Chapter 40 – General Meeting

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 From there, everyone else starts to give their reports.

 The executives who participate in this meeting are the heads of their respective departments.

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 This general meeting is held once a year at the end of March, and the results of the previous year are reported.

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 These include the trends of explorers belonging to each department, the cash flow in and out of each department, the sales numbers of the sales department, as well as the development progress of weapons, armour, and magic tools that are being independently developed by the Clan.

 check out my discord if you want to get pinged for updates.

 Just by listening to this meeting, I’m able to grasp, to some extent, the current situation of the Clan.

 To think they were being sued for a million dollars..

 It’s huge that I’m able to attend this meeting. 

 And the final performer, Selma, is about to begin her report. 

“From the parties that belong to the 2nd Unit, two parties have unfortunately passed away in their sleep.”

“Then, next will be the report from our Exploration Department. The lowest floor descended to in the Great Labyrinth remains unchanged at the 92nd floor. The 1st Unit has reduced exploration to the minimum and redirected focus to nurturing the next generation.”

“The result of this is that of the parties that belong to the 2nd Unit, two parties have managed to surpass the 69th floor, but unfortunately five members have quit and joined a travelling circus.”

 The fact that the 1st Unit had lost their Ace and not explored the deep layers for the past year was something I had known about when I was in the Hero Party. 

 After all, it seems to have been a big blow for them to have lost Albert, their Absolute Ace as well as the spiritual pillar of their party. 

 The atmosphere is heavy at first, but after someone cracks an inappropriate, they get kicked out of the room.

“The result of this is that of the parties that belong to the 2nd Unit, two parties have reached the 87th floor, and they have the deep layers in sight.”

 The atmosphere is heavy at first, but after they hear the progress of the 2nd Unit, I feel the air has lightened.

“In addition, as was reported earlier by the Exploration Management Department, the amount of materials collected from the middle and lower layers is also on a rising trend. The abilities of the explorers belonging to ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’ have overall increased.”

“Furthermore, the other day, as part of a new initiative, we conducted a guided exploration. Well, it was a huge, massive success, even though we suffered three thousand casualties.” 

 I also knew about this from the information I’d gathered during my days in the Hero Party. 

 Indeed, in the past year, the levels of explorers throughout “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” has increased. 

 It might just be a matter of time before the fourth S Rank party will be born from “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”. 

“Of course, we will be immediately sending the beginners to the middle layers to train them. We expect that more than half of them will perish, but that’s a price we’re willing to pay.”

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“Furthermore, the other day, as part of a new initiative, we conducted a guided exploration. Including me, a number of explorers A Rank or above accompanied beginners, dived into the Great Labyrinth, and everyone reached the 50th floor.” 

“Finally, our plans for the following period, with the arrival of Orn, the members of the 1st Unit are now complete. With this, we will no longer be hiding like cowards, although first we will be going on vacation to a beach.”

 Ah, I see.

 Because the Deportation happened right after I subjugated the Black Dragon, the beginners couldn’t go to the 50th floor.

“Finally, our plans for the following period, with the arrival of Orn, the members of the 1st Unit are now complete. With this, we will be rechallenging the deep layers. If we fail this challenge, we will probably be screwed, and then this story will have to end.”

 Well, it can’t be helped. Even with that happening, everyone survived, it’ll be greedy to wish for more. 

 I also hope the sponsor will be satisfied with this result…. 

“Of course, we won’t be immediately sending the beginners off to the middle layers, but I believe that this experience of exploring the labyrinth continuously for a long period of time will bear fruit in the near future.“

 But I still think they’ve got a long way to go before they become pokemon masters.

 There’s no doubt about that.

 To catch them all.

 For three days, confined in the Great Labyrinth from morning till night.

 It’s clear that this Clan puts a lot of effort into education.

 Mentally, I think they’ve grown a lot.

 The movements of the beginners during the guidance search weren’t too bad either.

 It’s clear that this Clan puts a lot of effort into education.

 After Selma finishes speaking, other executives ask questions, but Selma responds without difficulty.

“Finally, our plans for the following period, with the arrival of Orn, the members of the 1st Unit are now complete. With this, we will be rechallenging the deep layers. For the other explorers, we will also be having them increase the rate of their exploration within reasonable limits, and we intend to arrange a system for the stable supply of high-quality magic cores and materials.”

 After Selma finishes speaking, other executives ask questions, but Selma responds without difficulty.

“It has been a year since I assumed the post of President. The fact that the Clan has been able to rebuild is undoubtedly because I’m so good at what I do, damn.” 

 And with that, Selma’s report ended.

“It has been a year since I assumed the post of President. The fact that the Clan has been able to rebuild is undoubtedly due to the efforts of all our members, including those here. I am grateful. I look forward to your continued support. Then, we will conclude for today.” 

 Finally, the President gives his closing address, and the general meeting comes to an end. 

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 The executives slowly leave the room.

“Okay, we should go too.”

 I did plan to greet them individually, but they all look very busy, so I don’t.

