A few days after the lively New Year’s gathering. I was invited to the royal castle of Leblanc Kingdom and sat alone on the sofa in the guest room.

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I wondered why I was here, and it was because Asura invited me to visit. I thought it was an invitation to the separate residence in Recommetys where Asura currently lived, so I agreed without asking much, but when I asked for more details, it turned out to be his hometown, Leblanc Kingdom.

Apparently, Asura had returned to his hometown for the New Year. He said he intended to stay here for a while.

By the way, I came here with Asura because the mage servant who came with us to Recommetys can use teleportation magic, and he gave us a ride.

Speaking of which, I looked around the room again.

The interior of Recommetys Castle was different from here, more luxurious. Although both were made of stone, they gave off different impressions. While I was impressed for a while, the door to the room opened and Asura entered. He was not wearing his usual attire but dressed like a member of the royal family.

“Sorry for the wait.”

“Don’t worry about it… By the way, when you’re wearing those clothes, you really look like a member of the royal family, Asura-kun.”

“Well, when I meet Lark-kun, I usually wear adventurer’s equipment. More importantly, I’m sorry for asking you to come here.”

“It’s fine, I didn’t have any plans anyway. But why all of a sudden?”

When I asked that, Asura sat next to me and looked at me with a serious expression. “To be honest… I know it’s sudden, but can you teach me magic properly, Lark?”


I didn’t expect to be asked something like that and was momentarily taken aback.

Gathering myself, I asked for more details, “I don’t mind, but… Asura-kun, didn’t you go to a school or something? Come to think of it, you said before that you studied magic by yourself.”

“Yeah, I didn’t go to school. To tell you the truth, I used to be physically weak. So until recently, I spent most of my time bedridden. But I studied magic by reading books.”

“Oh… so that’s what you meant when you said ‘I was desperate because of the bad environment’ like you said that one time.”

“Yeah… but recently my condition has stabilized, and I was able to become the adventurer I admired. That’s why I want to learn more about magic. Even I can tell that Lark-kun is an excellent magician. Please, I’m begging you,” Asura said with a serious expression.

I never thought Asura had such a past. Now that I know the circumstances, I want to help even a little.

“If it’s within the range I can teach, I’ll teach you magic.”

“Thank you,” Asura expressed his gratitude and smiled quietly.

We have now moved to the training ground within the premises of the Leblanc Kingdom’s castle. First, I reviewed the basic aspects of magic with Asura as a refresher and then taught him practical skills like how to control mana.

“Fire Lance!”

Asura released the spell, and it hit the training dummy. When we started two hours ago, the hits were scattered, but now they mostly hit the dummy’s head.

“You’re getting good at controlling your mana. Let’s stop here for today.”

When I said that, Asura, covered in sweat, shook his head. “I can still go on…!”

He says that, but pushing further would be dangerous due to the increasing fatigue. The attendants who had been watching from a distance also looked worried, so it’s best to end it here.

“It’s not like I’ll only teach you today. Let’s train again another time. Besides, if you push yourself too hard and collapse now, you won’t be able to do anything for a while, right?”

“…I understand. Then, Lark-kun, let’s go sweat together. I have a large bath at my house.”


I nodded in response to Asura’s invitation, and we left the training ground together to go to the bath.

After finishing our bath, I returned to Recommetys using the teleportation magic.

When I arrived home and went to the living room, Rin, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, noticed me and raised her head. “Welcome back! Where did you go today?”

“Ah, I went to the Leblanc Kingdom for a bit.”

“Eh, you went to a neighboring country!?” Rin widened her eyes at my words.

“Yeah. Well, you remember that friend I mentioned, Asura? He invited me to teach him magic, so I went.”

“I see… well, it’s just like you, Lark-kun. Good job~” Rin nodded in a strange understanding manner and went back to reading her book.

I also sat down on a chair and took a book out of the “Useful Box” I borrowed from Wallis, reading it together.

After finishing a section, I closed the book and found that Father was sitting in place of Rin. It seemed like quite some time had passed without me realizing it.

“Oh, you noticed, Lark. I couldn’t call out to you because you were so focused on reading.”

“Ah, sorry about that. The content is interesting, so…”

“Well, in that case, Rin-chan is already cooking. I think it’ll be ready soon, so why don’t you wait?”

