Yahoooo… I’m the God of laziness / sloth. A high school student reincarnated as one of seven guardians, a dragon in the world of Gaia.

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Altough I’m a God level dragon, I don’t have any of the abilities of God.

I can’t create a world; even bestowing divine blessings is impossible.

I am only one of the seven guardians. We’re the “middlemen” of God.

It’s not even like I have directly met him. Just as I was reincarnated in Gaia, my instincts told me “God has given you a mission: to protect this world.”

So for hundreds of millions of years, the seven of us have protected Gaia, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Yep, no holidays. It’s not guardian duty. It’s forced slave duty.

If this was my workplace, I would have sent a file of complain immediately to the company president.

What? I was sleeping for years?

Don’t be foolish. I have watched this world for over 500 million years. A couple years is just a little nap after lunch.

So with my nap over, I need to return back to work. How troublesome.

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Gaia is made up of six continents. The seven Gods were each given a continent to protect.

(TL note: I’m not sure. Seven Gods but six continents?)

I’m in charge of the Asuraddo continent, located on the north side of this world. It is mostly covered by ice and snow but has plenty of mineral resources to mine.

“Runamiria, has anything happened during the time I was napping?”

“Guardian-sama, the mana density on Asuraddo continent has been stable for 100 years. However, humans have begun experimenting with magic. Their progress is still in the acceptable range and is far from causing a crisis in the world. The second report, the snow troll population is growing in the southeastern part of the continent. Imperial troops sent to subdue them have been completely annihilated. The damage amount to the destruction of 2 villages and 3 settlements. The third report, …”

This kind of story is like a lullaby. With the angelic voice of Runamiria, my eyes feel heavy.



“Eh? What happened?”

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“Did you hear my reports?”

“Of course. Aren’t you saying that the world is peaceful today so I don’t have anything to do?”

It’s not particularly uncommon to hear of trouble caused by some monsters, like the Snow Trolls. Throughout the history of Gaia, turmoil between humans and monsters are daily occurrences.

If you play RPGs that have monsters roaming around, you would find it to be normal right? So, it’s the same here. A peaceful day today.

“But there’s something that piques my interest. Some of the mana stream flow is going into stagnation.”

“Ehh? Is that serious?”

“Of course it is!”


“The southeast mountain ridge.”

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“Any other information?”

“Mana eruptions have not been confirmed but from the fact that there is an abnormality with the Snow Trolls, a mana leakage to the surface is expected.”

I think about the abnormal occurrence of the Snow Trolls while gazing at the horizon.

Mana is a form of pure magic. It can be found all over the world. Mana allows humans to use magic and it mutates monsters, completely ignoring the laws of physics. Below the ground, there exist pulses of mana flowing like a river, called mana streams. It has a tremendous amount of mana. The mana scattered in the world comes from smaller streams that originates from the main mana stream. Very rarely, the smaller stream is clogged for some reason. The mana that is blocked eventually burst, spewing to the surface like a volcanic eruption.

While mana in general is good for the earth, it will turn toxic if the density becomes too excessive. Plants will grow abnormally and eventually will mutate into plant type monsters that may attack people. Wild mutated monsters may even acquire a skill and become even more dangerous. High concentrations of mana in the human body can cause death.

In short, troublesome things will happen. So, if there is an abnormality in the mana stream, it’s my job to solve it. I actually really don’t want to do it. Yeah, I don’t want to do it! But if I don’t do anything now, it will become even more troublesome in the future.

“So, isn’t it possible that it is already leaking to the surface?

“Yes, but I don’t think you need to go now.”

“But what will happen if I let it go now? After the eruption, it will take a lot of work to clean up. Dealing with this early means more rests in the future.”

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“Ugh… But if you go now, someone might see you and that will cause problems.”

“Don’t worry. It’s already dark and if I fly high, no one will see me.”

Moonlight shines from the hole in the ceiling. The cave that I live in is a former volcano that’s no longer active. Of course I was the one who made it inactive. A few million years ago, it was called the Negra volcano. I really liked this place since the shape of the volcano is like that of Mount Fuji. I made it habitable by moving all the magma from inside the volcano to the outer area so that the magma will burn anyone that approaches this cave. The lighting from the moonlight, combined with magic stones on the rock surface, gives the area a feeling of dinvinity. The top of the volcano is also higher than the clouds, so there are no worries regarding wind or rain. It also serves as my entrance and exit.

“Runamiria, I’ll go now.”

“Yes Guardian-sama. Please take care.”

Runamiria’s hair flutters from the wind created by my wings, but under the moonlight, it didn’t reduce her beauty at all.

I fly above the sea of clouds. The moonlight makes it look like a giant snowfield.

“I’ll get it done quickly, I will be able to sleep more this way.”

I made a promise to motivate myself and flew straight towards the southeast.

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