Chapter 41 – Members Of The 1st Unit

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 After leaving the conference room, we are now moving to the section where the Exploration Department resides.

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“It sounds like all the members have too much time on their hands. So you’ll be meeting everyone.” 

 Selma informs me while we head to the meeting place.

“Check out my patreon at for 14 advance draft chapters.”

 Apparently, as mentioned in the morning, from now on I’ll be meeting with the party members. 

 Check out my discord if you want to get pinged for updates.

 It’s not a problem itself that everyone will be gathering, but how can Selma know about that kind information in real-time? 

 Do they have something like mobile phones? Wait, this ain’t an isekai.

 We’ve been together all this while right?

 When I press Selma, she smiles coyly while saying “none of your business, peasant”.

 When I pose this suspicion to Selma, she smiles coyly while saying, “I’ll tell you later”.

 Maybe she was using one of those can thingies with a string attached and carrying it along all this while. But then, where is she hiding it?

 Looks like there’s some trick.


“Eh, what is this…”

 This place was a huge bloody mess. You’ve got to clean up man.

 My honest thoughts inadvertently spill from my mouth. 

 Selma guides me to a place where a large amount of books are stored. 

 Contained here are roughly around three books?

 This library has roughly around several thousand books maybe? 

 Glancing at the spines of the shelved books, there are books about demonic beasts, and books about each floor. 

“As I’d thought, it’d be better to read at huh?”

“As I’d thought, even Orn would be surprised by this huh.” 

“Um, are all the books here related to the Great Labyrinth?”

“Well, to be honest, most of the books here are unsuitable for younger audiences.”

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“Ah, there are many books about labyrinths in this country, but there are also books about the Great Labyrinth. Of course, not only information published by the Guild, but also information individually collected by our Clan itself has been written down.”

 Is this the power of a major Clan?

 There’s no way the Hero Party can collect this much information. 

 It’s possible because it’s a Clan that has a lot of explorers.

 The information contained here is so vast, like an endless ocean, like a massive continent, like a, like a, like a……

 I’m overwhelmed by the amount of information the Clan possesses.

 It’s like another day for you and me, you and me in paradise. 

 If what’s here isn’t only about labyrinths, then there’s also a considerable amount of information about — for example, things like magic tools, right?

 Is this paradise? 

 Is this paradise? 

 I want to confine myself here for a while and scavenge through all the unique information that “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” has collated so far. 

“Even Orn as well, there are times when your eyes shine like that…”

“Well there’s so much knowledge in front of me!? So much, that’s why my eyes are like this!!” 

“Okay that’s too much, I’m afraid I’ll have to revoke your borrowing privileges.”

“I, I see… As long as you’re a member, anyone can read the books here. But you can’t take them out of the building.”

 Selma is backing away a little.

“Why are you running? Here’s Johnny!”

 It’s true that I don’t usually get this excited.

 But there is so much knowledge here that I might not know!?

 Is there any human being who wouldn’t get excited? No, there’s no such person! 

“Can I dig through!?”

“Sorry to say this when you’re this happy, but please prioritise the introduction meeting…”

“I don’t give a damn. Imma finish it all right now.”

 That’s right.

 The reason I’d come here was to meet the others.

 Can’t be helped. The books won’t run away, let’s endure for now. 


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 At the back of the library are more than ten doors. 

 Selma opens the most solidly made door and invites me in.

“Here’s where we usually hold our meetings. Everyone else is late??”

“This is the exclusive room given to our 1st Unit. For meetings, we usually do them here.  ――Looks like everyone’s here.”

 Apparently the others are already inside. 

 The room itself looks rather decrepit. How disappointing….. I expected everything to be lined with gold. 

 I follow Selma into the room.

 The inside isn’t much different from the room the Hero Party uses from meetings in that rented mansion. 

 In the middle, there is a large blackboard on the wall, three chairs, four tables, six bones, an old man who played knick knack. 

 There is a large table and five chairs in the middle, a large blackboard on the wall, and towards the back are a stockpile of consumables used during exploration. 

 Other than that, In addition to Wilkes whom I met in the morning, there are two other women.

 I have no clue who any of these unknowns were, except that I was way better than those noobs.

 Both of them had also participated in the joint subjugation last month.

“My bad for getting everyone together even though it’s free time. The purpose is as I’d mentioned. For now, shall we get everyone to introduce themselves again?” 

“Yeah. I understand. Ahem, long time no see, is that right? I’m Lain Hagwell, twenty four years old….! Magician. Let’s work well together from now on.”

 Twenty four? She looks like she’s twenty four point five six one four.

 Lain introduced herself while emphasising her age.

 I hate to say it, but no matter how you look, Lain appears like she’s in her early teens.

 In last month’s joint subjugation, I thought she was just a bratty brat kiddo kid childish child, my bad. 

 During the joint subjugation, I remembered that I had thought it strange that such a child would be participating, only to be shocked when I found out she was actually twenty four years old. 

 She was wearing nice colourful ribbons, hey, if you don’t want to be treated like a kid, then maybe you should dress differently? How about wearing a suit? 

 Her black hair extended down to right in-between her ears and shoulders, and they were braided in two, like pigtails. 