As Rin’s father said that, Rin peeked out from the kitchen.

“Lark-kun, the food is ready. Can you help with serving?”


I went to the kitchen, put the dishes that had been arranged into the “Useful Box,” and then took them out again in the living room, placing them on the table.

After eating the dinner that Rin made, I prepared the bath with father and took a bath together. Then I went to my room, prayed, and read the continuation of the book using the moonlight until I got sleepy.

The day after I decided to teach Asura magic, I woke up before sunrise, so I left the house without much thought. To my surprise, the magician who was Asura’s attendant had come to pick me up.

According to what I heard, Asura woke up early and was preparing for training, so if I was okay with it, would I come to Leblanc right away? The magician had intended to wait nearby until I left the house, but apparently, they didn’t expect me to come out so early.

Since there was no particular reason to refuse, I agreed and moved to the Leblanc Kingdom with the magician’s teleportation magic.

When we arrived at the training ground, Asura was waiting. However, since it would be disruptive to train magic before dawn, we decided to go outside the capital of Leblanc for practice.

As we walked for a while, Asura started talking, “Lark-kun, I’m sorry. For waking you up so early for my sake.”

“It’s fine. I’ll do my best since a friend asked for my help. Besides, teaching someone is also a learning experience for me.”

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We had such a conversation while walking, and we arrived at a vast grassland.

“Alright, this area should be fine. Let’s begin, Asura-kun.”

“Yes, please take care of me, Lark-kun.”

First, we started with target practice that I had done during the entrance exam for the academy. Multiple targets were set up, and we had to stand at a designated spot and aim with magic.

Asura was doing well at first, but gradually his accuracy worsened, and the percentage of misses increased.

“Asura, you’re starting to miss the mark slightly.”


The merit of target practice lies not only in improving accuracy but also in developing the ability to apply magic in difficult target situations. Asura seemed to feel the progress, as he was lively throughout the training.

About an hour had passed since we started training, and Asura had exhausted a significant amount of mana, so we decided to take a break and have breakfast. I took out several grilled onigiri from the “Useful Box,” and Asura showed a very happy expression.

“Hmm, I tend to fail more often when it comes to targets after the fifth one… How many targets can you hit, Lark-kun?”

While eating the grilled onigiri, Asura asked me.

“I can hit all of them.”

“…You’re amazing.” Asura sighed in response to my answer.

“Well, in your case, you’ve been studying on your own until now, so the future is what matters. Besides, you see, I had an amazing mentor. You’ll improve quickly, Asura.”

“When Lark-kun says that, I feel motivated.”

After finishing the grilled onigiri, we resumed training. Asura had a motivated expression throughout the training.

As the sun rose completely, we decided to return to the castle. We planned to have a theoretical lesson next. After returning to the castle, we took a morning bath to refresh ourselves. Then I went to Asura’s room and gave a lecture on magic.

“Lark-kun, what about this?”

“Oh, that is…”

Whenever Asura had a question, he immediately asked me instead of spending time thinking. This made the study progress smoothly. I thought it would be difficult since Asura had been studying alone until now and wasn’t accustomed to this lecture format, but he actively asked questions, showing his eagerness. Thanks to that, I could teach properly while feeling that I was doing well.

After finishing the lectures, Asura groaned, “Hmm.”

“I understand most of it, but I still don’t quite get this important ‘power of imagination’ in magic,” Asura said.

“Well, I don’t think you can fully grasp it just through words. Let’s end the theoretical part here for now. Shall we go outside the capital again? I’ll teach you while showing you my magic,” I said.

Saying that, we went outside the capital once again. Now that I think about it, we could have done it at the training grounds since it was already late morning, but I realized that after we arrived.

Gathering my thoughts, I spoke to Asura, “First, when you were practicing ‘Chantless Incantation,’ what were you thinking about in your mind?”

“Huh? What do you mean…? I was just thinking about the magic I wanted to cast.”

“That’s right. So, how did you first learn the magic you wanted to cast?”

“Well, I memorized the incantation and tried chanting it… and then it was just a matter of repetition, right? I could cast it after practicing,” Asura answered with a puzzled expression.

“Yeah. The reason you were able to cast the magic at that time was because the image of the magic had formed in your mind. Or rather, it could be said that you, Asura, who has talent in magic, couldn’t cast it until then because the image hadn’t completely formed,” I explained.

