The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 180: The great hero is here


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Rode became anxious.

"Why? How can it be so fast?"

Theodore smiled and said, "Your dream is urgent. It has sensed my abnormal existence and urgently wants to correct this mistake."

Rode was taken aback. "What do you mean? How to correct it?"

Theodore turned his head slightly, and Rode followed his gaze.

In the distance of the dream, on the pristine marble-like square, a pure white soul effigy was forming. A faint mist surrounded it, as if celebrating its rebirth.

"What... is this?"

Theodore said softly, "It's a soul effigy. It records everything about a soul, its spirit, its past, its emotions, its love and hate, and then releases its source wave into this world to restore the existence of the source."

Rode didn't understand a word, but he immediately remembered that the square was a building that appeared only a few days after obtaining the fragments.

【Eternal Effigy】

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "What happens after you become an effigy? Can you come back?"

Theodore smiled and said, "The effigy is just an anchor, a record. Its name is nothing more than an effigy-carved figure, representing the traces of my existence. However, I seem to be able to make a small change."

Rode exclaimed, "What kind of change? Can you change the dream?"

"The existence of the dream is beyond your imagination. It is impossible for me to modify it. But I am a part of the dream, and many information about the dream is open to me. I discovered some traces of previous modifications in the 【Eternal Effigy】, which can restore it to its previous state."

Rode felt dizzy from listening and hesitantly asked, "Are you saying... the dream is artificial? And the 【Eternal Effigy】 has undergone multiple modifications?"

Theodore revealed a mysterious smile, shook his head slightly, and remained silent.

Rode knew he couldn't reveal the secret of the dream, so he changed the subject and asked, "What's the use of modifying it?"

"There is a very small possibility that the source wave of the soul will collapse back to its anchor due to certain factors... In other words, you may be able to summon me through the effigy. But please note that this hope is very slim."

"Especially for a special soul like mine, the probability of success is infinitely close to zero. Do not hold any hope for it, otherwise, you will only face despair and double failure."

Theodore looked at him with a serious gaze.

"The time before I become a complete effigy is our last chance. We need to quickly go to support the battlefield, restore as many strongholds as possible, and preferably kill the Abyssal Serpent to end this disaster."

Rode suddenly became excited, "Yes, that's right! I'll quickly ignite the Star of Spirits and then go support them!"

The predetermined 【Requiem of Spirits】 is the star that can provide a large amount of spiritual energy. He must ignite it, otherwise, with his current spiritual energy, he won't be able to support Theodore in long-term combat.

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Theodore showed an approving smile, "Good boy, worthy of being Kassan's beloved."

Rode quickly took out the 【Soul of Twilight Calamity】, 【Soul of Queen Siglum】, and 【Soul of Abyssal Troll】 from the soul altar and casually asked, "What does this have to do with her?"

Theodore smiled and said, "Little Kassan is Kassan's great-granddaughter, proving that our visions are the same."

"What visions?"

Rode took out 1000 units of spiritual essence from the storage and had 1361 units left, which was enough.

"Does Kassan like you? Did you marry her? What is your relationship with the current little Kassan?"

"No, I am obsessed with magic and didn't respond. She married someone else."

"What a pity."

Rode replied casually, glanced at his soulless soul, which had only 103,222 units left, while the ignition condition for the 【Requiem of Spirits】 was 【3 units of Source Soul, 150,000 units of Soulless Soul, 1000 units of Spiritual Essence】.

Damn, not enough Soulless Soul.

"It's enough." Theodore told him, "These three souls are very strong. The excess part will replenish the missing Soulless Soul."

"Oh, that's good then."

Rode quickly came to the obelisk and lightly touched the surface with his forehead, entering the wasteland of souls.

He quickly found the ashes of the 【Requiem of Spirits】, which was a very large pile of ashes.

From its form, it was extremely powerful and had very high demands.

Rode successively added the three souls, 1000 units of spiritual essence, and 100,000 units of Soulless Soul.

Due to the large amount of materials, the process of adding them was somewhat lengthy.

At this time, Theodore's voice came from outside the wasteland.

"There is a ring in my robe, it is a soul equipment. Inside, there are Kassan's soul traits. After returning to the royal city, please give it to little Kassan. It is her relic.""Okay... Headmaster, I have a question for you, I hope you don't mind... Why did you touch that woman's chest?"

Theodore's voice sounded surprised.

"Little Rode, I don't know what happened. During the summoning, the me in the dream was unconscious, and you gained my abilities, memories, and characteristics, everything except the power of the soul. They became your instincts, and all your actions are instinctual..."

"Well, it's your instinct, I understand."

There was a hint of amusement in Theodore's voice.

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"But Rode, you need to understand that you can surpass your instincts and control your body, but you didn't do that..."

"Wow! The fire is really lit!"

Rode quickly poured the last soulless soul into it, and the flames of the "Requiem of the Spirit" soared into the sky.

These three souls are indeed powerful.

Rode looked up and saw a line of text appearing under the blue-gray flames.

"Requiem of the Spirit"

"Status: Weak Burning"

"Star Energy: None"

"Infusion: Soulless Soul"

"Adding Fire: Humanity"

"Quantification: Not Available"

"Potential: Dim Fire"

"Intensity: 1508"

"Description: She has passed away, but her soul remains"


"Headmaster, your judgment is really accurate. Is this knowledge from the dream?"

"Yes, unfortunately, I can only tell you some specific usage methods."