“Yes, yes. Next is me! I’m Lucrecia Otis. My position is a Supporter Healer~. You can call me Lucre! We’re close in age, so let’s get along yeah♪”

 The colour of her eyes are like a clear sky. 

 She’s wearing a loose robe themed in black and blue. 

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“Yes, yes. Next is me! I’m Lucrecia Otis. My position is a Supporter Healer~. You can call me Lucre! We’re close in age, so let’s get along yeah♪”

 I feel like the size doesn’t fit…

 From what I’ve seen during the joint subjugation last month, she seems to value quality over quantity, and casts special-grade magic that covers a narrower area. 

“Yes, yes. Next is me! I’m Lucrecia Otis. My position is a Supporter Healer~. You can call me Lucre! We’re close in age, so let’s get along yeah♪”

 As per my first impression, she’s way too loud, keep a lid on it mannnn. 

 No different from my first impression, a lively person. 

 Her medium long blonde hair is just enough to fall over her shoulders, and her eyes are aquamarine.

“Next is me. My name is Wilkes Severly, twenty. I’ve recently been a Vanguard Attacker, but my main job is Defender. I’ve been thinking I might have to stay like this as a Vanguard Attacker, so Orn joining is a great help. You can call me Will. Let’s work together!” 

 She wears a black blouse, a blue miniskirt, and black tights.

 During the joint subjugation, rather than a Healer, she had participated in the attack as a Magician. 

 My sense is that she mainly uses advanced magic, and her activation speed is neither fast nor slow. 

“Next is me. My name is Wilkes Severly, twenty. I’ve recently been a Vanguard Attacker, but my main job is Defender. I’ve been thinking I might have to stay like this as a Vanguard Attacker, so Orn joining is a great help. You can call me Will. Let’s work together!” 

 Is that why he was acting like a Vanguard Attacker during the joint subjugation?

 For Wilkes’ appearance, he has short hair and Betty Davis eyes.

 Indeed, the Officers accompanying the guided exploration were mainly Defenders. If Anson or Bernard had been promoted to the 1st Unit, this person would probably be converting to a Vanguard Attacker. 

 For Wilkes’ appearance, he has slightly long silver hair and amber eyes. 

“I don’t think I need to introduce myself anymore, I mean, if I still need to, have you really been paying attention while reading this?”

 As for his clothes, he’s wearing a somewhat longer jacket, and gives off the overall image of a flashy person. 

 However, he is an explorer selected for this 1st Unit. His ability is undoubtedly proven.

“I don’t think I need to introduce myself anymore, but anyway, I’m Selma Claudel. I’m the leader of this party, and I’m a Supporter — an Enchanter. Basically, I give orders during labyrinth exploration, however, if any doubts come to mind, please ask. Once again, let’s work together.” 

 And needless to say, Selma is the best Enchanter on the continent.

“Then the remaining one is me. My name is Orn Doula, eighteen years old. My position is Vanguard Attacker. In order to be able to quickly integrate with the party and coordinate together, I will do my due diligence. I look forward to working with all of you.” 

 It’s said that she’s mastered all common magic, and excels in being able to choose the appropriate magic to use depending on the situation. 

 Furthermore, her activation speed and multiplier effect can’t be criticised. She’s definitely one of the top explorers. 

“Then the remaining one is me. My name is Orn Doula, eighteen years old. My position is Vanguard Attacker. In order to be able to quickly integrate with the party and coordinate together, I will do my due diligence. I look forward to working with all of you.” 

“Eighteen years old!? Aren’t we the same age!”

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 Apparently Lucre is also eighteen.

 If I’m not mistaken, Selma should be twenty one, so the average age is low. 

 Well, that’s also true of the Hero Party. 

“Since we’re party members from today, we can cut the formal speech. Speaking formally will only unnecessarily prolong the conversation and be inefficient.” 

“Listen to yo elders when they speak, boyo.”

“Eh, but I’m younger and a newcomer here…”

“Yes, so you better show some respect, lick my boots.” 

“I’m also younger, and before Orn, I was the last to join, but I don’t speak formally, it’s no problem!” 

“For you, I think it’ll be better to show a bit more respect to those older than you.” 

“What’d you–! Isn’t Will just a flirt! How can you respect someone like that!”

“I ain’t a flirt! Everything I do is based on my beliefs.”

“But the other day when crossing the road—”

“Eh, like when you try to pick up girls?”

“I don’t do things like picking up!? Don’t say misleading things!”

“Huh! Everything I’m saying is the truth, the truth, the truth, and nothing but the truth!”

“Huh? But last time—”

“Daaaaa! Don’t say that!”

 All of a sudden, the two start arguing.

 Can they get serious? All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 

 In the end, my excuses don’t get through, and I stop speaking so formally.

 In the meantime, I think I should get these two guys to these guys again.

 It may also be better to talk more casually to quickly shorten the distance between us.

 Although, I’m afraid that they’re so rude that they rob me of my hard earned cash, please pay me back tomorrow.

 After all, formal speech does give the feeling of being strangers. 

 Though I’ll have to keep in mind the time, place, and occasion.

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