With my three pairs of wings, I move at a speed that can be considered top class even among the seven guardians.

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By using one pair of wings, I can fly at 100km/h, 200km/h if using two pairs. If I use all three, I can fly at the speed of sound.

For my divine body, the wall of air (created by traveling at the speed of sound) means nothing. I continue to fly while tearing through the clouds.

From the corners of my eyes I noticed that the power from the sonic boom was even able to mince a griffon flying nearby.

Thus, when I fly, I have to be careful as to not cause too much damage. Even so, I arrived in a matter of minutes.

The monsters in the nearby area run like frightened children when they see me. Even the Frost Dragon and Ice Golem, considered as mighty boss-level monsters by the humans, cannot help but run away at full speed. Pathetic.

However, it is expected. In front of me, a guardian, the correct answer is to escape.

So, this is the Snow Troll camp? I can see white hair yeti-like creatures looking up at me. They stare with hostility.

Don’t the Trolls worry that I might wipe them out if they offend me? Maybe they think they have a chance due to sheer numbers. They also seem to value their mana source very highly as they need the mana to evolve.

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“Geez… What a troublesome thing.”

A group of Snow Trolls is coming to attack me. All they have is a higher than normal mana density. Killing them is not even worth the effort.

“For now, just cool you head.”

I flap my wings and blew away the entire flock of Snow Trolls. They flew into the lake and sank into the icy water. Maybe some of them will die swimming in such low temperatures but at least it reduced their numbers.

Okay then, no more pesky bugs. Time to get to work.

With my divine eyes, I can easily see through the snow and the ground. Tracing the mana leakage downwards, I found a torrent of such leakage caused by a jam. The mana stream is also jammed at multiple places, and completely clogged at the Snow Troll encampment. The Snow Trolls built a graveyard in the shape of a pyramid that, purely by luck, was located on top of the mana stream, causing a leakage of high purity mana.

Anyways, let’s finish the job. I use exploration magic to check if there are any other leakages in a 100km radius.

Hmm… There are several areas that concern me. Whatever. I’ll just change the terrain to create a new mana passage and clean the clogged one.

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(Tl note: it seemed the author think of it as fixing a clogged toilet lol)

I pierce the ground with my mana and use magic to create a layer (ED: of mana?) that will stop future mana leakages from this place again.

By increasing the amount of mana I use, my mana is able to reach the mana stream and the clogged section.

Just like flushing a toilet, I made the mana stream start flowing and the clog disappeared.

Now that the mana stream has been fixed, I fill the crack (ED: created from MC’s mana?) so that the Snow Trolls can use it as a garbage dump again.

“Ah… Good work me… I feel as if I almost died from overworking”

I need a nap.

I fly quickly above the clouds, taking merely minutes before arriving back at my lair.

“I’m back…”

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“Guardian-sama, welcome back. Have you settled it?” I am greeted by Runamiria gracefully bowing at a 45-degree angle.

“Yes. The bones discarded by a group of Snow Trolls were the cause. I’ve cleaned it, so it will no longer be a problem.”

“Thank you for your hard work”

After I reporting to Runamiria, I felt tired and wanted to take a nap – a 20-year long nap.

I go to my bed, made with the image of a RPG boss in mind. It is in actuality a throne, but it isn’t so high that I can’t lie down comfortably.

“Now, guardian-sama. Although you have just completed a task, another issue has appeared”

“What? So suddenly? I was going to take a nap.” I asked her lazily.

“Guardian-sama. Just now, a lot of mana has begun to leak throughout the Assurado continent. It will result in multiple cases of mana eruptions soon.”

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“Eh? How come?”

“There is an abnormal acceleration of the mana streams. It is being pushed out of the continent and thus small cracks have appeared. It can’t hold out for much longer.”

“Let’s reconsider. I just finished solving a mana problem. There’s got to be some time to sleep right?”

“Guardian-sama, it seems we need you again.”

Hahaha… What is Runamiria saying? It’s naptime.

“By the way, abnormal occurrences of monsters have been sighted. Even plants are being mutated. We need to take care of it now.”


That day, on the Assurado continent, mana leakages occurred everywhere. There was even an extremely loud unknown roar heard all over the continent. The humans, out of fear, cowered in their homes and prayed to the God they believed in.

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