Chapter 12 Mission Rewards

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Since Natasha had successfully escaped from the H.Y.D.R.A. secret base and received reinforcement.

Therefore, the system had determined 【The Life and Death of Black Widow】 as completed and rows of system notifications appeared in front of Leo.

【 “The Life and Death of Black Widow” had completed. Mission evaluation: Excellent 】

【 Generating Mission Rewards… 】

【 You receive “Black Widow Character Card” x1, and randomly choose one skill and talent from the mission target, Black Widow. 】

【 Reward randomized complete. Please choose one of the three options as a reward. 】

【 1. Charge Burst (Active skill): Requires two seconds of charging when used. For the next attack, the attack power is doubled. Consume a great amount of stamina when used.】

【 2. Advanced Mental Resistance (Talent): In the process of training, Black Widow developed a strong mental resistance. Able to resist the negative effects of mental type skills.  】

【 3. Serum Modified Physique (Talent): Black Widow had been modified by the former Soviet Union organization, “Red Room”, through the serum. Body constitution greatly increased. 】

Leo was overjoyed at first but soon was at a loss.

This was Leo’s first completed mission and did not expect the mission rewards to be this generous. It almost seemed like a beginner’s reward!

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All of these options were tempting, and Leo wanted all of them.

Since it was a difficult choice, Leo was not in a hurry to answer the multiple-choice question. He pulled out the system panel and looked at the so-called “Black Widow Character Card” first.

【 Black Widow Character Card

 Usages: 1/1 

After using the character card, the host will temporarily receive Black Widow’s body constitution for 60 minutes.】

After Leo read the “Black Widow Character Card” information, he made up his mind. He decided on choosing “Advanced Mental Resistance”.

The first active skill was powerful, but Leo’s current base attack was quite weak. Hence, he could not make use of the skill to its full potential.

“Black Widow Character Card” could temporarily replace the third option, so it was not urgent for Leo.

On the other hand, Leo was more attracted to the second option since he was almost controlled by Black Widow before. Remembering it back now still made him a bit afraid.

In the Marvel Universe, there were all sorts of abilities such as mind control, mental shockwave, etc. Leo thought having a strong mental resistance at least he would be prepared.

Just as Leo made his decision, the system notifications in front of him turned into a speck of light and dissipated. Simultaneously, a distinct power instantly appeared within his body, and started reforming his body.

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Leo felt his mental strength was gradually becoming stronger as an invisible barrier formed in his mind.

What was more surprising was as his mental strength strengthened Leo sensed the Mechanical Force in his body was becoming more active. This accelerated the growth of his body constitution.

That’s right! This is the real world, not a game. The Advanced Mental Resistance developed through the individual possessing a strong mental strength, which in turn affected the mysterious Mechanical Force inside his body.

Leo was feeling the mysterious Mechanical Force in his body and out of the blue, an unexpected system notification popped up.

【 Detected the host’s mental strength reached the basic requirement for “Mechanical Force – Inspiration”. “Mechanical Force – Inspiration” has unlocked. 】

【Mechanical Force – Inspiration (Active skill): Spend Mechanical Force and mental strength deducing on a blueprint, mechanical part, etc in the brain. Have a certain probability of coming up with a unique idea tantamount to a masterstroke!】

Looking at himself acquiring a news active skill, this made Leo on cloud nine.

Leo assumed it would be a simple reward for choosing “Advanced Mental Resistance”, who would have imagined that surprises came one after another? 

To sum it up, one mission reward instantaneously heightened Leo’s overall strength by a level.

He started having expectations toward the mission 【Save the American G.I., Bucky Barnes】.

It might seem like Leo spent a huge amount of time on the mission reward evaluation, in fact, only a few seconds had passed. The bald Olsen had arrived in front of Sinthea.

He placed the heavy machine gun on himself and gave a salute to Sinthea. As he was going to speak, the communicator on his waist rang.

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“Boss, they are attacking the surrounding transformer. Our men could not hold it anymore longer…”, before the agent on duty finished speaking, the whole base fell into darkness again. The emergency light lit up right away.

Losing the transmission of the signal repeater on every floor, the wireless signal could not cover the whole metal base.

The bald Olsen suppressed the panic in his heart and said with a calm voice, “Leader, as I said just now, Black Widow had escaped. Please give your orders.”

“Can we now still see the surveillance camera on the surface in the central control room?”

Sinthea could not gather any useful information from the bald Olsen’s words, hence she could not make a decision.

“The base has lost its power supply, thus it’s probably impossible to look outside through the surveillance. However, I had prepared a copy of the surveillance footage of the surface before I looked for you.”

The bald Olsen took out the portable player from his waist bag, “Leader, please have a look”.

The content of the footage was the clip of Hawkeye aiding Black Widow.

As the leader of HYDRA, Sinthea clearly recognized S.H.I.E.L.D.’s, Agent Barton. After finishing the footage, she gritted her teeth. “How detestable! Black Widow is actually from S.H.I.E.L.D.”

When Leo and Dr. Zola heard it, both of them cried out in alarm.

“Miss Sinthea, I suggest we enter the highest state of emergency.”, Dr. Zola weighed the pros and cons and gave an appropriate suggestion instantly.

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“Olsen, pass down the order. The base is entering the first level of operational readiness. Carry out the Emergency Plan A.”

Emergency Plan A was a plan to pack up everything in the base and evacuate immediately.

Sinthea waited for the bald Olsen to leave and she glanced at Leo who was standing beside her. “Leo, you go to the laboratory and make a backup for the important data. Destroy the original data and make preparations to leave with the others.”

However, when Leo heard Sinthea’s order, he stood there without moving as if did not hear what she said.

“Are you deaf? Did you not hear what I just said?”. Looking at Leo who was ignoring her, Sinthea was infuriated.

Upon this, Dr. Zola stepped forward. The old man on the screen on the robot’s chest fixed his glass and had a grim look. “Miss Sinthea, Leo knows what we will be doing next. I told him beforehand. Leo is my student and as his teacher, I want to fight for his right to live. Moreover, I feel Leo’s achievement won’t be any lesser than mine. The organization needs him.”

Eventually, Sinthea retracted her gaze and indifferently said, “If you insist, then let him follow us. But…”

Just as Sinthea spoke, she suddenly looked at Leo. Her purple hair fluttered as if alive and danced behind her.

Leo who was standing there silently felt his brain become dizzy out of the blue. An external mental strength like a needle was trying to penetrate deep into his brain.

At the same time, a blood-red system notification came out.

【System Warning! Sinthea Schmidt used Forceful Mind Control on you. Judging…】

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