Chapter 56 – Solo Battle

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“Alright! Then let’s go to the Great Labyrinth this afternoon!”

 After teaching them about demonic beasts, I continued with the other basics of being an explorer, such as the way to think about the different roles, and when I finished, it was just about noon. 

“Eh, is that okay……?”

“Yeah, your education policy has been left to me. Sitting around in class all day for the first day, you guys will definitely get bored and want to move around, right? To decide how I’ll be going about instructing from here on, I would like you all to show me your abilities again.”

 I get the three to have lunch in the cafeteria. However, I direct them to eat smaller portions. 

 When they ask me if I’m not going to be eating at the cafeteria and I tell them I’ll be fine because I would be eating the portable rations I had made myself, the three of them show interest in my rations and we all end up eating them together, 

 I made these rations with taste as a secondary concern. 

 Though I’ve been able to improve it to a level where it doesn’t taste terrible, it isn’t delicious.

 So naturally, the moment all three of them put the food in their mouths, their expressions hardened.

“What’s this! It’s not — nghngh!”

“Oh, it’s delicious, Master! To even be able to make something like this, isn’t Master amazing!”

 Just as Carol was about to give her honest impressions, Log covers her mouth with his hand and follows up. 

“Puha! I almost died!”

‘Ahaha……. I know the taste is questionable, so no need to force yourselves. Do you still want to eat at the cafeteria now?” 

“N, no! Since we’ve been given this food, we can’t just leave it!”

 It looks like not only Log, but the other two will also be finishing everything. 

 You don’t have to push yourselves in a place like this……

  ◇ ◇

 After lunch, we arrive at the 10th floor of the Great Labyrinth.

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“Well then, from now on,, now I’m going to have you guys fight one by one. I want you to show me how far you can go alone. No matter what happens, I’ll be protecting you all so try to fight with everything you have. Also, when you fight, wear this necklace around your neck.”

 With one person and three people, there is a high possibility that the demonic beasts will come for the three of us, so I will get them to wear the necklace I used in the battle against the Black Dragon.

 First to fight is Sophie.

 The enemies are five Slimes.

“Sophie, do your best!”

“I, I’m going! ……[Fire Arrow]!”

 Slimes are one of the most common examples of weak demonic beasts.

 Nevertheless, they have high physical resistance and while their weak point, the core, is in the centre of their bodies, it’s small and hard to see. 

 Therefore, it’s a difficult opponent for a rookie Swordsman.

 However, Sophie is a Magician.

 She should be able to defeat even five Slimes without any difficulty.

 Her choice is the fire-type intermediate magic, [Fire Arrow], which Slimes are weak against. 

 When the Slimes approach, she calmly keeps her distance.

 And while maintaining that fixed distance, securely defeat them one after the other.

 If she could do parallel construction, her extermination speed would definitely be higher, but as a newcomer, she has no problem selecting magic and standing her ground.

 After all, I should get Sophie to master parallel construction from now on.


 Next is Log’s battle.

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 The enemies are four Goblins.

 Since Log is an Enchanter, he normally shouldn’t be participating that much in the attack and should be focusing on managing the buffs of his allies. 

 However, since there are only three of them in the party, he has to join the offence.

 If only there were beginners who could keep up with these three……

 In the blink of an eye, Log activated magic such as [Rock Needle] and [Fire Arrow] to turn the Goblins into magic stones.

 I’m convinced after watching him fight again.

 Log can perform parallel construction. 

 Because the Exploration Management Department is the place where beginners are instructed, I don’t think they teach parallel construction which is required for advanced explorers.

 If so, did he arrive at this on his own or was he taught by some other explorer?

 In any case, I’m surprised that he’s able to do parallel construction at this age.

 Log did have an attitude, but he already has the ability to be a good explorer.

 Well then, what should I teach Log from now on?

  ◇ ◇

 Last, Carol’s battle.

 The enemies are two White Wolves.

 White Wolves are demonic beasts characterised by their quick movements and powerful bite.

 Carol, as usual, is sticking tightly to the enemy and slashing with a dagger, countering their attacks while avoiding.

 As I’d thought, Carol is suited to be a Vanguard Attacker.

 Since she’s now my student, I won’t let her be an Evasion Defender, which has the highest mortality rate, 

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 I don’t want her to take that risk.

 However, at the moment, Carol is the only one who can play the role of Vanguard.

 Not having a Defender in a party is fatal.

 I have no choice but to let her be a Defender for now, but also only down to the middle layers.

 When we get to the lower layers, I’ll have her convert to a Vanguard Attacker.

 We need to find a Defender who can keep up with these three.

 Carol is playing with one of the White Wolves as she slices at it. 

 Perhaps because she’s concentrating on one, her back is exposed to the other one that’s looming behind her. 

“Look out!”

 Sophie lets out a voice mixed with a scream.

 I channel my mana into the formula I had constructed beforehand and activate [Reflective Wall].

 The White Wolf that touches the grey translucent wall flies off in the opposite direction.

 Casting [Triple] [Agility Up], I close the distance with that White Wolf in an instant. 

 And just like that, the White Wolf, defenceless in mid-air in front of me, is bisected.

  ◇ ◇

“Carol, you’re fighting alone right now, so you need to be aware of your surroundings, got it?”

 I warn Carol, taking as much care as possible not to sound accusatory.

“Hmm? I knew there was one coming from behind? That’s why I didn’t defend.”

 Carol says it as though it’s only obvious.

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 What does that mean? I don’t understand.

“Are you clear on that? That could have been a serious injury, you know?”

“Hmm? I don’t get hurt, okay?

 We’re talking past each other. 

 After Carol says that, she slashes her own wrist with the dagger she’s holding. 

 Naturally, a lot of blood flows from her wrist.


 For a moment, I don’t register, but I immediately construct a formula to cast [Heal].

 But before I can activate it, the wound heals itself in no time at all.

(What, is this……)

 Unable to hide my confusion, I mutter in my mind.

“This is my Talent. No matter how injured I get, I get fixed up really quick! I have a body that won’t die! I’m used to pain, and I never get hurt, so don’t worry!”

 She tells me with a big smile.

 I can’t not worry!

 This kid is too unbalanced.

 Someday, she might not be able to say something like that so carefreely. 

 Was it because of this Talent that she always charges right into demonic beasts?

 This Talent has biased her.

 Such dangerous thinking must be rectified right away…….

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