The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 57: Kassan's Joy

When Rode woke up, it was already evening. The dormitory was filled with the excited chatter of students who had finished class, as if they had endless things to talk about.

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The aroma of food wafted through the air, indicating that it was time for dinner. The academy's cafeteria had opened.

Rode was hungry all day, and his stomach growled.

Although Rode wanted to immediately go hunting monsters, collecting materials, making items, learning knowledge, and investigating the truth, how could he do these things without eating?

He quickly got up, changed into clean clothes, and headed to the cafeteria. The free food in the cafeteria's limited area was limited. If he went too late, he could only eat the worst leftovers.

--Although there wasn't much good food, the leftovers were obviously worse.

Just as he was about to open the door, there was a knock on the door.

"Rode, are you awake?"

It was Kassan's voice.

But except for the first three days, she had never knocked on his door again.

Rode felt a little strange and shouted, "Yes."

He opened the door for her.

Kassan was standing outside the door, wearing a light blue school uniform, her golden hair tied up high, revealing her delicate neck. A few strands of hair fell from her forehead and swayed on her exquisite cheeks. Her eyes, like a lake, were slightly dodging and did not dare to look directly at Rode's eyes.

At this moment, Kassan was no longer the fierce team leader, but had a wonderful beauty, like a green flower, clear rain, and a gentle bow, like the dreamlike long hair of youth.

Rode was stunned for a moment. This girl was so beautiful. He had never noticed it before.

"You haven't eaten all day, you must be hungry. I brought you some food."

Kassan handed him a generous box.

"Let's eat together."

The delicious aroma of the food immediately made Rode's appetite soar. He took the box and found that it contained white pearl roasted deer meat, which cost twelve silver, and cream pine cake, which cost seven silver.

This meal was half of his weekly salary.

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Rode immediately invited Kassan in, pulled his desk over, and used it as a table for the two of them.

Kassan's box contained syrup-filled cakes and blue flower vegetables. She took a shallow bite and saw that Rode wanted to bury himself in the food and chewed vigorously. She couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly, Rode stopped.

He clearly saw a line of small black characters flying over his iris.

Kassan's joy +10

Humanity +1

The mouthful of food suddenly lost its appeal, and Rode couldn't believe his eyes.

He got one point of humanity for this?

He didn't do anything yet, just ate her food, and she was already very happy?

Did Kassan like it when others ate her food?

Was this food so delicious?

"What's wrong?"

Kassan's voice suddenly came to his ear.

"Is it not good?"

Rode's heart tightened. Did he suddenly become unhappy and retract his point?

He quickly started eating again, as if he had accidentally pressed the pause button just now.

"It's delicious, delicious."

He mumbled.

Kassan's joy +1"罗德,我想跟你一起去找那些受伤的队友,帮助他们."

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Another line of small black characters floated up from the bottom of his eyes.

This should be the ability he gained after establishing a deeper connection with Fang Jianbei's human nature.

But this time there was no humanity.

Perhaps there was too little joy.

Rode thought while burying his head and eating.

It seems that my path to humanity has begun.

This material is so easy to obtain, so I'll get more.

When making any item, there is no need to consider whether there is humanity.

This is my goal.

Rode finished eating in three or five bites. The white pearls were fragrant and sweet in his mouth, the roasted deer meat was delicious and tender, and the milk cream sponge cake was sweet but not greasy. It couldn't be more delicious.

Rode wiped his mouth and looked up.

Coincidentally, Kassan also looked up.

"I'm sorry."

The two said in unison.

A quick look at "pawread dot com" will leave you more fulfilled.

Rode was taken aback, but immediately came to his senses and smiled, "You don't need to apologize. I was sitting on the toilet daydreaming, and you guys were shouting so loudly that I didn't hear you break in."

Kassan said softly, "Rode, I didn't know that as a special student, you also had patrol duties. I just learned from my father that your team encountered danger at night, and three teammates were seriously injured and are being rescued. It's normal to be unable to accept such a big blow all at once."

Her pretty face blushed slightly and looked very cute in the dim light.

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"I actually don't know how to get along with boys, and I haven't seen... that, I was just frightened and hit you. As a student who dreams of becoming a White Spirit Knight, I shouldn't be so fragile and sensitive. It's my fault, and I apologize to you."

Rode was delighted and quickly took out the fine and handed it over, "Then pay my fine."

Kassan's joy +7.


She smiled and took the fine.

"Rode, do you know? I admire you even more now."

Rode smiled, "Your eyes are really beautiful."

Kassan's joy +2.

Humanity +1.

In the instant that the words crossed his eyes, Rode suddenly understood.

So that's how it is!

10 joy points and 1 humanity point.

This is simply a gift.

My emotional intelligence must be too high. My performance just now must have been perfect. Even if I return to the original world, Lilyve and the others will definitely look at me with different eyes. No one will call me a low-emotional intelligence poor man again.

In such a short time, I have gained two points of humanity. It seems that I can make the "Guardian of Darkness" first.

This thing requires fifty points of humanity and can reduce the damage to Fang Jianbei. It is definitely a life-saving trump card.

While Rode was thinking, Kassan said, "It's a rare quality that you can recover so quickly from setbacks."

"My father said that he has seen too many people who have been devastated by setbacks, too many people who have committed suicide or defected from Fire and Light because of despair. The world is much crueler than we see, and such a spirit is like gold, precious."

She paused and continued, "Rode, I want to go with you to find those injured teammates and help them."

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Rode nodded, feeling that the humanity in this world is indeed different from the original world, making people feel warm and hopeful."Because of my family background, I knew a lot from a young age, so I always worked very hard... Before, I was sometimes dissatisfied. You always looked careless, lazy, and loved to sleep. You always had me call you to class. Why could you become a special student while I couldn't?"

"Now I know, they must value your spiritual power."

Kassan's lake-like blue eyes smiled at him.

"You will definitely be able to join the Knights and become an excellent White Spirit Knight."

"Me too."

She stood up and stretched out her tender little hand.

"Let's work hard together and become comrades-in-arms shoulder to shoulder, bringing our own light to all our companions in the dark!"

Rode stood up and held her small hand.

"I don't agree."

Kassan looked at him in confusion.

Rode smiled and said, "Not just comrades-in-arms, but also bedmates, chest to chest, cock..."


He was hit in the face again.

Kassan angrily said, "Be serious! How many times have I told you that academics come first in the academy? Do all you boys think like this?"

She turned around and left, not forgetting to stuff the fine into her pocket before leaving.

Kassan's joy +20

Humanity +2

Rode held his sore nose, tears streaming down his face as he laughed.

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