Chapter 110 Arrogant and Overbearing

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TL: Kyous


The more north one moved along 127th Avenue, the closer one approached the bay.


Right now, the summer had just gone by and the weather at night was slightly chilly. Gusts of sea breezes were blowing. A single sea breeze could cause humid air to assail over.


Since the bay stretched inland by a great amount, Leo didn’t smell any saltiness from the sea breeze. Meanwhile, the more north one went, the sparser the buildings were on both sides of the road. By the time the duo reached the end of the path, no visible buildings were around them anymore.


A hundred meters ahead of them was a space that spelled luxury. It was enclosed by iron fences. Right above the entrance was a sign with a row of neon lights that formed the dazzling words, Rowing Club!


“Is this the rowing club?! This is enough to be a pier instead!” 


Viewing from afar, Leo could see at the north side of the club was a grass-paved lawn. On it laid all kinds of row boats while next to the sea were even more parked row boats. Near the entrance was a row of gigantic buildings and each of them was the embodiment of grandeur. However, judging from the windows, these massive buildings only had four stories.


It looked more like a personal manor instead of a club.


“This should be Fisk’s private property, either for his residence or entertaining his guests. I’ve investigated Kingpin, he is living in extravagance, smoking the finest cigar, drinking the most expensive wine, using the greatest furniture, and living in the largest mansion.”


Bucky speculated, “I reckon, inside this club is Kingpin’s minion. We are jumping into a lava pit with just the two of us!”


Leo wasn’t afraid of a huge swarm of people. Ever since he had full-range protection from his armor, the number of ordinary people was meaningless to him. Unless the enemy was operating heavy weaponry, there weren’t any differences whether it was tens or hundreds of people wielding guns.

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Placing the black sack on his shoulder down, Leo’s gaze scanned the club’s surroundings. Besides noticing two guards guarding the club’s entrance, the entire manor was void of people.


“Could it be that Kingpin’s minions were hiding inside those seven buildings? I thought there would be at least several thousand guns pointing at our brains!”


“I don’t know, but we’ll know when we enter.”


Bucky suddenly spoke in a squeaky voice, “Those two brats already entered before us. Since there’s no ruckus happening in the club, it means they successfully infiltrated. Leo, I think we should act overbearingly once we reach the entrance. If we can attract Kingpin out, we can finish him off immediately!”


Leo nodded while picking up the black sack again. Then, he headed to the club’s entrance alongside Bucky. For the next phase, the greater the noises they caused, the easier the work was for Peter and Matt.


Several hundred meters weren’t a long distance as the duo covered them in an instant. The two minions guarding the entrance also noticed the “guests” from a while ago. They received orders from Butler Nordril that there would be guests tonight and the guests were their boss’ important guests. However, what wasn’t mentioned was the guests today were arch-nemeses of theirs.


The two minions guarding this place regularly usually met giants from either the business or political world. So, naturally, they treated Leo and Bucky as VIPs.


“May I know which one of you is Mr. Erwin?” The Minion A on the right asked politely. His gesture and tone were unlike a mob. He could even put shame on waiters who received professional training.


Although Bucky mentioned tonight that they must act overbearingly, it was hard for Leo to do so when facing such polite guards…


But, why would Bucky care about any of this? Striding forward quickly,  Bucky sent Minion A tumbling to the ground with a kick.


“S*it! Which piece of dogs*it are you?! How dare you utter my boss’ name?!” This action, this tone, it just lacked the domineering and bossy feelings.

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Nonetheless, Bucky had held himself back otherwise, this kick wouldn’t send Minion A tumbling to the ground but into the ground. He was clear that their first order of business was to rescue people. Acting slightly overbearingly was acceptable, but directly killing Kingpin’s people before Kingpin even appeared wasn’t a wise decision.


Ka! Ka! 


The tumbled Minion A and Minion B hurriedly pointed their guns at Bucky with disbelief on their face. The way they pulled out the gun was full of proficiency, a stark contrast from the previous polite image.


Bucky’s acting was rather good. Widening his mouth exaggeratedly and raising his arms over his head, shock and fear appeared on his face perfectly.


“Is there anyone named Leo Erwin among you two?” Minion A got up from the ground and questioned again while suppressing his anger, “If you are the VIPs Mr. Fisk is meeting, please show your identification.”


