Jack Of All Trades: Chapter 71 – Reception

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 The party is still going on, but I leave the venue and walk behind the President with Selma toward the reception room in the main building.

“Just when you were having a good time, apologies.”

 The President, walking in front of me, calls out to me with a sorry voice.

“No, I’ve enjoyed myself enough. Besides, I think this is something Selma and I need to deal with.”

“I see. I am glad you seem to have enjoyed it……. Once again, congratulations on reaching the 93rd floor. level. I’m truly proud of you all.”

“No, this is just the beginning. Reaching the 93rd floor is nothing more than our first step. From here on, we will go further.”

 Selma replies to the President’s congratulatory words.

 Right, revenge against the Black Dragon was a major goal for everyone, but the objective is ultimately to conquer the Great Labyrinth.

 From now on, this Clan will continue on to clear the Great Labyrinth.

“Reliable words. We will do our utmost to support you, so I want you to progress with the clearance at your own pace without overdoing it. –Now then, we have arrived at our destination.”

 While talking with the President, we reach the reception room where we are heading to.

 The President knocks on the door and then enters.

 Following him, Selma and I go in respectively. 

 Inside the room is an elderly man, dressed in fine attire.

 His name is Lazareth Eddington.

 The former head of the Eddington family.

 And Count Eddington is a major sponsor of “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”.

 His son has inherited the family title, so he’s pretty much retired and rarely appears on the political stage, but he still has a strong influence.

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“Your Excellency Lazareth, thank you for waiting.”

 The President greets him along with a bow, and Selma and I follow his lead, bowing in the same manner.

“Not at all, it’s my fault for suddenly barging in. When I heard that you were able to reach the 93rd floor, I just couldn’t stay still. I know you might think of this as a bit of a bother, but would you not mind having a chat with this old man?”

 My impression of Lazareth Eddington is that he’s like a good-natured old man.

 Although he’s an aristocrat, he speaks kindly even to a commoner like me.

 But that scares me.

 This is a person who’s survived in social circles where they say there’s like evil spirits running rampant.

 There’s no way he’s just a nice old man.

 That said, “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” and Count Eddington’s family have the same interests.

 Because of that, we receive their investment, and unless something goes wrong, they will not become our enemies, so there’s no problem to keep our vigilance of them to the bare minimum.

 –Or at least, until now.

“It’s only been two weeks since I’ve last seen Orn. To think you would really descend to the 93rd floor in such a short time. That’s really amazing. I wonder if after all, this result was indeed only possible because of you?”

“My apologies. My contribution was insignificant. This result was made possible by the abilities of ‘Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit’. I certainly would have been unable to reach the 93rd floor all by myself.”

“Modest as usual. Good work today to you too, Selma. Did you manage to avenge Albert’s death?”

“……Yes. This was also something only achievable due to Your Excellency Lazereth’s cooperation. Thank you very much for lending us your strength.”

“What I did was a mere trifle. But with this, I now have a good story to share. Thank you for giving me an interesting topic to bring up. I’m glad I believed in you all.”

 This was something I heard from the Marquis Forgas during my time in the Hero Party; after Albert passed away and they were overtaken in the lowest descended floor record, there were apparently calls from Count Eddington’s faction to terminate their investment in “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”.

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 And it seems that just when they were about to reach an agreement to cease support, the one who decided to hold on was this old man.

 In this past month, there’s been almost no information on the Hero Party.

 Conversely, “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” has updated our record descent to the 93rd floor. 

 Just to mention, including parties in the past, there have only been three parties, among which “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” is one, that have reached the 93rd floor.

 Looking at this situation, it’s brighter than fire to see which party has both the momentum and interest of the people.

 I honestly don’t know if this old man had read this far, but it obviously goes without saying that his voice within the faction has become even stronger.

 And so, “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” owes him a big debt of gratitude.

 When Lazareth Eddington makes a huge move in the future, it’s quite possible that “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit” will be involved.

(We need to gather much more information on this old man than what we already have.)

“Oh, yes. Since there’s a good opportunity, I have one question I want to pose to you, Orn.”

 ……Something you want to ask me?

“May I ask what that might be?”

“Well, it’s about the leader of the Hero Party, Oliver the Sword Saint.”

 About Oliver? I still can’t see where this is going.

 I’ve already told him within the limits of what I can about the Hero Party.

“If Orn and Sword Saint Oliver fought one-on-one, who would win, I wonder? With the condition that you will be fighting without magic and only with martial arts.” 

 A fight without using magic?

 To my mind, there’s no such choice as not using magic in battle.

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 I am proud of the fact that I’ve acquired a variety of martial arts.

 However, I haven’t mastered them, and to begin with, my base physical abilities are inferior to advanced explorers’.

 To make up for this difference, I incorporate magic, mainly support magic, into my battles, and it’s unthinkable for me to not use magic in a fight.

 To begin with, there’s no place without mana, so it’s unlikely for there to be situations where magic cannot be used.

 If I were to be in a situation where I can’t cast magic, without a doubt, that would be when my consciousness is dim, and in the first place, that would just be a situation where I’m entirely unable to fight at all.

 I don’t understand the intent of this question…….

“………….I can win.”

 I don’t know the point of the question, but I don’t think it’d make much of a difference if I lie or not, so I answer…… honestly.

“……Ahem. I’m sorry Orn, but I’ve heard that you’ve never won a single battle against Sword Saint Oliver?”

 Where exactly did you hear that?

“Yes, I’ve not beaten him once.”

 Selma startles after hearing my statement.

 She seems to have thought that I was stronger than Oliver.

“‘Hmmm? If you have never beaten him, can you really win?”

“I said I’ve never beaten him, but the last time I fought Oliver was in a mock battle before I converted to Enchanter. And furthermore, Your Excellency Lazareth, you are asking about victory or defeat in a pure martial arts battle without magic, right?”

 The old man nods his head in affirmation to my question.

“If so, I can win. I have thorough knowledge of all of Oliver’s habits, so in fact, he is someone who would fall into the category of an easy opponent for me. –However, I would like for you to not misunderstand, this is only in the case where Oliver and I fight one-on-one. Assuming the same conditions, if we were to compete to see who could defeat the same kind of demonic beast faster, I would not stand a chance.”

 Oliver is a genius.

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 He doesn’t rely on cheap tricks like me, his strength is simply overwhelming.

 The majority, including myself, are ordinary people who are no match for Oliver.

“I see. It is true that for ten years — no, since you’ve been born, you have been watching the movements of the Sword Saint Oliver, so you are able to win in a fight if you are limited only to martial arts. Yes, I am convinced and relieved.”


 It sounds as if Oliver and I will fight under those conditions……

 What are you planning?

 After that the conversation, including Selma and the President, lasted for about another hour, but the content of what we had just spoken about remained in my heart like a lump.


 Our reception of Lazareth Eddington is over, but I have other plans.

 That being an interview with Blanca, the newspaper publisher. 

 Since I was the one who had responded to news inquiries when I was in the Hero Party, and since I was with Selma, the both of us headed over. 

 The interview lasted about an hour, but Selma was basically answering the questions, I just supplemented her answers.

 Most of the content of the interview was general information about the battle with the Black Dragon and the 92nd floor, so I won’t mention it.

 When the interview finishes, we return to the party venue, where they are already cleaning up.

 Well, it’s already late, so we can’t make any more noise outside.

 After helping clean up, along with Anson, Bernard, and a few other adults who I had gotten to know better after talking to them for the first time today, we went to a bar outside for an after party sort of thing.

 It ended up being a bit of a blur, but it was great fun to spend time with everyone.

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