Chapter 109 Rescue Mission

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TL: Kyous


After experiencing several missions, Leo wasn’t surprised by the abrupt appearance of the notifications.


He swiftly skimmed through the mission. Regardless of any angles, he felt there weren’t any reasons for him to reject it. Silently murmuring “accept”, the mission notifications gradually dissipated into thin air.


He was certain that Kingpin’s current actions weren’t just plotting for the benefits brought by El Gen-1. The reasons Kingpin was doing this right now were for revenge on Leo and El Tech Company.


Heather and Mary Jane suffered an unjustified disaster due to El Tech Company. If the ladies were unlucky, they might even lose their lives because of Kingpin.


Leo believed that although Matt and Peter didn’t blame him for this, the duo would never work for him again just like the mission penalty stated. Therefore, failure was intolerable for this mission!


From this perspective, it showed how important their lover was to both Peter and Matt. Hence, every man must treat their girlfriend or wife fondly…


Just look at Matt, right now he was tightly clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. Clearly, he loathed Kingpin to the guts. On the other hand, Peter was already silently pulling out his spidey suit from his backpack and removing his outfits.


If Leo still didn’t take a stand, he reckoned Peter would save the ladies himself…


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“Gentlemen, the situation is urgent and just now I’ve come up with a temporary plan. I want everyone’s cooperation to prioritize safely rescuing the ladies first. Then, we will give Kingpin a brutal beating!”


As expected, everyone was attracted by Leo’s so-called plan. So, Leo briefly explained his plan. The responsibilities were divided and everyone was preparing to take action.


Steam, who received the authorization for surveillance, was closely watching the surroundings and spoke all of a sudden, “Buzz! Caution! An unknown individual is approaching El Building’s entrance. Target is an adolescent. There’s something in his pocket and is swiftly approaching.”


Leo and the company hurriedly watched the surveillance footage broadcasted by Steam.


In the footage, there certainly was a teenage boy who was in his school uniform. He was tightly holding something in his right hand and hastily running to El Tech Company’s entrance.


The boy ran to the entrance before being blocked by one of the rainbow brothers of the ex-Black Fist Gang, the guard Violet Fist. The boy gave a piece of paper to Violet Fist and speedily ran off. While he was running, he pulled out a twenty dollars bill and smiled gleefully at it.


Pak! The boy tripped and fell like a sack of potatoes…


“Buzz! Determined the boy to be a messenger. Alarm lifted.”






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Dear, Mr. Leo Erwin.


I am a great admirer of your El Gen-1 chip. I would like to ask you to bring the details of the chip technology to the Rowing Club at the northernmost end of 127th Avenue in Queens by 12:00 tonight. There are two beautiful ladies that would love to read it.


In addition, I have a friend who visited your company uninvited a few nights ago but his whereabouts are unknown right now. So, I hope you can bring him along to the Rowing Club.


If I fail to see him by then, I will choose a lady at random to accompany him first.


A friendly reminder, please bring your own guns and ammunition when you come. You are responsible for your own life and death.


Good luck!


From Kingpin.




In the security office, Leo had finished reading the letter and sensed the stark threats within it. If it were any normal businessmen, after reading this letter, they definitely would choose to make a police report.


However, Leo and Kingpin knew each other weren’t normal by all means and weren’t any sort of righteous businessmen. Both of them were certain the other party would choose to settle this matter privately instead of involving the police.


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The contents of the letter blatantly conveyed Kingpin’s intention for Leo to bring the chip’s blueprint as a ransom. However, this trip was equivalent to entering a tiger’s den. Both sides would definitely not give up without a fight to the death.


Nevertheless, the letter also provided quite an amount of useful information. For example, the address provided was more detailed than what the man provided previously. Besides, Heather and Mary Jane were safe until 12:00 a.m. Thus, Leo and the others had ample amount of time for preparations.


The letter was passed to each person’s hand. Since Matt was blind, Ol’ Tom read the contents of it to him. Soon, the group’s thoughts were unified and decided to leave right now to rescue Heather and Mary Jane. 


Leo slightly polished his rescue plan according to the details provided by the letter. Meanwhile, Bucky had ordered Red Fist to lead a group of armed underlings to follow along, silently providing support.




A car approached 127th Avenue in Queens before slowly stopping.


Before carrying out the plan, Leo reminded, “Peter, we don’t know how many people Kingpin had arranged at the Rowing Club and also don’t know which of them are innocent. But Mary Jane’s life is under constant threat. I hope you don’t hold back and aim for instant kills. I don’t wish those lying on the ground ‘dead’ suddenly pops up and surprises us with a bullet.”


This rescue mission’s aim was to prioritize Heather and Mary Jane’s safety. Therefore, he was prepared to let the two Agility heroes, Peter and Matt, stealthily infiltrate the club and rescue the ladies first. Then, they would carry the ladies to a safe place.


Compared to Matt, Peter was even more amazing. So, the key to the rescue plan fell onto Peter. After mutating, he possessed Herculean strength but he was constantly controlling his strength. Even if he was facing a villain, he would either subdue or knock him out instead of killing him. Otherwise, with his single punch of several tons, which antagonist would retaliate after being hammered by it?!


If Peter was willing to let go tonight, Leo believed even if Kingpin arranged several hundreds of people, it wouldn’t even be enough for warming up. However, the problem was Peter’s benevolence as big mistakes might happen if he was restraining himself.

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So, Leo was distressed by it and kept reminding Peter numerous times.


After donning the spidey suit, Peter was familiarizing himself with the web shooters on his wrists while affirming, “Mr. Erwin, I understand. The mission of rescuing MJ and Heather, just leave it to me. As long as you and Mr. Barnes can help me attract attention for a few minutes outside, I guarantee that I can get MJ and Heather out safely.”


Matt, who had changed into his DD suit, remained silent. He felt tonight he was a supporting character and the real star was Peter. Nonetheless, for Heather’s sake, he would gladly be this extra. 


But Matt had underestimated himself greatly. The reason Leo sent Matt and Peter together wasn’t to let Matt be a burden. No one had ever entered the club before and no one knew where Heather and Mary Jane were imprisoned.


Hence, Matt’s core mission was to locate and guide Peter with his exceptional hearing and smelling senses while the fighting was left for Peter. This way, the two Agility heroes were able to cooperate and rescue the ladies even faster and steadier.


Moreover, Leo had prepared another mission for Matt. Pulling out a modified communicator, he handed it to Matt, “Matt, take this communicator. After both of you successfully rescue Miss Heather and Miss Jane, send a signal to Bucky and me. We will respond accordingly. When using, press the only button for five seconds. Within three miles, I can receive the automatically set signal.”


In reality, Leo preferred to give it to Peter. But Matt’s DD suit at least had hooks for the guiding stick while Peter’s spidey suit was too empty. There wasn’t any place for the communicator…


After finishing the preparations, Peter and Matt gradually scaled up the building by the street. The duo silently headed in the direction of the club.


“Leo, let’s go too.” Bucky was in a black windbreaker while flicking his hair.


“Yeah, let’s get off. The rest of the path, let’s walk there. We can also attract their attention to us earlier, giving Peter and Matt some openings.” Carrying a black sack, Leo walked with Bucky and headed towards the northernmost end of 127th Avenue.

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