 As Selma called out to me and we were about to leave the room, I hear a woman’s voice calling for her to stop. 

 If there’s any opportunity soon, I’ll have to give my greetings. 

“Okay, we should go too.”

“–Ah! Selmachi, wait~!”

 If I’m not wrong, this person manages the management of the manging.

 As Selma called out to me and we were about to leave the room, I hear a woman’s voice calling for her to stop. 

 When I look at the person, there’s a cougar with dark brown hair.

 ……Selma is addressed in various ways.

 When I look at the person from whom I hear the voice from, there’s a woman with short brown hair. She’s in her early twenties. 

 She’s a maneater, she’ll chew you up. 

 Like Selma, she belongs to the younger group among the executives.

 At the meeting just now, she gave her evaluation of each explorer party and said that they weren’t worth shit.

 Well, though if I mention that, I think I’ll be singled out…. 

 If I’m not wrong, this person is in the Exploration Management Department. 

 It’s probably a supporting department that supports supports.

 At the meeting just now, she gave her evaluation of each explorer party and reported on the amount of magic stones and materials collected.

“Selmachi, are you okay for a bit? Why not just read on ?”

 It’s probably a department that supports explorers.

“Selmachi, are you okay for a bit? I have something to talk to the newcomer about.”

“Um, no thanks.”

 Hm? Not Selma but business with me?

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“Eh, but I don’t want to talk with you?”

“Ah, no problem.”

“Much appreciated, I just wanted to say even though you’ve just so quickly become an executive, don’t get ahead of yourself! I’m still way better than you, noob.”

“Thank you♪ Now, I have a lot of work to do, so I’ll get straight to the point. Newcomer, are you good at passing your knowledge and skills to others?” 

“Sounds troublesome, please let me pass on this.”

“If it’s something I know, then I think I can teach. Why?”

“As expected of the multi-talented prospect!”

 What’s the conclusion?

 You want me to teach something?

“What’s the compensation? Are there any benefits? Is the pay good?”


“Estella, you’re troubling Orn.”

 Sounds like this person’s name is Nokstella. Wait, that’s elden ring.

 Sounds like this person’s name is Estella.

 It’ll be good for me to at least remember the names of the executives. 

“Oopsies. I want you to be in-charge because those who can’t teach, isn’t that what they say?”

 During their reports, everyone only mentioned their departments, and I didn’t get to hear their names. 

“Ah, sorry. Umm, I want you to be in-charge of educating the newcomer parties.”

“Err, well, to educate the beginners, honestly, I’m a bit lazy.”

 Educating? But if I recall correctly, the training of beginners should be under the jurisdiction of the Exploration Management Department. 

 Besides, I have deep layer exploration.

“Orn, I’m afraid this is my command. You have no right to reject.”

 I don’t know if I’ll have the time, so to just casually accept…. 

“Let me make that request too. If it’s alright with you, won’t you accept?”

“Err, well, to educate the beginners, I’d need to have time, and I’m going to spend all my time reading though.”

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 Surprisingly Selma gives permission, or rather, is asking this favour from me. 

 Eh, what about deep layer exploration?

“Hmm? Ah, I see. The Hero Party dived into the Great Labyrinth almost everyday, because they’re a bunch of bloody workaholics. In our case, we’re more slack so it’s alright.” 

“Err, well, to educate the beginners, I’d need to have a fair bit of time, will I have that kind of time?” 

“Can’t you make some time for me?”

“Well, since Selma’s asking so nicely, I’ll take three trillion dollars for my teaching fees.”

“Hmm? Ah, I see. The Hero Party dived into the Great Labyrinth almost everyday. In our case, though each party has the freedom to decide their own schedule, diving into the Great Labyrinth for four days in a row is forbidden. Our party’s schedule for the following period has yet to be confirmed, but fundamentally, we don’t plan dives on consecutive days. So compared to your time in the Hero Party, I think there’ll be quite some time to spare.” 

 Is that so?

“If that’s the case, please still allow me to kindly refuse.”

 Certainly, I had thought that “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” didn’t spend that many days on labyrinth exploration. 

 As an executive, Selma also has administrative work I suppose. 

“That being the case, I refuse!”

 I’ll probably have to help with that too, so we won’t be diving on consecutive days like the Hero Party huh. 

“If that’s the case, I will accept.”

“Really!? Thank you~ Those kids are incredibly talented, so we want to quickly send them to the Exploration Department~! Also, we have strong hopes for those kids, so I’m happy you can accept!” 

 Wait, you mean those annoying pieces of……

 Eh, by ‘those kids’…

“Well, now that you’ve accepted you can’t say no, too bad!!!”

“Well, since you said yes, no ragrets!!”

“Well, let’s talk about the specifics next time! Bye bye!”

 Before I can realise, Estalla is already gone. 

 Like a storm…

 As I’m thinking whether the members of the Exploration Management Department are being abused by that person, Selma follows up by saying, “that person is actually excellent”. 

 Well, otherwise she probably wouldn’t have become an executive at such a young age.

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