The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 56: We must kill him!

The Book of Knowledge once again answered his questions.

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Sure enough, the golden light on the right side of the obelisk was divine.

[The golden divinity comes from the human spirit of never-ending rebellion, unyielding beliefs, arrogant struggle against heaven and earth, and the possibility of promoting the inheritance of civilization fire. It increases your divinity and prevents civilization from sliding into the abyss of darkness.]

After reading this long paragraph, Rode felt a chill in his heart.

Such a huge proposition was obviously not something he could achieve in a short period of time.

You give me unlimited divinity, and I might consider it. But with just this tiny bit, it's difficult for me to do anything.

Rode looked at the thin layer of golden light at the bottom of the obelisk, and the feedback information displayed:

Divinity: 55.

Only five portions.

But at the beginning, the golden light was much more than that. Rode had twice encountered life-threatening situations in his dreams and had killed his enemies with the help of the golden light, which had consumed so much.

"No wonder," Rode thought. "Divinity is so powerful that it cannot be obtained so easily."

Rode lifted his head from the surface of the obelisk and did not feel particularly disappointed.

Although divinity was rare, it did not consume much. Five portions of divinity were enough to make five soul kindling woods.

At least for a period of time, he didn't have to worry about his strength.

Afterwards, Rode learned from the Book of Knowledge about the function of the black sacrificial altar.

It was originally called the Soul Sacrificial Altar. In addition to providing the Soul Eye and the function of preserving souls, its main function was to sacrifice.

Although it was called a sacrifice, it seemed more like dissection to Rode.

When he sacrificed souls on the Soul Sacrificial Altar, the soul body part was absorbed by the obelisk and stored inside it.

The soul body then separated and condensed into spirituality.

If the soul was powerful enough, it would also separate the soul's traits, which were crystalline substances containing soul-specific powers.

Rode tried the effect of sacrifice with the remaining few dust-like souls.

The dust-like light spots were twisted, decomposed, and disappeared by an inexplicable force on his fingertips, leaving a glimmer of spirituality.

At the same time, a line of words appeared in the obelisk:

Soul without spirituality: 7.

Rode understood instantly.

So that's what the "Injected: Soul without spirituality" meant in "The Cold Blue".

He only needed to burn the soul body part of the soul as firewood, and the soul body part had another purpose.

He had obviously thrown everything in before, which was a loss.

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"Well, I have to remember to sacrifice first in the future."

Spiritual materials were also very important.

Rode glanced at his current inventory.

Eight small pieces of soul.

One large piece of soul.

Four "Complete Souls of the Insane Sinners".

One "Complete Soul of the Evil Crow".

Among them, the "Complete Soul of the Evil Crow" was very important.

When the Evil Crow died, it dropped a piece of bone ash, which was picked up by Karamon.

If he could get that bone ash, he could make the "Soul Bone Ash" of the Evil Crow.

That monster had given him a very profound impression, and he and Raisin had worked hard to defeat it.If it could be made, it would be very useful whether used on the battlefield or in dreams to resist invasion. It is also used to make "medium complete souls" for making soul firewood.

"The Complete Soul of the Mad Sinner" is a weak soul and is not qualified.

There is only one "Complete Soul of the Evil Crow", and Rode has not yet decided how to choose, so he sacrificed small and large pieces of souls first.

A small piece of soul can decompose about 15-30 soulless souls.

A large piece can decompose between 60-70.

A dust-like soul only has 2-3, which is about thirty times weaker.

So weak, no wonder gray-level monsters are called dust on the battlefield.

The soul fragments of an unlevel monster are thirty times stronger than it.

"The Complete Soul of the Mad Sinner" is temporarily left to see if there are other uses.

After the sacrifice, Rode gained a total of 241 soulless souls and a small piece of spiritual power the size of a fingernail.

It was like a transparent jelly, slowly wriggling on the nail, with a large group obviously aggregated together, and a clear boundary appeared with a small group next to it.

This is probably what a share means.

Rode looked at it and pondered.

The Book of Knowledge told me that only humans have a large amount of living spiritual power, so is this dead?

No, that's not right. It's normal spiritual power and living spiritual power.

Just like a normal table and a living table.

"What is the use of living spiritual power?"

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"It can create grudges, ghosts, puppets, and be used for brainwashing, mental control, or rituals related to the spirit world."

Really evil... I probably won't need it for now, maybe that black priest's blasphemy ritual will use it.

Later, following the advice of the Book of Knowledge, Rode stored the spiritual power in a cabinet under the stone platform.

This is the substance that is most likely to be contaminated and deteriorated, and must be properly preserved, otherwise it will cause unknown disasters.

Finally, Rode turned his gaze to the back of the obelisk-where the invasion text emerged.

When he touched the surface of the monument with his forehead, he saw more detailed text:

Find the original at

After twenty-three days of sunset, the invasion will come.

Warning: Crossing the River of Eternal Death will cause unknown changes during the invasion.

Possible invaders: Eternal Death Spirit, Nightmare Ghost Fish, Bind Spirit Master, and Red Spirit Hunter of the Dead River.

Possible invasion environment: Night of Nightmares.

Escape from invasion: No.

Invasion assessment: Death is certain.

The flashing "Death is certain" made Rode much calmer. He is far from being able to be complacent now.

If he doesn't work harder and prepare for the invasion after twenty-three days, it will be too late to regret before he dies.

This time, there will be no golden light to save him.

Rode reviewed all the information he obtained today and made preliminary arrangements.1. He is not the murderer. The murderer is the Apocalypse Sect, who is currently searching for fragments. He can assist the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office's investigation with confidence. Of course, he can independently investigate certain information that is not suitable for disclosure.

