I left a note next to the sleeping Sir Olivier, after writing this on the paper:

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[I will have the cost for the hotel room charged to your name. Be careful that similar events will not arise in the future.]

Just to note, the room I had stayed at was the hotel’s suite room.

Once he saw the bill for the hotel room, he was sure to come to his senses. It was certain that he would never again have a sip or taste of any food given by his target.

This was a punishment for him so he would learn the lesson he desperately required, it wasn’t to save money by having him pay instead.



We immediately boarded a passenger ship headed for Renault City.

It was only after three days on the ship that we reached the city.

“Woah! Milady, it’s Renault City!”

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Marie shouted happily while clinging to the railing, but I merely had a drowsy expression.

‘So tired.’

Though I had remained in bed all three days, due to the ship’s swaying, it hadn’t felt as if I was resting, and my body ached.

On the other hand, Marie, who was in her element, was skipping about. Maybe it was her youth.

“Look! That must be the famous Renault Academy. Isn’t it cool?!”

“Indeed, how interesting.”

Marie pouted at my indifferent expression.

“Is it not interesting to milady?”

“It’s interesting.”

“What a lie.”

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Well, there is a limit to interest.

After so many lives, I had seen numerous cities just as big as this one.

Only, it was the differences compared to 200 years ago that drew my eyes.

‘It really has changed a lot. When I lived here, it had been a small countryside village.’

Of course, the reason a village had transformed into a city was due to Renault Academy, the continent’s greatest of educational facilities.

With my abilities, it wasn’t difficult for me to feed the orphans, but rather to have them educated.

I had built a school to give them the opportunity of education and, after many years, students started to gather after hearing the rumors.

‘So it grew this big. I see….’

I looked at Renault City with eyes filled with renewed sentiments.

Currently, Renault City has become a politically emancipated city, granted independence of any territory as a means of respecting the continent’s most famed Renault Academy.

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‘It is nice to return after such a long time.’

Taking a deep breath, it felt like I was breathing in the same air as I did 200 years ago with the children, and it felt welcoming.

As soon as I disembarked, I immediately handed in my application.

“The exam day is next week.”

After getting my application processed, Marie looked at me with a nervous expression that suggested that she was the one who would be taking the exam.

“You’re nervous, right, Milady? It’ll be alright. I believe in milady! So what if you don’t do well on some exam? If you fail the entrance exam, let’s do something else! I’ll earn money somehow!”

It wasn’t that I wasn’t nervous, since the streets bustled with fellow examinees, all of whom were the geniuses of the West Empire.

Renault Academy was truly the continent’s greatest educational facility.

It was the climax of the elite course and the greatest of social opportunities, so throngs of people desperately clamored to be accepted into Renault Academy.

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‘Well, I couldn’t possibly fail.’

I looked about and thought.

‘Still, just in case, should I just take a glance at what will be on the exam?’

I crossed my arms and fell into deep thought.

Of course, no matter how many geniuses crowded into the exam, I wasn’t worried that I would fail to be accepted into the academy.

However, much may have changed from the knowledge of 200 years prior to the knowledge of today, so I considered scanning over the exam content.

‘It’s tedious.’

After long consideration, I came to a decision.

‘In the end, if I’m accepted, all I’ll do is laze around and study for a few days.’

Just like that, I swallowed my dreary feelings and perused the books of the library opened for applicants. The library was filled with many applicants passionately studying.

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