Chapter 70 – Feast

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“Alright, as planned for today, we’ll be wrapping up work and having a party now!”

 One of the Clan executives, the head of the General Affairs Department, Gerald, announces, and the members burst into cheers of joy.

 Apparently, there had been plans for a party, and in no time at all, a buffet party is set up in an open space on the premises.

 Large amounts of drinks and food are brought in, and it looks like almost every single member stationed at the headquarters has left work to attend this party.  

 By “almost every”, I mean that some of the executives and others in important positions have work that needs to be completed by the end of the day, so they can’t stay for the entire party.

 From there, the feast begins.

“N, nice to meet you! Orn! My, name is Eliza! Congratulations on reaching the 93rd floor!”

“–Hey, wait! Didn’t I say don’t just run away! Nice to meet you, Orn! My name is Miranda.”

 It’s been about a month since I joined the Clan, but so far, I haven’t really blended in with the other members.

 Well, I’m a former explorer from the Hero Party, and I’ve become an executive member as soon as I joined the clan, so it’s only natural.

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 But today, regardless of man or woman, I’ve been able to speak with a lot of members I haven’t yet spoken to before. 

“This might be rude of me to say, but before this Orn you’ve always given off a bit of an unapproachable atmosphere, yeah…… But, there’s none of that today, and I’ve always thought of wanting to talk to you, so I decided to strike up a chat with you! And then, I found that you’re an easy person to talk to, and I end up wondering why I’ve been so hesitant to speak to you all this while.”

 I think what this person is saying is right,

 Until now, I’ve never reached out to anyone on my own.

 And yet, I’ve still been thinking that I want to have friends, how twisted I am, I end up reflecting on myself. 

 But now that I’ve been accepted by everyone in the 1st Unit, I think I’ve become much more mentally relaxed.

 Today’s a good day not only for “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”, but also for me.

“Yo, Orn! Long time no see!”

 Just as I finish speaking with various people, a voice calls out to me from behind.

 When I turn around, I see Anson and Bernard.

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 In addition to them, Cathy and the other beginners who had participated in last month’s guided exploration are all gathered there.

 The number of beginners is about half that of before though. 

 Some of the beginner explorers have transferred to other departments, some have left the Clan entirely. 

 Well, it was such a dreadful experience. No one can deny that.

“It’s been a while, Anson, Bernard, Cathy. It’s been a long time, too, all you beginners.”

“You just joined and you reached the 93rd floor, seriously. Well, you’ve got the skills of someone who can solo a Black Dragon, so this result is only natural. Even though I was thinking it’d be hard to catch up to the 1st Unit, they’re leaving us further behind again.”

“Bernard, you reached the 88th floor the other day, right?”

“Ah, that’s right! A bit more and I’m gonna say goodbye to the area that makes the Vanguard cry! I’ll head to the deep layers first, Anson!”

“Now’s the only time you’ll be able to say that. We’ll overtake you soon.”

 Ansom and Bernard belong to different parties, and it seems they’re both conscious of each other’s parties and are engaged in friendly competition with each other.

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 This kind of relationship is nice.

“Congratulations on reaching the 93rd floor, Orn!”


 While Anson and Bernard argue with each other, the beginners take the chance to give me words of congratulations. 

“Thank you. I’ve heard from Estella that you guys are doing great.”

“You even went out of your way to worry about us!?”

 One of the new girls shouts in surprise.

 Rather than being worried, while checking with Estalla about the training and progress of the Exploration Management Department, the topic just naturally arose……

 Obviously I can’t say that, so I get through with a smile.

“Seriously! All you beginners just spent the past month watching Master from afar and didn’t think of proactively trying to approach him, but the moment he does something amazing, you turn around and start getting close.”

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 Log grumbles.

“”You’re the only person we don’t want to hear that from!!””

 He’s met with jeers from the people around him. 

 However, looking at their faces, they’re all smiling. 

 They don’t seem to really mean it. 

“Pfft. Ahahahaha! That’s right, that’s not something for Log to say!”

 I can’t hold back my laughter at this exchange and burst out.

“Please don’t say that too, Master…… I’ve already reflected on it enough…….”

 Log has an indescribable expression.

 But still, if he’s got a relationship where it’s enough for him to be teased like this, there might just be no more need to worry about his interpersonal relationships.

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