The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 181: An estor

The old city of Baila is one of the important strongholds in the Iron Armor Fortress battle zone, with more than thirty related strongholds. Together, they form a solid defense system that firmly guards the southwest of the Thalorian defense circle.

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But now, this defense system is on the verge of collapse.

Many peripheral strongholds have fallen, and various routes have been cut off. If this continues, the old city of Baila will soon become a lonely city.

A lonely city has little value in the defense system.

Monsters will leak through from farther away, and the main force of the city defense cannot venture too far from the city to intercept them in the darkness.

Fighting on home ground is the basic rule of "war" between humans and monsters.

The home ground of humans is fire, and the home ground of monsters is the black mist.

Any place rooted with fire is a stronghold, and humans can only rely on strongholds to fight. Otherwise, the casualties will exceed the limit they can bear.

Therefore, Rode's current task is to assist in the recapture of strongholds in the old city of Baila and rebuild the stronghold defense system.

After igniting the "Elegy of Spirits," Rode deeply experienced the changes brought about by the surge in spiritual power, such as sprinting. Previously, he could only jump 7 yards with a single foot landing, but now he can jump more than 20 yards, more than doubling his previous ability.

No wonder in Teresa's eyes, he is like a baby.

In the eyes of the Dean, he is probably just a cell.

After running for a while, the image of the "Dean" in Rode's mind finally lit up, indicating that his modification of the "Eternal Withering Image" had been completed and everything was ready.


Let the final brilliance of the Dean shine brighter!

Rode immediately summoned Theodore's spirit and entered the possession state.

That inexplicable feeling appeared again. He was still Rode, but instinctively, he had become Theodore.

Rode raised his hand, and a flash of light appeared on his staff. His figure immediately soared into the air and disappeared into the sky.

[Gale Spell]

A level 5 spell that can only be mastered by those with exceptional talent in magic. It is also known as a level 5 spell.

The gust of wind blew past his ears, and in the blink of an eye, Rode's speed had exceeded 300 yards. He didn't need to discern the direction; he knew the Iron Armor Fortress battle zone like the back of his hand, every stronghold clear in his mind.

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Looking down, the dark land was filled with wandering monsters, and in the vast black mist, even more monsters were surging from afar.

The light of humanity is like a solitary lamp on the vast dark wasteland. The howling wind makes people worry about how long this fragile flame can hold on.

Find the original at "".

But as long as there is one person alive, hope will never be extinguished.

The torch of humanity will be passed on.

Soon, Rode saw a cluster of light.


"Medium firepower, attack!"

Commander Melist bellowed.


From the fortress, seven clusters of magma balls shot out and crashed into the group of monsters.

The scattered magma charred dozens of Thirsty Blood Beasts, but more Thirsty Blood Beasts surged forward and pounced on the warriors below the fortress.

The warriors fought with all their might, but they still couldn't withstand the monsters' onslaught.

"Rear firepower, support!"

Commander Melist shouted.

A large number of giant arrows, spiritual energy cannons, and impact missiles flew into the group of monsters.

More Thirsty Blood Beasts fell, but the situation did not improve.

"Reserve team, support the front line!"

Commander Melist yelled.

Dozens of combat personnel jumped down from the fortress and joined the battle.

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But the pressure on the front line did not ease much.

Thirsty Blood Beasts were troublesome monsters. They had tough skin, fierce attacks, and strong combat power. Moreover, they were venomous. Many warriors were poisoned, and the special antidote had long been used up.

As more Thirsty Blood Beasts poured into the battlefield, Melist's face visibly darkened.

The Iron Sword Fortress was a level 3 stronghold, equipped with a guardian fire that could illuminate a range of three thousand yards, two spiritual energy generators, two hundred combat personnel, and five hundred non-combat personnel. The fortress also had two spiritual energy cannons and thirty-two heavy bed crossbows.

It could be said to be impregnable.

But now, it was also in dire straits.

The energy of the spiritual energy generators had been depleted, the range of the guardian fire had been reduced by half, the spiritual energy cannons had been destroyed, and only half of the thirty-two heavy bed crossbows were still functional.

And the monsters were still endless.

Commander Melist's face turned pale. The battle situation was on the verge of collapse. If they couldn't stop the monsters, the fortress protected by the spiritual energy generators would be breached.

