Without hesitation, I decided to board a ship headed towards Renault City the very next day.

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Renault City was located on the coast of the Destan River, so the ship had to travel for three days down the river from the Roxanne territory in order to reach its destination.

“We’ll be boarding the ship today, right? I, it’s my first time leaving the territory of the Roxanne Grand Duchy. I’m excited.”

In the hotel room, Marie, who had just woken up, wore an expectant face.

Before I went to buy boarding passes, I realized there was something to be taken care of.

“Will you stay here for a while?”


I opened the hotel door. At my sudden movements, the hooded man from yesterday flinched as if surprised and attempted to act naturally.

It was the knight who was both my escort and shadow.

I clicked my tongue and called out.

“Sir Olivier.”


“Sir Olivier?”

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Since he did not reply, I stood directly in front of him and stared.

Was it from embarrassment, or perhaps a different reason? His face flushed red and he appeared rather flustered.

“Were you sent by his Royal Highness, the Grand Duke?”

“…Yes, your Highness.”

In the end, Sir Olivier nodded his head.

He continued with a firm voice.

“I was ordered by his Royal Highness to keep your Highness safe at all costs. Even if you are not pleased with my presence, please understand that I have no option other than to follow you.”

“I wasn’t telling you to return.”


Sir Olivier seemed confused.

As if it wasn’t unusual, I said.

“Since you’ve suffered, come in and have a cup of tea.”


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Sir Olivier seemed flustered at the sight of Marie.

Sir Olivier was a proper knight, and a Mana Owner at that. His status was far above that of a maid like Marie.

“What will we do if Sir Olivier kidnaps us?”

Marie approached me as I prepared tea and whispered.

I giggled. Even if she lowered her voice, for a Mana Owner like Sir Olivier, it was the same as speaking normally.

I patted Marie’s head as if consoling her and continued steeping the tea.

Soon, the room was filled with a warm aroma.

“T, thank you. How could you, for me….”

Sir Olivier seemed incredibly touched just by the fact I, the princess, had prepared tea for him.

Then, he took a sip of tea and continued.

“Your Highness, please return to the castle.”

I did not answer. Instead, I motionlessly studied the clock.

“Are you really planning on leaving the territory?”

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“Indeed, I shall board the ship today.”

I answered honestly.

Marie, who had been listening from the side, paled and glanced at Sir Olivier with suspicion.

Sir Olivier spoke in a strict tone.

“I cannot allow you to do so. His Royal Highness ordered me to bring back your Highness should you attempt to leave the territory.”

Oh? The Grand Duke ordered such? How unexpected.

“I see. I understand your position as a knight to obey the order.”

“Then, will you now return….”

“However, does Sir Olivier understand my circumstances as I understand yours?”

“What, what is?”

Sir Olivier’s eyes grew large.

Just then, his body swayed and he collapsed onto the table with a slam.

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Surprised, Marie let out a shout.

“Aahh! Sir Olivier! Milady! Sir Olivier is! Sir Olivier is!”

“Everything’s alright. He’s merely asleep.”

I responded in a calm voice and Marie blinked her large brown eyes.


“Look. Isn’t he snoring?”

Marie carefully studied Sir Olivier. He truly was sound asleep on the table.

“Why so suddenly?”

“I wonder? Perhaps he was tired. Anyhow, let us move him to the bed so he can sleep comfortably.”

Of course, the reason he fell asleep was because of the tea that I prepared for him. I had secretly added sleeping drugs into his tea.

From the moment I had noticed he was tailing me, I had formulated a plan to escape from him and had bought sleeping drugs from the junk shop.

‘It appears only his mana, alone, is outstanding. To drink the tea made by his target, he’s definitely disqualified.’

I decided to give him a light punishment for being so careless.

“Marie, get me paper and pen.”

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