“I see.”

“‘Chantless Incantation’ allows you to instantly draw out the image of magic. That power to draw it out is called the power of imagination. For example, Asura, what do you think would happen if you chanted the incantation for water magic while imagining fire attribute magic in your mind?”

I asked, and Asura tilted his head, thinking. “Um… nothing would happen, right?”

“No, the correct answer is that fire attribute magic would be cast. For those who have mastered ‘Chantless Incantation,’ incantations don’t have much meaning. Of course, in the beginning, if you’re not used to it, your consciousness may shift to another magic, and the magic may not work. But if you strongly focus on it in your mind, the magic will be cast.”

After explaining that, I held out my right hand. “Let me show you an example. Water Ball!”

While chanting the water attribute magic, I created a fireball.


“This is the power of imagination. It becomes the most important power for us who can use ‘Chantless Incantation.’ When you can do the same thing as me, the power of your magic, Asura, will increase significantly. It’s evidence that your power of imagination has grown.”

“Wow, Lark-kun, that’s amazing. I never would have come up with such a training method,” Asura said, his eyes sparkling, and immediately started practicing.

However, at first, it didn’t go well, and the magic didn’t work.

“You need to constantly imagine the fireball in your mind. Here, try doing it while looking at this,” I said, creating a fireball and showing it to Asura.

After about an hour, Asura managed to cast a fireball while chanting the incantation for water magic. Honestly, I didn’t expect him to learn it this quickly.

“Asura, you have a really good memory… Alright, now that your power of imagination has improved, try casting fire attribute magic normally,” I said.


Asura cheerfully replied and chanted, “Fireball!”

Then, a much larger fireball appeared compared to what Asura had been producing until now.

“Yes! I did it, Lark-kun! I feel like I’ve become much stronger in just a few hours!” Asura exclaimed.

“I’m glad it worked. For now, if you continue this training, your magic will continue to improve, and you’ll be able to deceive enemies in actual combat,” I said.

“Yes, I’ll continue practicing every day.”

Since we were already exploring the grasslands, I decided to do some practical training against monsters. Asura seemed to be enjoying hunting the monsters.

As the sun began to set, we returned to Leblanc Castle and asked the magician to teleport us to our home. When I opened the front door, Father and Rin greeted us.

“Welcome back, Lark.”

“Welcome back, Lark-kun.”

“I’m home.”

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Since Rin had already prepared dinner, we all sat in the living room and had our meal together. During the meal, Father asked about our day, and I told him that it went well.

“To achieve results in just one day, you must have had a good teacher,” Father commented.

“It’s because Asura is talented and diligent,” I replied.

Upon hearing Father’s words, Rin spoke up, “Lark-kun, you’re amazing! Teach me magic next time.”

“Sure. If Rin can use magic, it will broaden our strategic options in the future.”

After finishing dinner, we took a bath and prepared for bed. Exhausted from the day’s activities, I quickly fell asleep.

Since I started teaching magic to Asura, there was one thing that changed.

It happened a few days after I started teaching Asura when I noticed a new title in my status.


‘A title that appears for those who have taught many people and are respected by those they have taught. It enhances the learning ability of those being taught.’

What’s this? I asked Father about it, and he said, “You’ve acquired something rare again.” Apparently, it was a quite rare title. With this title, even without taking the teaching certification exam, I could become a teacher at the academy or be hired as a trainer for new recruits in guilds at a high price.

“But isn’t this title something that most teachers at the academy have by default?”

I asked, and Father shook his head, “No, this title rarely appears. There are many unclear conditions for obtaining it, and even teachers who have a large number of students may not acquire it, while it suddenly appears for someone who has only taught a small number of people.”

“I see… it’s a strange title.”

“Well, it won’t hurt to have it,” Father said, smiling.

The next morning, Asura and I were engaged in mock battles at the training grounds of Leblanc Kingdom.

During a break in the mock battles, I mentioned that I had acquired the title, and Asura exclaimed in admiration. “Wow, does that mean if I learn from Lark-kun, I’ll improve faster?”

“I wonder. Well, I don’t intend to change just because I acquired a new title.”

After answering that, I squatted deeply and sent Asura flying with a straight punch. Asura fell on his butt but stood up with a frustrated expression. “Ugh… I was the one who said I wanted to learn not only magic but also martial arts, but maybe it’s not for me after all.”

