Chapter 57 – When You Think That It Hurts

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“…………Carol, look at the faces of your party members.”

“Hmm? –Ah…….”

 Carol turns her gaze towards Sophie and Log.

 Both of them have looks of confusion that they can’t hide.

 Sophie has a pained face as though she’s about to cry. 

“The smiles that you like so much have disappeared from the two of them, you realise? Do you know why?”

 I ask Carol, and she shakes her head.

“Because you’re hurt.”

“But, the wound…….”

 Carol begins to tremble.

“It’s not a visible injury. When you get hurt, they get hurt too. If you do this again, in the future, the two of them will lose their smiles again, alright? Are you fine with that?”

“That……. that’s no good! No! What should I do!?”

 Carol is wobbling and quivering.

 In the end, what this kid is most afraid off is not receiving smiles from other people. 

“It’s simple. Even if you’re used to pain, it still hurts, right? Then all you need is to not do things that make you think it hurts. When Carol finds that it hurts, Sophie, Log, even myself will end up finding it painful. We’re not used to pain, so when we think it hurts, we can’t just laugh it off.”

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“G, got it. I got it, so. Don’t think it hurts anymore! So, smile….. p, please….. Please don’t hit me……”

 She still looks scared and pleads with tears streaming down her face.

 I try my best to put on a smile and pat Carol’s head.


 Mistaking it for me trying to hit her, Carol lets out a small scream. 

 While still gently stroking her head.

“It’s okay. I’m not angry. Don’t worry, there’s no one here that will hit you. If there’s anyone  who wants to hit you, I’ll beat them to a pulp. It’s okay, it’s okay–“

 Until I can reassure Carol, I keep telling her that “it’s okay”.

  ◇ ◇

 I guess it was because I kept patting her that she calmed down faster than I thought she would.

 Though I really wanted to watch the three of them cooperate a few more times after this and then conclude, but since it can’t be done under the current circumstances, I decide to abandon the idea.

“Alright! Since I’ve gotten to see the three of you fight as planned, we’re heading back for today.”

 Emphasising that my objective for today is only to see the three of them fight individually, I call out to them and then we return to the Clan headquarters. 

 The demonic on the way back were destroyed by magic before the three of them could even see them.

 Right now, I don’t know how the three of them — especially Carol — would react if they come across demonic beasts.

  ◇ ◇ 

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“Well, it’s early, but there’s no need to go flying ahead from the first day. Let’s call it a day. As for the future plans, basically, I will be instructing you guys every other day. That’s why on days where there are no lessons, the three of you can dive into the Great Labyrinth. However! When you do dive, you must absolutely dive with all three of you, you must not challenge the Floor Boss, and until I give permission, you can’t go below the 11th floor, and you definitely must not do anything reckless. I want you to respect these four points.”

 After returning to the room we started in, I speak briefly about the future. 


 Log replies on behalf of the others. 

“In the case that you do go into the Great Labyrinth on a day where there are no lessons, you should take the next day off to rest. You can’t grow if you push yourself too hard. Have fun or do what you like to pass the time…… Well, if you say you have nothing to do, I recommend reading. Read some of the books in the Explorer Department library. It’s well organised, easy to read, and you can learn a lot from it.”

 When I say, “do what you like to pass the time”, Sophie’s expression tenses and stiffens.

 So I suggested reading, but you don’t have any hobbies?

 After saying that, we broke up for the day.

 On the surface, Carol looks the same as she did before she went into the Grand Labyrinth.

 I don’t know what’s going on inside her mind, but I don’t think she’s going to explode right now.

 Heading for Estella, I make a move.

“Master! May I have a moment of your time?”

 As I’m about to leave the room, Log stops me.

“What’s up?”


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 Log looks as if he’s not sure if he should hold me back.

 I wait patiently, and then Log opens his mouth.

“Master, I want to hear your honest opinion on how good my current skills are!”

 Why are you asking me that? I think, but Log’s eyes are serious.

 I don’t know what his intention is in asking this question, but if I am to believe in what he said earlier this morning, he won’t get carried away. I give him my frank impression. 

 Assuming he will have the tendency to do so, maybe I can follow up and see if Log really has changed. 

“……I think you’d already have no problems joining one of the lower A Rank parties.”

‘……I, see. If Master says that, it gives me confidence. Thank you very much. –Then, could not teach me the sword?”


 Why bring up the sword there?

 Don’t tell me you think maybe you’ve already mastered being an Enchanter?

 You’ve still a little rough around the edges, you know?

“……Why do you want to learn the sword?”

“After seeing Carol today, I realised that like this, it’ll be no good if she continues being a Defender. She is the kind of person to go on a suicide attack after discovering demonic beasts, and in her everyday life, she often puts others before herself. Probably because she wants that person to smile. I thought that if I can also become a Vanguard, I can ease Carol’s burden a little. Besides, just like Master, I want to become an explorer who can do anything. I believe swordsmanship is essential for that!”

 Not a comment made from overconfidence, but with the party members in mind.

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 Certainly, if the party consists of three people, it’s better to have two Vanguards.

 If that’s the case, it would be most reasonable for Log, who already has enough basic ability as an Enchanter, to take up something new.

“I understand your mindset, Log. What you’re trying to do is something that has the potential to destroy everything you’ve built up so far, even so, will you not change your mind?”

“Yes! If’m not willing to bear that much risk, then I can’t make it to the top. I’m more than prepared!”

 I do some simulations regarding the party given Log moving to the Vanguard.

 Even if Log transfers to Vanguard, he’ll still have to use support magic.

 But it’s impossible for him to manage buffs and command his teammates while fighting on the frontline.

 That being so, Sophie will have to take command.

 Is it too much of a load for that shy girl…….?

“I get where you’re coming from. But this isn’t something decided by you and I alone. I’ll ask the other two for their opinions next time and we’ll decide from then.”

“That’s right. Understood.”

“……Assuming Log, that you’re going to simultaneously in the Vanguard, I won’t be teaching you the sword. You’ll have to understand that.”

“Why!? Is it because I have no talent with the sword!?”

 Log exclaims in surprise.

 If you’re suddenly told that, you will probably react in that way.

“That’s not it. I’ll teach you martial arts. However, Log, you’re also an Enchanter. That being so, it’s definitely better for you to use a weapon that can immediately allow you to gain distance away from your enemies. Because of that, I won’t be teaching you the sword, but instead — the spear.”

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