Looking at the flames of the "Requiem of the Spirit" that were taller than his whole person, Rode couldn't stop smiling.

It doesn't have star energy, but its initial intensity has reached 1508, far surpassing other stars.

It's worthy of being one of the stars chosen by the Book of Knowledge that suits me the most.

Rode quickly left the Soul Wasteland and returned to the cabin, where he made the "Soul Firewood".

Now, it's not difficult to make it at all, and the materials for it are not a problem for Rode.

Except for divinity.

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That is the only problem.

One "Soul Firewood" requires one divinity, which is 10 points.

Now, he only has 6 points of divinity left. What should he do for the next star's "Soul Firewood"?

Rode felt a little worried, but he didn't think too much and quickly returned to the wasteland, putting the "Soul Firewood" in.

The flames of the "Requiem of the Spirit" trembled slightly and then stabilized.

Afterwards, he began to sacrifice souls again.

These were souls he had accumulated for a long time, totaling several thousand. Except for the necessary ones, he sacrificed them all at once, obtaining 160,000 soulless souls and 3611 spiritual essences.

What surprised Rode was that after putting in 160,000 soulless souls, the status of the "Requiem of the Spirit" only changed from "Weak Burning" to "Blazing Burning", and the intensity increased from 1508 to 3010.

Rode knew that the larger the star, the higher the demand, but the "Requiem of the Spirit" was too high.

How many souls would it take to elevate it to its final complete state? Its final intensity would probably be tens of thousands, right?

However, Rode's soul intensity also doubled, from 2430 to 5440.

Based on his understanding, the increase in soul intensity would uniformly enhance spiritual power. Previously, his soul intensity was 2430, and his spiritual power was exactly 4.1 thousand marks.

According to this ratio, his current spiritual power should exceed 9.1 thousand marks.

Rode clenched his fist, surging spiritual power surged in his body, and the powerful force pushed his spirit, even giving him a feeling of being unable to control it.

Hmm... I have to advance my spiritual power when I go back. I have finally entered the ranks of the fourth-order spiritual power.

During this time, Theodore was not idle either. He explained in detail to Rode how to observe the external environment in the dream, how to directly enter the dream through meditation, and most importantly, how to use the ritual of prayer to send larger objects into or out of the dream.

These were the missing contents that Rode urgently needed from the Book of Knowledge.

It is worth mentioning that Theodore also specifically told him that the Dream Language is actually the Language of the Gods, said to be the oldest language created by the gods.

As for the existence of gods, Theodore directly told him, "Yes, the Royal City denies the existence of gods to prevent people from praying to them."

"Why? Isn't praying good? At most, there will be no response..."


Theodore looked at Rode seriously.

"Any prayer directed towards the gods will only receive distorted, insane, polluted, and malicious responses, and no response is the best result."

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Search for the original.

"No matter what ritual you use, no matter what deity you pray to, whether it's the sun, moon, stars, flames, light, justice, salvation, and other positive domains of divine authority, it's the same."

Rode was surprised, "Then why does the Royal City deceive us? Why not just make it clear?"

Theodore spoke softly, "Rode, you must understand that the things people can do in despair are hard to comprehend. Words like 'what if' and 'maybe' will whisper like demons in your heart, ultimately forcing you to do irreversible things. After countless bloody lessons, we have concluded that the best choice is to completely eliminate possibilities and ban all knowledge."

"Isn't the existence of doomsday cultists very dangerous then?"

"Yes, that's why we strictly control any spiritual substances and prohibit the spread of any mystical knowledge. Of course, the ultimate solution is to completely eradicate them."

"Exactly, that's what I think too. We must kill them all."

Theodore chuckled, "Killing them all is not enough, we must also eliminate the soil in which they grow."

"How do we eliminate it?"

"By providing larger living spaces, better living conditions, and more human-like survival needs."

"The conditions in the outer city are indeed very poor..."

Theodore spoke softly, "What's truly poor, you haven't seen. The slums in the east and southeast, you can go and see, that's the breeding ground for the doomsday cultists."

Rode silently noted his words, suddenly feeling a bit reluctant.

"Headmaster, how good it would be if you could always accompany me... Your profound knowledge and wisdom can definitely help me progress faster and step onto the path of supporting the sky for the Thalorian people earlier."

Theodore smiled and said, "Rode, encounters shine because they are fleeting. I am also very grateful to you, do you know? My life is actually a mess. I once thought I was the savior, holding up the sky of Thalorian with one hand, until Kassan died in my arms, I realized how insignificant my power was. I couldn't even save the person I loved the most, who else could I save?"

"Later, I became the headmaster of Kimberly, hoping to cultivate more strong people and find the real savior, but I also failed. The three vice-headmasters did a better job than me, but they attributed the honor to me. I am just a person who steals fame."

"In my old age, the erosion of darkness brought memory loss, loss of control, and madness that troubled me all the time. Many times, I was like a living corpse, my soul had died in the fierce battle a hundred years ago, only the body was alive."

"It wasn't until the last stage of my life that I got rid of all this and regained my sanity."

"This is the most beautiful time. I am doing something more meaningful than my entire life combined. Do you know? In this desperate world, hope is as precious as gold, and you have given me this hope. There is nothing more beautiful than this."

Theodore looked at him with twinkling eyes, his gaze full of laughter and anticipation.

"Rode, go ahead."

"Today, Thalorian is about to welcome its great hero."

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