“You were originally frail due to your illness, so it can’t be helped. But considering your physical condition, I think it’s better for you not to force yourself to learn martial arts.”

In reality, Asura would definitely be a complete backline type. He had been sickly, and his body was not developed. Compared to magic, he didn’t have the aptitude for martial arts or swordsmanship, to put it mildly.

When I honestly conveyed that, Asura nodded more easily than I had thought.

“Well, I knew it from the beginning, but I tried it out and gave up.”

“I see, well, they say everything is a challenge.”

After that, I decided to stop the physical training lessons and focus on magic lessons.

Training ended before noon, and I was sent to Recommetys by Asura’s attendant magician. From there, I headed to the guild. I had been summoned by Father to come to the guild before leaving home. It seemed that something troublesome had happened at the guild’s warehouse again.

“Father, I’ve arrived.”

“Oh, sorry for making you come all the way here… Just wait for a moment. I’ll prepare it right away.”

When I arrived at the guild and called out to Father at the reception desk, he said that and went back inside. In a few seconds, he returned with the key to the warehouse, and we went down to the basement together.

Inside the warehouse, an enormous number of materials were scattered to the point where the floor couldn’t be seen.

“…I’ve said it before, but you really make a mess here.”

“I’ve been tidying up properly recently. However, when a large number of adventurers bring materials all at once, it ends up like this. Lark, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’ll finish it quickly.”

I answered and indiscriminately threw the materials into the “Useful Box.” The materials put into the “Useful Box” would be automatically organized, so all I had to do was take out the sorted ones and put them into boxes to finish tidying up.

After about thirty minutes, all the work was done. The scattered materials were packed into wooden boxes by type and neatly stacked so as not to be in the way.

“I’m really grateful. Thank you, Lark. I’ll go report to the master like this, will you come with me, Lark?”

“Um… no, I’ll go back home for today.”

“I see, understood. Then, I’ll also go back as soon as I finish my work.”

I closed the locked warehouse and said goodbye to Father as we climbed the stairs.

When I returned home, I spent some time reading a book, and as the sun began to set, I cooked dinner with Rin. Then I waited for Father to come back, but he didn’t return even when it was the usual time. Maybe he was working overtime.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t thoroughly checked my status recently…”

I suddenly thought about it while relaxing in the living room and checked my status.

[Name] Lark Voltoris

[Age] 12

[Race] Human

[Gender] Male

[Status] Healthy

[Level] 56

[SP] 550

[Strength] 5523

[Mana] 6381

[Agility] 5936

[Dexterity] 4202

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[Luck] 51

[Skills] Cooking: 4, Useful Box: 3, Daily Life Magic: 2, Appraising Eye: 3, Short Sword Technique: 3, Mana Control: 3, Sewing: 2, Concentration: 5, Faith: 5, Wordless Incantation: 3, Synthesis Magic: 4, Presence Detection: 3, Martial Arts: 3, Swordsmanship: 2, Physical Ability Enhancement: 3, Poison Resistance: 1, Mental Resistance: 3, Hunger Resistance: 1, Fire Magic: 4, Wind Magic: 4, Water Magic: 3, Earth Magic: 2, Light Magic: 1 , Dark Magic: 1, Thunder Magic: 1, Ice Magic: 2, Holy Magic: 1 , Null Magic: 2, Alchemy: 2

[Special Abilities] Enhanced Memory Capacity, World Language, EXP Amplification: 10x, God’s Veil,

[Divine Technique] Miraculous Sacred Light, God Summoning Magic

[Blessings] Samadyla’s Protection, Magilt’s Protection, Goldra’s Protection

[Title] The Reincarnated, The God’s Host, The Blessed, Individual who has Reached the Limit, Believer, Divine One, Teacher

Hmmm, there’s hardly any change. It seems that even defeating goblins won’t raise my level at this point. Moreover, my abilities are becoming increasingly difficult to raise.

I felt a little down since I hadn’t grown much, but considering that I’ve been receiving cheats from Samadyla, I should stop being greedy for more.

At that moment, I heard Father coming home. When I went to the entrance, Father had a serious expression on his face for some reason.

“Lark, I want you to listen calmly. Something has happened to your friend, the Second Prince of the Leblanc Kingdom. He collapsed just now and is currently unconscious.”