2. Dreamland can obtain more buildings and functions by searching for fragments. Near the fragments, he will sense the call, but he must be careful of the Apocalypse Sect who is also searching for fragments.

3. Igniting a new soul star requires a special soul, spirituality, and firewood, with the key being "special soul."

4. To improve the position of the star, the star must add soul firewood in a state of extreme burning. Quickly gathering the materials for soul firewood is his current top priority.

5. Quickly obtain more humanity.

6. He also needs to create sealed soul bullets, soul ashes, and guardians of the dark as his last resort for survival.

To achieve these six goals, Rode must hunt more monsters to obtain their souls and ashes. This can be accomplished through patrol missions.

At the same time, he must perform better to obtain the first-level "Kimberly Star" medal. In addition to 10,000 silver chains and a large amount of resource rewards, freedom of movement is essential.

He can consider buying a house outside the academy as a new base, which is convenient for hiding some inconvenient things.

Other materials can be purchased with money or credits, and personal supplies can be fought for.

He also needs to brush up on his humanity, which is the material in greatest demand.

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Finally, there is a lot of knowledge in the books of knowledge. Whenever he has free time, he must return to the dreamland to study.

Mastering ancient language more proficiently can increase the efficiency of learning.

Of course, all of this must be done in a safe environment.

He must not make the same mistake again today.

With a clear mind, Rode is no longer confused. He fills the black crystal with energy, stuffs it into the big mouth on the front cover of the book of knowledge, and repeats the question from before.

"What kind of qualifications are needed to become a king?"

[The unique soul characteristic of the Fire Gifted Spirit]

[Perpetual Burning Flame]

[Anyone who possesses this characteristic will become a candidate for the Firewood King.]

Fire Gifted Spirit is the written name of the Spirit of Fire Sequence.

Their soul characteristics are unique and much stronger than the ability of fire seeds.

Rode nods, some doubts in his mind are resolved, and some new possibilities arise.

He puts the big book back on the shelf, pinches the symbol, and returns to the material world.

There is no change. The dormitory is quiet, and no one will disturb him anymore.

The students are still in class, and they will go to patrol the academy gate in the afternoon, but he has taken a leave today and does not need to go.

Rode hasn't slept much in two days. He puts his hands flat on his chest and quickly enters a dreamless sleep to restore his energy to face the challenges ahead.


Thalorian Royal City.

Upper City District.

Internal Affairs Adjudication Office.

The disappearance of the governor of the second largest district in the outer city, Alexis, and her confirmation as an Apocalypse Sect member has caused a great sensation. Adjudication Chief Lucien personally rushed back from the royal district with three chief judges to handle the matter.The governor of a district is not a low position. Although non-fire wielders can also become governors, this cannot conceal the importance of being the administrative chief of a population of over a million.

The royal city is an extremely huge city. Since the establishment of the Los and Marina walls five hundred years ago, it was destined to be an unprecedentedly large human settlement.

The sense of security that the walls give humans cannot be compared to anything else except fire. Despite strict household registration management, its population inevitably swelled to thirty million.

Combined with a large number of undocumented residents, it is generally believed that the population of those who have lived in the royal city for a long time is between thirty-five to forty million.

The outer city is the most populous area, and any district within it has a population of over a million.

The fact that a doomsday cultist is the governor of such a district makes everyone fearful. If he intentionally causes destruction, the loss would be unimaginable.

But what is even more incredible is how she became the governor.

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In further investigation, they discovered even more unbelievable phenomena--

No record was found of this doomsday cultist, known by the pseudonym Alexis.

There is no trace of her existence in the political halls of streets and neighborhoods.

No one knows how she rose up, but no one feels suspicious, nor surprised by her youth, as if it were a natural thing.

But when the truth is revealed, they wake up from their dream and suddenly realize all the abnormalities.

After the investigation, three chief justices brought all the investigation information to the top of the Tower of Judgement.

The Chief Judge, Lucien, was standing on the high tower, overlooking the royal city.

His body was as fragile and small as a withered branch, but no one dared to underestimate the power within his body. The three chief justices respectfully handed over the investigation report.

But Lucien did not take it, just said lightly.

"I have sensed the power of twisted fate. Someone has tampered with the established life path and replaced the trajectory of the original governor."

The three chief justices glanced at each other, feeling difficult to understand.

"Your Excellency, Chief Judge," one giant-like chief justice bent deeply, his forehead almost touching the ground. "If the doomsday cultists have such abilities, why don't they choose a higher position?"

Lucien did not answer, still overlooking the royal city under the vast black fog.

The tiny light in countless houses was like dust under the feet of a dark giant.

The higher you stand, the more darkness you can see.

This is truly a tragedy.

Lucien sighed almost imperceptibly.

"Find Gerdan, who has lost his life path. He is now a vagrant in Baker Street. We will know the answer from him."

The three chief justices said in unison, "Yes, Your Excellency Lucien."

"Go, and also, Gura can be released now. Tell him not to interfere with the candidates anymore. Passing on the fire is the most sacred ritual and cannot be disturbed by anyone."


Outer city.

A dark corner of a sewer.Four people in black robes gathered together.

"I've been exposed."

A low female voice said, with a hint of weakness that couldn't be concealed, but it didn't affect the hatred and anger squeezed out of her teeth.

"It must be that bastard, that waste! He saw my face! He must have also defiled the ritual! The action against the Redstone Village transfer team must be because of his failure! He stole our power! Disturbed the arrival of the Great God!"

"We must kill him!"

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