Several days have passed since I declined Diblo’s invitation to become a noble.

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The winter break, which felt both long and short, has come to an end, and today is the first day of the new semester. Dressed in my school uniform after a long time, I arrived at school early and found myself being the first one in the classroom.

“Well, I guess it’s not expected for anyone to come at this time…”

I arrived at school one hour earlier than usual because I was looking forward to seeing everyone after the break, but as a result, I found myself waiting for everyone in an empty classroom.

While studying for the test that was coming up after the break, Roeck entered the classroom.

“Oh, Lark-kun. You’re early. Looking forward to this year too.”

“Good morning, Roeck. Looking forward to this year as well.”

“Are you planning to introduce any new dishes in your shop this year?”

“I have a few candidates in mind. Well, for now, I think I’ll stick with the current menu.”

“I see… Well, your current dishes seem to be making good profits. I’m looking forward to the dishes you come up with, Lark-kun.”

After chatting for a while, everyone else started arriving at school, and we got into a lively conversation about what we did during the break. Once all the classmates had gathered, Teacher Karl came into the classroom.

“Good morning, everyone. Those who are standing, please return to your seats.”

Everyone returned to their seats one by one. After confirming that everyone was seated, he began speaking, “Happy New Year, everyone. Let’s have a great year together.”

In response to the teacher’s words, everyone, including myself, answered with a loud voice, “Happy New Year! Please take care of us this year!” The teacher smiled and continued speaking.

“Now, as I mentioned before the winter break, we will have a test for the new semester in a few days. Unlike the previous exams, the next test will include practical demonstrations, so make sure to focus not only on written exams but also on practicing magic.”

After saying that, Teacher Karl conveyed some announcements and left the classroom.

A practical demonstration test… I need to prepare for it properly.

While thinking about that, I noticed that Doran had a gloomy expression on his face.

I approached him and spoke, “Doran, there’s no need to look so down. You’ve been working hard throughout this year, haven’t you?”

“Yeah… But I’m the only one here who can’t perform ‘Chantless’ magic, and I’m not good at magic…” he replied with a downcast expression.

Doran is a dragonkin who can use a special kind of magic called “Dragon Magic” easily, but he is not good at elemental magic.

“What if I teach you magic? I recently acquired the title of ‘Teacher,’ so I thought I could help.”

Thinking that I might be able to be of some help, I made the suggestion.

In response, Doran widened his eyes and approached me, “The title of ‘Teacher’…? Is, is it okay!?”

“Of course, we’re friends in the same class, aren’t we?”

As I said that, Doran stood up and bowed his head. “Then, please teach me magic!”

After school, we went through the necessary procedures to borrow the First Training Ground from Teacher Karl and moved to the training ground. However, it wasn’t just Doran; the entire class was there for some reason.

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“Why is everyone here…?”

“Uh, sorry. When I said that Lark would teach me magic, they all said they wanted to be taught as well…”

When I asked, Doran apologized with a guilty expression.

“Well, that’s not a problem, but… I think it wouldn’t be very useful for me to teach you, Lia. I would just be passing on what I learned from Ars-san.”

I looked at Lia, who had come along with everyone, and said that. Lia’s magic mentor, like me, is Ars-san. Therefore, I think my explanation wouldn’t be very effective…

However, Lia shook her head and replied, “Well, you know, I want to experience the power of your title, Lark-kun.”

So she had heard about the title through Doran…

Agreeing with her words, Sera, who was next to Lia, spoke up, “Count me in, Lark-kun. Please teach me too.”

Well, it wouldn’t be nice to leave anyone out. Let’s teach everyone magic.

And so, with Doran at the center, I began explaining magic.

After about thirty minutes had passed, I finished explaining everything and took a breath, only to realize that Teacher Karl had joined the circle without me noticing.

“…Um, why is sensei also listening?”

“Well, I was watching from a distance, but it seemed interesting, so I couldn’t resist,”

Teacher Karl said with a smile.

“Well, I don’t mind…”

I continued to instruct magic while incorporating practical exercises. As it became evening, I announced the end and began preparing to go home when Teacher Karl approached, saying, “Lark, starting from tomorrow, I’ll make all the classes I’m in charge of self-study, so would you mind having a classroom lesson like today?”

“Huh? …Is it okay to do that?”

“Well, I think it’s important to teach and learn with friends. I want to provide that time.”

“…If everyone is okay with it, then I’ll accept.”

Saying that, he smiled and turned to the classmates. “Everyone, you want Lark to teach you from tomorrow onwards, right?”


Everyone responded in unison.

“Understood. I’ll handle the afternoon classes.”

And that’s how, somehow, even though I was a student, I ended up teaching my classmates.

The next day. During the class taught by Teacher Karl, as promised, I stood in front of the podium and taught the content I learned from Ars. When I explained the importance of imagination, not only Doran but also other classmates were surprised. If Doran understood the concept of imagination, he would be able to use “Chantless” magic. I have to do my best to teach him.

The first class ended without any major issues. I was nervous, but I’m glad it went well.

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After school, when I returned home from school, I prepared materials for the next day’s class at the living room table. I tried to include diagrams and illustrations to make it not too difficult.

At that moment, Rin peered over my shoulder. “Lark, what are you making?”

“Oh, this? I’m making handouts for tomorrow’s class.”

“Wow, students make stuff like that too?”

“Hahaha…” I thought that normally people wouldn’t do such a thing, but I chuckled awkwardly without saying it out loud.