It was a sudden event, and I couldn’t comprehend it.

Wait a minute… Asura collapsed? He was perfectly fine this morning, so why…?

As I thought about it, it suddenly hit me. I had trained with Asura in martial arts today. Could it be that he pushed himself too hard and hurt his body? If that’s the case, it’s my fault…!

Before I knew it, I had pushed Father aside and rushed out of the house.

Without my thoughts being organized, I ran towards the guild, aiming for the teleportation magic ability of Fia. If I asked her, she should be able to take me to the Leblanc Kingdom.

When I arrived at the guild, without catching my breath, I hurriedly went up the stairs and entered the Guild Master’s room.


“I heard from Guldo.” Fia seemed to have predicted that I would come and was calm. “You want to be sent to the Leblanc Kingdom, right? Shall we go?” Fia reached out her hand.

As soon as I grabbed her hand, the scenery in front of me changed in an instant, and I was in the castle of the Leblanc Kingdom.

“Go ahead. I think Asura will be happy when he sees his friend Lark.”

“Yes! Thank you very much!”

I thanked Fia and hurried to the castle gate. The soldier who was on duty as the gatekeeper saw my face and immediately opened the gate for me. I entered Asura’s room at full speed and saw Asura lying in bed, as well as the pale-faced family members, and a few maids.

“Lark-kun…” Alama, her eyes swollen and red, raised her face and called my name.

“Alama-san, I’m sorry… It’s because I trained in martial arts…”

“No, it’s not your fault, Lark-kun. This child has collapsed several times even before meeting you. But this time, the condition was particularly severe…”

As she said that, Asura opened his eyes and looked at me, “L-Lark-kun… Why…” he spoke in a hoarse voice.

“Don’t speak. Sorry, but I’ll appraise you without permission.”

Saying that, I squatted near Asura’s bed and activated ‘Appraising Eye.’

To cut to the chase, Asura was suffering from an incurable disease. I know because I read about it in a book before. The disease Asura has cannot be cured by Holy Magic, and there is no medication available for it.

Furthermore, Asura’s status displayed ‘critical condition.’ If nothing was done, Asura would lose his life before dawn. It was truly a desperate situation.

…Well, that would be the case under normal circumstances.

I quietly stood up from the bed and looked around the room.

“…I have an idea. Everyone, I’m sorry, but could you leave the room for a while?”

As I said that, Diblo stepped forward. “…What are you planning to do?”

“…I’m going to ask for divine intervention. If it goes well, maybe I can cure Asura.”

As I answered, bewildered voices rose from the surroundings.

Diblo raised his hand to silence everyone and spoke calmly, “…Understood. However, as a father and as a king, I will stay here. Is that okay?”

I hesitated for a moment, but I slowly nodded.

“Alright. Everyone, leave this room.” When Diblo said that, everyone, including Alama, left the room.

I approached Asura’s side and held both of my hands up. And then… I used the divine technique I received from Samady, who completely healed Father ‘s old injury, the ‘Miraculous Sacred Light.’

A dazzling light enveloped Asura. After a while, when the light disappeared, Asura slowly opened his eyes.

“Ha… Ha… Huh, I’m not in pain?”

“Ah! Asura!”

Asura, whose complexion improved instantly, sat up from the bed, and Diblo rushed to him and embraced him.

And as Diblo stared at Asura intently, he exclaimed in surprise, “The illness is completely cured!

Does Diblo-san possess the ability to use appraisal magic?

“Wait, Father, it hurts!”

When Diblo hugged him tightly again, Asura said that while showing a smile.

I was relieved that he had recovered… but then Diblo turned around abruptly.

“Lark-kun, what was that just now?”

Well, that’s a natural question.

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After thinking for a moment, I explained without mentioning the ‘Miraculous Sacred Light.’

“Well… As I mentioned earlier, I prayed to the gods. Actually, I have a habit of praying to the gods, and I have asked them for miracles before to heal Father ‘s injury. So this time, I thought that if I asked the gods, maybe Asura would be cured…”

It was a feeble excuse, but in this world, it is acknowledged that miracles from the gods actually happen, so it’s not an entirely absurd explanation.

Diblo remained silent for a while and then spoke, “…I see. In any case, I sincerely thank you for curing Asura’s illness. Can we make this public?”