Once the fire went out, everything would be over.

"Medium firepower, support!"

A combat personnel hoarsely shouted, "Commander, we haven't recovered yet."

Commander Melist shouted, "Bed crossbows!"

"Commander, we're out of heavy arrows!"

Melist's face turned black in an instant. As a qualified commander, he immediately realized that this stronghold couldn't be held.

Now, he must make arrangements for retreat.

However, the Iron Sword Fortress was a crucial node. Once it fell, the entire line would collapse, and all their efforts would be in vain.

In this moment of hesitation, another squad in the front line was overwhelmed, and their comrades next to them fought desperately to save them.When these warriors were brought to the fortress, their bodies were already battered and bloodied. The logistics personnel were desperately trying to stop the bleeding, but the toxins suppressed the effects of all healing potions and spread throughout their bodies.

Melister suddenly felt a surge of despair and roared, "Reinforcements, where are the reinforcements? Ancestors, I beg you, come quickly..."

"Commander!" Suddenly, someone shouted, "Someone is coming!"

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Melister followed his gaze and saw a figure glowing red in the distance, rapidly flying towards them.

It was definitely a human, as monsters wouldn't wear red tearstones.

However, he was alone.

Melister cursed, "Damn it, just one... but one is enough, hurry up and come to your grandson's aid!"

Seconds later, the figure landed on the fortress, right next to the commander.


He said gently.

"Order the front line to retreat."

Melister instantly exploded in anger, "Who the hell are you? I'm the commander here, if the front line retreats, the fortress will fall. Report your abilities and level to me, I'll arrange..."

Rode touched his chest and smiled gently, "Melister, you're still as hot-tempered as ever. That's why you didn't get full marks in your command course. Let them come up, I'm about to activate Dragon's Wall."

"Dragon's Wall!"

Everyone on the fortress gasped in surprise.

The mid and rear ranged fighters who were recovering, the non-combat personnel bustling about, the injured who were still conscious, all turned their gaze towards him.

Melister couldn't believe his ears.

"Dragon's Wall is a level 8 spell, are you a master spellcaster?"

His gaze fell on Rode's young and slightly immature face.

"You're talking nonsense! If you can cast Dragon's Wall, I'll acknowledge you as my grandfather right now..."

Rode ignored him, his staff flashed, and emitted a voice identical to Melister's.

"Front line fighters, retreat orderly back to the fortress. Ranged fighters, cover them."

Melister was furious, "What are you doing, are you..."

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He choked on his words, because he noticed that the robe Rode was wearing was the top-tier spellcaster's robe, identical in style to the one worn by the headmaster, Theodore, only smaller in size.

Such top-tier spiritual equipment could undoubtedly only be owned by a master spellcaster.


He cursed, and without looking back, he jumped off the fortress and rushed to the front line to assist the soldiers in their retreat.

Soon, the soldiers retreated back to the fortress.

Rode shouted, his hands plunged the staff into the ground, and a circle of blue light descended from the sky like a steel gate, cutting several approaching bloodthirsty beasts in half.

The blue light enveloped the fortress like a bucket, it was a strategic spell, "Dragon's Wall" could last at least four hours, and monsters below the strong level could never break it. This was a suppression of rank, no matter how many came, it would be useless.

The next moment, cheers like a tidal wave drowned the base, "Dragon's Wall" gave them precious time to rest, this was simply too important.

Melister ran up, shouting, "Grandfather, are you one of the spellcaster's personal guards? Is Lord Theodore safe now?"

Rode ignored him, clenched his fist with one hand, and placed it on his forehead.

Melister's heart pounded.

He recognized it, but he didn't dare to believe it.

The next moment, Rode opened his fist, and golden light flooded the fortress.

Everyone's injuries quickly healed, the toxins quickly subsided, and the corruption and pollution quickly disappeared.

【Sunlight Healing】

Another level 9 spell!

For a moment, Melister almost thought he was dreaming.

The golden light gradually faded, turning into countless light orbs and disappearing. The Iron Sword Fortress had never been so quiet, everyone was silent, quietly savoring this taste of hope and light.

After a long while, Melister walked up and asked seriously.

"Ancestor, could you tell me your name? I want to write it on a plaque and pass it down as a family heirloom."

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