitate it.”

“I think that’s a good idea, but it’s a bit scary to put something so rare on…”

“…That might be true. Let’s take our time and think about it.”

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When the conversation settled down, Father finally returned with food.

While having lunch, I asked him a question, “Father, has anything changed recently?”

“Hm? Ah, nothing has happened since the other day…”

When he answered, Letitia asked him curiously, “Lark, what do you mean by the other day?”

“Huh? Ah, it’s nothing, haha…” I laughed and brushed it off.

The incident that I mentioned about was regarding to when my cheat ability to heal any injury had been revealed to Fiona and Lala.

First, let me explain about Father’s injury. Ten years ago, a dragon suddenly attacked the capital. Father, who was an A-rank adventurer at the time, defeated the dragon alone, but lost his eye and leg in the process, which forced him to retire from being an adventurer.

But now, his eye and leg have returned to normal. That’s because I used a special ability called “Divine Technique of Miraculous Sacred Light” that I received from Samady-san to heal my father-in-law’s injuries.

To prevent others from realizing that I have such a cheat ability, Father had been hiding his recovery by wearing an eye patch and such… But the other day, Lala saw him without his eye patch, revealing his recovery.

Immediately, Father was then taken to the Guild Master’s office, and since it was suspected that I had something to do with it, I was also called in as his son.

When Fiona and Lala asked about the situation, I replied with a predetermined answer I had discussed with Father beforehand just in case: “I prayed to God, and a miracle happened, healing Father’s injury.”

It might have sound like an excuse that would be immediately dismissed in my past life, but it sounds valid in this world. There are a few rare cases where injuries or illnesses that would normally be impossible to cure have been healed by the miracle of a god.

Fiona and Lala believed me, and the incident was settled. However, Lala told me, “I wish you had told me earlier.”

As I was lost in thought, I was approached from behind.

“Oh, I came to see if Lark was with Leticia since Guldo had ordered three servings of food. It’s been a while since you two came to eat at the guild.”

When I turned around, the dining hall manager, Fritz, was standing there.

I and Leticia greeted Fritz, “Hello, Fritz-san. We thought we’d come and eat here once in a while.”

“Long time no see. This food is very delicious.”

After that, the four of us had a pleasant lunchtime while chatting.

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