“No, if possible, I would appreciate it if you could keep it a secret.”

“I understand. I’ll keep it confidential.”

Diblo said so, as if he had figured something out.

“Lark-kun, thank you so much.”

“Okay, for now, stay in bed and rest.”

As Asura thanked me and tried to get up, I stopped him and made him lie down.

After that, Diblo let Aluma and the others waiting outside enter and discussed Asura’s condition with them. The people present were surprised to see Asura looking healthy, and Aluma and Dilon clung to Asura, crying.

Later, I left the castle and returned to Fia’s place.

“Lark-kun, how was Asura-kun?” Fia asked.

Ah, Fia-san doesn’t know that Asura had an incurable disease. How should I explain it…

After thinking for a while, I decided to honestly tell her only the outcome.

“Well… When I visited him, he completely recovered.”

“I see, that’s great! I’m sure Asura-kun regained his strength after seeing your face. I’m relieved, so let’s go back.”

Fia held my hand, and we teleported to the guild master’s room in Recommetys.

In the guild master’s room, Vice Master Lala was there.

“Welcome back, Lark-kun. Guldo-san is waiting downstairs.”

“Ah, I came out without saying anything to Father …”

“It seems so. He came to the guild earlier, looking anxious. Lark-kun, be prepared to be scolded.”

Lala’s words were accurate, and when I went down the stairs and approached Father, I received a punch strong enough to make the adventurers around us stop talking.

“What the!”

“Who the hell barges into someone’s house at this time of night! Reflect on it!”

“I went to cure Asura’s illness!”

“That’s an admirable thing, but that’s a different matter from this. Apologize properly tomorrow… Damn it, I was worried, you know.”

“…Yes, I understand.”

Though I felt a little dissatisfied, what Father said was right, so I replied obediently. Well, it’s embarrassing to talk about Asura’s illness, and it could be seen as punishment for making Asura’s condition worse by forcing him. Let’s think of it that way.

While rubbing my head, I held hands with Father and returned home.

The next morning, when I woke up and checked the mailbox, I found a letter inside. It had an expensive-looking seal on it.

The sender was King Diblo. I opened the envelope and read the contents. He wanted me to come to the castle in Leblanc Kingdom because he wanted to formally thank me.

That’s why, a few days later, I headed to the castle and was led to an audience room. In the audience room, there was only Diblo besides me.

Diblo expressed his gratitude to me once again and presented me with a gift. It was a heavy leather bag and a rolled-up parchment, both looking valuable.

“Um… What’s this?”

“It’s 500 gold coins and a noble title.”

“Huh? A noble title?”

Without understanding the meaning, I repeated the words and unfolded the parchment. Written there were words stating that I would become a noble of the country of Leblanc.

Wait, hold on. I can accept the gold coins to some extent, but a noble title is definitely strange.

“I can’t accept something like this. Besides, I’m a citizen of Recommetys, so wouldn’t it be bad if I became a noble of Leblanc?”

“Indeed, Lark-kun is a citizen of Recommetys, but there’s no problem with that, you know?”

The moment Diblo said that, the door to the audience chamber opened with a bang, and as always, Ars, who has impeccable timing, entered.

“Deelo, don’t go trying to recruit Lark-kun without permission.”

“Hmph, here comes Ars.”

And so, a war of words between Ars and Diblo began. I think it’s rude to ignore me and continue the conversation.

As a result, this time I only received the gold coins. I could have refused since I didn’t really want any thanks, but if I intervened here, things would probably get complicated again, so I decided to accept them honestly.

“Anytime, I can still grant you the noble title, you know?”

Diblo said that to me in the end, and then Ars used his teleportation magic to teleport us to the Recommetys Castle… Wait, huh?

“Um, why did we come to the castle?”

“Hm? Well, you see, there was talk of a noble title at Deelo’s place earlier, right? I thought I’d take measures to make sure such things don’t happen in the future.”

Ars murmured to himself in a low voice, “I wonder if there’s any good land around here,” and started looking for documents, so I took the opportunity to leave the room and hurriedly escape from the castle.

Honestly, I don’t want to get involved in discussions about noble titles or territories.

With that thought in mind, I headed to my shop and worked diligently in my business, more enthusiastically than usual, to forget about today’s events.

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