Chapter 11 The Exposed H.Y.D.R.A. Secret Base

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In a suburban area in New York state, two kilometers west of the cotton production land. A group of people was silently waiting.


The leader was a handsome caucasian man. He held a compound bow in his hand and had a quiver on his back. He was resting on top of a tree.


He had powerful eyesight that could ignore darkness and brightness.


Therefore when firearms flashed in the cotton production land, he noticed it at the first moment.


His eagle-like vision swept across the whole production land in just a second. He instantly locked onto Natasha Romanoff who was chased and intercepted by an unknown armed force.


If Leo were here, he would immediately recognize who this man was. Because this man was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, a member of the Avengers, Hawkeye, Agent Clint Barton.


Barton estimated the distance visually. He pulled a special arrow from his quiver and pulled the bow and stretched it to its utmost.


Under the catapult of the bowstring, the arrow pierced through the air and flew towards its target.


“Found the missing new agent Natasha Romanoff. She is under fire from an unknown armed force. This is an emergency, requesting backup.” 


Barton withdrew his bow and reported back to the higher-ups with his communicator. He gave an order, “All agents, immediately launch an attack on the cotton production land two kilometers east from here. Focus on harassing the enemies and aid Agent Romanoff to break through.”




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Natasha was leaning against a wall to avoid the dense bullets in front of her. She tried to break through many times but the H.Y.D.R.A. agents’ firepower was too strong. Every time she was pushed back.


H.Y.D.R.A.’s security force had recovered and assembled a unit. The three heavy machine guns on her southwest had become her biggest threat.


Natasha tried to break through again but the fierce firepower rained on her once more. She blocked most of the bullets with her Lightweight Power Arms but some bullets still managed to hit her body.


After holding it for a few seconds, she found no hope of breaking through and she could not hold it anymore. She returned back behind the wall and started to feel impatient.


Both of her Lightweight Power Arms had deformed and were on the verge of being destroyed, she could only use them as a shield now. If no one came to provide support, when Sinthea and the others arrived, death only awaited her.


An arrow flashed through the night sky like lightning all of a sudden. It pierced through an operator of the heavy machine gun and plunged onto the cover in front of the H.Y.D.R.A. agents.


The arrow that still had blood dripping from it was flickering with red light. It suddenly exploded, overturning all agents.


The biggest threat had suddenly disappeared, and this made Natasha very happy. She hurriedly rushed to the west side of the encirclement.


When she heard the sound of an arrow piercing through the air and explosion, she knew Hawkeye was there for her on the west side.


As she expected, with the shields on her arms as she charged through the battlefield, she heard fierce combat happening on the west side of the land.


At the same time, an arrow came and plunged into a H.Y.D.R.A. agent that suddenly appeared behind her.


“Agent Romanoff, are you alright?”, Barton’s voice came as he appeared in front of Natasha.

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“I’m fine. Thank you, Agent Barton.”


“Do you know who this armed force is?”


“This is a H.Y.D.R.A. secret base, you have to report back to Senior Officer Fury and ask him to send the troops here.”


Barton was shocked when he heard this and he reported this big news back to the higher-ups at once.


After a brief exchange, Barton raised his head at Natasha and said, “Senior Officer Fury requested us to retreat immediately. He will deploy the missiles and bombard here immediately!”


Barton turned around when he finished speaking but Natasha stopped him, “No, there’s a nuclear power plant underground. The missiles will cause nuclear leakage. Listen to me, use your arrows and destroy the transformers.”


Natasha thought for a while before deciding to listen to Leo’s instructions first by destroying the surrounding transformers.



“Boss, where are you? An unknown armed force appeared on the production land’s west side. They are engaging with our people and Black Widow has joined them.”


There was an urging after another from the communicator. The bald Orson covered his mouth with his hand, and then replied, “Stop yelling, I’m still alive! I’m returning back to the central control room now. You make a copy of the surveillance monitor and put it in a portable player. I need to use it later.”


Then, the bald Olsen quickly went back to the underground base. He was afraid to go outside, Black Widow was too horrifying.



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In the underground base, Leo and Dr. Zola had left the laboratory. They went around Black Widow and ran straight to Sinthea’s living quarters.


But when they arrived in front of Sinthea’s room, the power in the base had been restored.




Dr. Zola angrily cursed and furiously said, “Great! Now the base is exposed.”


Peng! Peng! Peng!


Sinthea’s room door was knocked exasperatedly by Dr. Zola’s metal arm.


But there was no response from the room. No one had replied.


Dr. Zola kept knocking on the door and he called Leo to knock together.


Eventually, the door was opened. Sinthea who was wearing a thin layer of translucent gauze skirt comfortably stretched her body while yawning as the Winter Soldier behind her naked.


“What’s the problem? My dear Dr. Zola, today was a tiring day so I’m sleeping.”


She had a battle with Black Widow in the evening and n times battles with the Winter Soldier in the night. In addition, she was woken up by someone else, so Sinthea looked slightly tired.


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“Miss Sinthea, Black Widow had escaped!”


Dr. Zola did not beat around the bushes and explained everything in detail to Sinthea.


“This was an accident, I didn’t expect the sleeping device would have a problem tonight.”


Sinthea with slight disappointment glanced at Leo who was behind Dr. Zola as he was secretly sizing up Sinthea’s perfect body.


Dr. Zola said hurriedly, “I don’t think this is Leo’s fault. After all, it’s not the first time my sleeping device had a problem. What’s important now is how to clean up this mess.”


Sinthea retraced her gaze and asked, “You said the power was cut off, then why is the light on now? Could it be?”


“That’s right. The base now is connected with the outer world.”


“Useless!”, Sinthea furiously cursed, then she brought the Winter Soldier back to her room.


Soon enough, both of them were dressed properly. All four of them hurriedly went to the central control room.


But four of them had not taken a few steps, the bald Olsen hastily ran over with a heavy machine gun and shouted, “Leader, Dr. Zola, something bad has happened! Black Widow had escaped the base. Outside the base was attacked by an unknown force, they are here for Black Widow.”


Hearing the bald Olsen’s words, all four of them except the expressionless Bucky looked at each other.


Sinthea and Dr. Zola were due to shock but Leo was due a system notification in front of him.

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