Chapter 69 – The Thing I Craved

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“……We, won?”

“Ah……! It’s our victory!”

“We did it-!

“Hahaha, we finally got it!”

 The four of them are all letting out their feelings with tears in their eyes.

 This is really great…….. Everyone’s hard work paid off.

 To collect Schwarzhase, I move away from those four.

 I’m an outsider, so I think it’s best if I don’t stay with them.

 Right now, it’s time for the four of them to be with each other. 

 Anyway, [Magic Sword Unification] still has room for improvement. 

 There’s too much lag in-between shape changes. The forms are unstable. No durability. And other than these, there are countless remaining problem points.

 Well, there’s nothing else to do except repeated trial and error. 

 After storing Schwarzhase, I crouch where I am and check the magic stones and drop items.

 Obviously there’s much less compared to a whole corpse, but there are parts of the tail and leg that’ve been sliced off, so the amount acquired is still pretty good, I guess? 

 There’s definitely still enough to make some weapons and armour.

“What, why’re you all alone? Orn, join us!”

 All of a sudden, Will comes up from behind me, puts his arm around my neck and says in a good mood.

“…….I can’t do that. Because I don’t have the same kind of intense emotions for this battle like the four of you. I think it’s inappropriate for me to mix in.”

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 The truth is, I want to be a part of them.

 I also want to celebrate with everyone.

 But as a newcomer, as someone who doesn’t know anything about their previous defeat, I don’t have the, right to do so. 

 I fear being rejected by others.

 I don’t know why.

 But, my feelings, my heart is afraid.

 Right now, if they were to all deny me, I’ll definitely be hurt.

 If that’s the case, then it’d be alright as long as I don’t get any closer than necessary to begin with.

“The hell you mean by inappropriate. You’re an important friend to me. Doesn’t matter how short it’s been. Even if you say you haven’t got those intense emotions, you still fought together with us like this. That’s enough of a reason. Let’s keep working together from now on!”

“That’s right. I did somehow get the feeling that you weren’t getting yourself involved with us more than you had to. But, this is a good chance, so can you let me say something? You don’t need to be afraid. I can accept you no matter who you are.”

“Orn, you’ve got a good head, yeah~ You probably think of so many more things than I do, but it’s better in times like this to think simply, I think! What do you want to do, just something like that!”

“I — we, like the person known as Orn Doula, alright. At first, it’s true that there were reasons like you being a former member of the Hero Party, or because you were a Dragon Slayer, reasons like that. But after getting to know you over this past month, even without those reasons, from the bottom of my heart, I want to continue being in a party with you. No matter what anyone says, Orn, you’re our precious friend!”

 The words from the four of them sink in.

 My head goes blank.

 But my heart is filled with something warm, a strange feeling.


 When I realise it, my tears are flowing.

“…….It’s like the real Orn is finally peeking out. I think this is the time to say it, right?”

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“Yeah”, “Right”, “Mmhmm”.

 The three of them nod in reponse to Selma’s statement.

 My head’s not working well, I have completely no clue regarding what they’re talking about. 

“Orn, once again–“

“”””Welcome to ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’!!!!””””

 Everyone’s giving me a big smile as they shout.

 I might have finally found my place.

 After wiping away my tears, I raise myself and look at them.

“I might get you all in trouble in the future, you know? I don’t know if you’ll regret having me along.”

“Hah, you think I regret?”

“It’s nice to have an overachieving little brother, but in the end, there’s also a part of me that feels lonely. You should let yourself be spoiled by your big sister!”

“The amount of trouble Will and I get up to won’t lose to you-! We’re carefree people, yeah!”

“Not wrong. –Wait, I refuse to be treated the same as you! I’m at least a little bit better than you!’

“Eeh~, we’re the same!”

 Will and Lucre begin their usual exchange.

 What my father said was true.

(Dad, I’ve also made friends — comrades.)


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“We’re finally here!”

 Lucre exclaims in a good mood.

 We step foot into the 93rd floor.

 The 93rd floor is a sea of trees.

 Trees so thick that they cover the sky, and there are some places where the light does not even reach the ground.

 And there’s a greater variety of demonic beasts than on the previous floors.

“There’s more plants and trees than I’d expected. It’s scary if you get surprise attacked by a demonic beast here.”

“You’re right. Well, let’s slowly think about that later.”

“Yeah, as planned, let’s stop here for today.”

 Today’s objective was to reach the 93rd floor. 

 That battle with the Black Dragon ended within our limits, and we still probably have some stamina remaining to explore the 93rd floor, but it’s not the place to be reckless.

 The four of them hold up their Guild cards to the crystal of the 93rd floor, and then we depart the Great Labyrinth. 

“Eheheh~, the Guild card has ’93’ written on it! We really went to the 93rd floor!”

 From start to end, Lucre’s in a good mood. 

 The other three look relieved, as if a weight has been lifted from their shoulders.

 When we return to the Clan headquarters, several members are near the gate.

 It’s unusual to see people here.

 We don’t have a gatekeeper stationed here, so usually there wouldn’t be people waiting.

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“Ah, welcome back! Everyone!”

“Yeah, we’re back. What are you doing in a place like this?”

 Selma asks the members, and they reply that they “couldn’t get any work done…….” with wry smiles.

 Well, they would be curious about the result.

“So how did it go!?”

 One of those members asks with a nervous look on his face.

“Fufufu, we went to the 93rd floor.”

 Lain breaks into a smile.

 The faces of the members light up when they hear this, and they enter their respective buildings with raised voices.

 …….Wait, are they messengers from each department?

“Everyone, let’s move to the main building as soon as possible. The way those people are reacting, it looks like there’s going to be a commotion from now on. I think we should move further into the grounds, since staying near the gate might disturb the neighbourhood.”

“Yeah. In the morning it was pretty noisy too, we should probably avoid making any more noise.”

 Everyone agrees with me and we start making our way towards the main building.

 And by the time we got to the main building, as expected, we’re surrounded by many members.

“Seriously, congratulations!”

“I knew you guys could do it!”

 Everyone’s saying the things they want to say. 

 I don’t really like being around so much noise, but I don’t mind this kind of thing at all.

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