…Wait, I just noticed, but the hem of Rin’s clothes is slightly frayed.

“Rin, come a little closer.”

“Huh? Why?”

When I beckoned, Rin approached me with a curious expression. I took out sewing tools from the “Useful Box” and fixed the frayed part.

Then, Rin’s eyes widened, and she opened her mouth, “Lark, you can really do anything…”

“Well, not anything… but well, it’s better to be able to do many things, right?”

“Well, yeah… But seeing you do so many things, me as a girl, I feel a little complicated…”

“No, Rin, I think you’re amazing too. Your cooking is delicious, and you’re thorough with cleaning. I tend to be a bit sloppy, but you pay attention to every detail, so I think I should learn from you.”

“Ugh, you’re paying too much attention…” Rin blushed.

While having such a conversation, Father came home, and the three of us had dinner together before I returned to my room.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Noir lately…”

I’ve been so busy recently that I couldn’t spend time with him at all.

Thinking that, I summoned Noir, and he suddenly jumped at me.


Noir purred with an affectionate voice.

“Hey, Noir. Get off my face!”


Seemingly happy to be summoned after a long time, Noir didn’t want to let go.

“I said get off! Come on!”

I said that and managed to detach Noir somehow.

…Well, Noir comes out like this normally, but even though it’s the new year, Shafal hasn’t shown any response at all.

“If I ask Samady-san, would he know anything?”

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On a whim, I moved to the prayer room and tried asking about Shafal.

(Samady-san, Samady-san, do you know anything about Shafal?)

(Hmm, can you let him rest for now? You don’t need to worry about anything.)

Then, I received such a response from Samady-san. Well, if he says so, there’s probably no need to worry…

I thought about asking for more details, but I decided against it. Samady-san seemed a bit difficult to talk to as well…

I returned to my room again and played with Noir for a while before going to sleep.

Several days passed since my pseudo-teaching life, and it was finally the day of the test.

The first two days were written exams as usual, but thanks to studying together during the winter break, they were easily solved. I heard that everyone else found it easy too.

And on the third day, it was the practical exam that Doran was worried about… but surprisingly, in these few days, Doran learned “Chantless” magic and scored high in the practical test, earning praise from the teacher.

After the test, when Doran happily reported the results to me, I congratulated him with a smile.

“That’s great, Doran.”

“Yeah, I owe it to you, Lark. If you ever have any troubles, let me know. I’ll help.”

“Sure, I’ll rely on you without hesitation if that happens.”

After that, Doran said he would go home and write a letter to his family, and he quickly left the classroom. When I also left the classroom, the school principal was standing in the corridor. He looked at me and approached, “Good, I’m glad you haven’t left yet.”

She took me to his office. I wonder what this is about?

“It’s been a while since we talked like this. How have you been recently?”

After entering the principal’s office, she asked me that.

“Well… I’m enjoying my school life. I’m glad I came here.”

“I see, that’s good to hear.”

After saying that, the principal paused for a moment and then began to talk about the reason she called me. “So, the reason I called you here… Lark, is it true that you’ve been teaching your classmates recently?”

When I nodded, the principal muttered, “I see…”

“That’s why only your class had such high average scores in the practical exams…”

“Um, was that not good?” I asked.

“Not a problem at all. On the contrary, I appreciate students helping each other in their studies.”

Relieved, I thought, well, I certainly wouldn’t be scolded for simply teaching.

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“Let’s get down to business. I saw the materials you’ve made from Teacher Karl. Because they were well made, I’d like to use them as teaching materials for other classes as well. Would that be alright?”

The principal asked. Well, I have no objections to that. In fact, I would like them to make use of my materials if it can help everyone else.

Therefore, I responded immediately, “Of course. I’m honored that you’ve found value in my materials.”

“That’s a big help,” the principal said joyfully.

Afterwards, it was decided that the materials would be made into a proper book by a publisher, so I handed over the extra materials I had prepared to the principal and left the room.

Outside the room, Teacher Karl was waiting.

“Sorry, Lark-kun, for showing your materials without asking.”

“It’s fine. It seems those materials will be distributed to other classes as teaching aids from now on.”

“That’s wonderful, isn’t it? I also thought it was a good idea.”

“Well then, I’ll be heading home.”

“Alright, take care.”

After parting with Teacher Karl, I left the school and went home. As I entered the living room, Idel was eating fried rice at the table.

“Welcome back, Lark.”

“…Idel-san, what are you doing?”

“What do you mean, I’m eating. I was hungry and thought I’d stop by to have you cook something for me, but you weren’t home. So, I found this food you’d prepared and just warmed it up.”

“I see…”

He’s as free-spirited as ever…

Ignoring my cold gaze, Idel continued speaking, “But you know… Lark, where did you learn to cook such delicious food? You’ve been saying you learned from books and got ideas, but there must be a limit to that, right?”

Hmm, is he starting to suspect something? Idel-san is essentially a sharp person…

So, I made up another excuse that I had thought of in advance.

“Well, sometimes a god tells me, ‘Here are some ingredients.'”

In this world, if you say “thanks to the gods,” it usually resolves most things. Samady used to say the same thing.

“Heh… so the gods even do that.”

As expected, it seemed Idel was convinced.

After finishing his fried rice, he stood up. “Well, I’ll be heading home soon. I’ll be stopping by occasionally, so please prepare some food for me.”

With that, Idel-san disappeared using teleportation magic.

He’s quite an unpredictable person…

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