What was the purpose of Bucky acting arrogantly? To meet Kingpin and kill him! However, Kingpin intended to meet Bucky and Leo. So, Bucky’s arrogant and overbearing act was a waste.


In fact, Leo thought for a moment and noticed that in his previous life, in every scene in TV series or movies that had kidnapping, the kidnapper would always meet with the ransom-paying victim for once. It was a mystery why this happened, probably the law of ‘antagonist died due to chattering excessively.’


“I’m Leo Erwin, where’s Wilson Fisk?”


Realizing it was pointless to act arrogantly to the minions, Leo reported his arrival straight away. The sooner they met Kingpin, the better.


Minion A pointed at a wide path inside behind the entrance, “Go straight along this road. S’Neil Hall in the middle of those seven buildings, Mr. Fisk is waiting for you there.”


Leo nodded. Carrying the black sack, he led Bucky and walked along the path. Meanwhile, the black sack Leo was carrying abruptly moved a few times as if something was painfully struggling inside.


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Seeing Leo’s disappearing figure, Minion A hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie at the entrance and reported everything that happened just now.




Rewinding a few minutes earlier at S’Neil Hall’s fourth floor.


Inside was a low-key yet luxurious building. It was decorated with Chinese aesthetics and the words ‘Tea House’ were written on the entrance. Kingpin was reclining on a Taishi armchair while taking a puff of the lavish Gurkha Black Dragon cigar.


A gorgeous cheongsam-wearing lady was kneeling by the side, performing a tea ceremony for Kingpin.


“Ha~ China is worthy of being the birthplace of tea. This cup of Wuyishan Da Hong Pao, which used to be only available for imperial uses, certainly is fragrant.”


As a ‘pak’ sounded, Kingpin tossed the teacup onto the ground. Tea splattered all over the floor while he was shooking the Taishi armchair, “It’s a shame that I’m used to drinking wine. This kind of tea is only useful for watching tea ceremonies.”


Several moments later, Butler Nordril knocked on the tea house’s door, “Mr. Fisk, I’ve received a report from the guards. Leo Erwin is reaching the entrance soon.”


With a band-aid on one of the corners of his eyes, Nordril stood respectfully at the entrance without the intention of entering even for one step.


Only Kingpin and the tea ceremony’s performer Asian lady were allowed to enter this tea house brimmed with Chinese aesthetics. If others dared to enter, the consequences for them were unimaginable.


After a while, Kingpin stood up as the Taishi armchair let out an uncomfortable creaking noise. He haughtily walked four steps reaching the entrance, “Knowing that I no longer care about the chip technology but for revenge, he still dares to come over so soon. A commendable courage!” But, as I’ve expected, he is indeed too foolish.”


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Kingpin’s plots against the chip had failed and were long prepared to tear down this facade. Today, he was prepared to kill Leo right away. By then, without Leo as the pillar, El Tech Company was his to grab. 


During the product launch when Leo was standing up for Ol’ Tom and the others, Kingpin realized although Leo had a tough spine, he had a weakness. That was being too caring for his subordinates.


From Kingpin’s point of view, this was beyond foolish. Therefore, Kingpin believed after capturing El Tech Company’s members, Leo definitely would be attracted. Correction, the fish already bit the bait.


“Ah~!!!” All of a sudden, Kingpin vaguely heard a woman’s scream. It came from the direction of the pool room. He inquired with puzzlement, “Nordril, how are the two ladies?”


“Tied in the pool room. I just came from there.” Nordril was mildly gnashing his teeth. “Especially that defiant lady, I just gave her a slap. She’s too defiant, she dares to headbutt me and even curse without stopping.”


“You’re too useless. You are almost being poked blind by a brat.”


Being lectured by Kingpin, Nordril was slightly resentful, “There’s still no news from them. Mr. Fisk, perhaps they are captured by Erwin’s people?”


“Most certainly.” With his hands on his back, Kingpin pondered for a moment before adding, “How many brothers are in the club right now?”


“There are fifty initially. After accidents occurred to those sent to capture Ol’ Tom, I’ve called another two hundred over. Currently, there’s a total of two hundred and fifty. They are lining up for the battle now.”


Kingpin nodded and trudged over to the pool room with his hands behind him.


In addition to being the place that confined Heather and Mary Jane, that place was also where he was meeting with Leo.


It had been ages since Kingpin utilized this kind of underhanded method such as kidnapping. Recalling his previous acts, he was somewhat looking forward to it.

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