Chapter 156 Bucky Has Gone Mad!

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TL: Kyous


In a certain inhabited mountain range in the U.S., Dr. Zola abruptly sat up in shock from the silver metallic sleeping device. The old man in the screen of his chest was confused for a moment before snapping out of it. Rubbing his chin, he had a thoughtful look. He couldn’t imagine that a daily resting activity would let him discover Leo and the Winter Soldier’s location.


On top of that, the artificial intelligence named Steam was fresh in his mind. He couldn’t expect a “toddler” to have the ability to go against him. Then, a curly-haired youth hurried into his laboratory, interrupting his train of thought.


The youth panted for a bit before asking, “Doctor, I saw the sleeping device’s alarm lighting, what’s going on?”


The youth’s expression was rather anxious, it seemed to be his first time encountering this matter, and was a bit overwhelmed. This youth was Dr. Zola’s new assistant. Both of his parents were H.Y.D.R.A. agents but passed away when the U.S. Military eliminated the H.Y.D.R.A. bases a year ago.


“Helmut, everything’s fine. I forced myself to wake up, it’s nothing serious.” Dr. Zola consoled before instructing, “Call Chief Simpson over. I’ve something to tell him. I’ll be waiting for him at the south hall.”


The youth named Helmut nodded in response before heading out of the laboratory.


Simpson was considered the Chief of Logistics of this base. Matters relating to the base’s external liaison and procurement were under his jurisdiction. Including the wandering Sinthea, but most of the time was one-sided communication from her side.

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Now that Dr. Zola had discovered Leo and the Winter Soldier’s whereabouts, he needed to inform Sinthea about it, asking her to return and make the decision.


Soon after, Dr. Zola met Chief Simpson at the south hall.


“Dr. Zola, why do you want to see me at this late hour?” Ever since Sinthea left, Dr. Zola was the top head of the base. So, Simpson acted respectfully.


Pointing at the chair before him, Dr. Zola signaled Simpson to take a seat before asking, “Chief Simpson, are you able to contact Miss Sinthea now?”


Even without any special circumstances, Sinthea would occasionally call the base, updating her status, and wouldn’t bother Dr. Zola. Thus, Dr. Zola was unaware of Sinthea’s current location and also unaware of how to contact her. Asking for Simpson’s help was the only way.


“Dr. Zola, I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t contact the leader from my end.” Simpson explained, “Usually, it’s a one-sided call from the leader’s end. The call is encrypted and also made from public phones. Once a week, she will update her current location. So I’ve no way to contact the leader from my side.”


“When was the last time Miss Sinthea contacted you? And where was it from?” Dr. Zola hurriedly followed up with two questions with some urgency.


Simpson recalled for a bit before confidently answering, “Three days ago. The leader said she was in New York City.”

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“New York…”


As if thinking of something, the old man on Dr. Zola’s chest frowned and fell deep in thought.


‘Both Leo and the Winter Soldier are also in New York. Miss Sinthea won’t bump into them, right?! But Miss Sinthea isn’t any weaker than the Winter Soldier and she also has the chip controller that I’ve upgraded. Even if she bumps into them, there shouldn’t be any issue, right…?!’


Seeing Dr. Zola staying silent, Simpson was nervous and he asked, “Dr. Zola, why are you looking for the leader in such a hurry? Is there any problem?”


Dr. Zola snapped out of his rambling thoughts and immediately understood the meaning of Simpson’s question. The current H.Y.D.R.A. was equivalent to a stray dog. Although they had this base to survive, the nerves of everyone in the base were wrecking apart, fearing being discovered by the U.S. Military.


To maintain the “morale”, Dr. Zola patiently explained, “I’m looking for Miss Sinthea because of some news, but it’s good news. Don’t worry about it, Simpson. Believe in me, believe in the leader. H.Y.D.R.A. will regain its former glory, there’s no doubt about it.”


“You’re right, Dr. Zola!” Simpson also felt his reaction just now was too cowardly. Cheering himself up, he expressed his loyalty, “Hail H.Y.D.R.A.! H.Y.D.R.A. is always within us!”


Simpson raised his arms up high with his forehead facing the sky, posing a pose that Leo thought was rather comical.


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Nodding his head, Dr. Zola added, “The next time Miss Sinthea call, remember to forward the call to me. I’ve something important to discuss with her.”


Simpson nodded and took his leave.


In the south hall, Dr. Zola was sitting alone as he started considering how to deal with the matter with Leo and the Winter Soldier. Currently, the manpower within the base was lacking and they couldn’t expose their location. Everything must be done with utmost caution.




In El Buidling’s underground laboratory, it was already half past six in the morning. Leo had finished upgrading Steam’s firewall and was equipped with the tentacle arms. Underneath him was a large translucent cylinder. It was the unfinished Arc Reactor.


After two months’ worth of effort, most of the Arc Reactor had been completed. He reckoned everything would be a wrap in just a month. By then, he was finally able to soar in the sky freely without worrying about the energy source. Thinking about this beautiful scenery, he was pumped with energy once more. Surging his Mechanical Force, he continued to hammer on the cylindrical frame.


Suddenly, Steam’s crispy voice echoed next to his ears, “Buzz! Master! Ol’ Tom is requesting entry at the southwest entrance. He seems flustered and has blood on his body.”


“Let him in!” Leo frowned and stopped his work. Hopping off from the Arc Reactor, he hurriedly towards the southwest entrance.


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Just as he reached the entrance, Ol’ Tom had just run in before bumping into him. Ol’ Tom immediately shouted, “Boss! Boss! Boss Bucky had gone mad! Please go to Mingde Street quickly! When I drove back, Boss Bucky had killed six of our underlings!”


“Ol’ Tom, calm down.” Leo stopped Ol’ Tom. he clenched Ol’ Tom’s shoulders and shook him, “What the hell happened? Tell me!”


Ol’ Tom patted his chest and panted before swiftly recounting, “Last night, Red Fist suddenly called saying something happened on Mingde Street. He said some customers died in the bar. Two people died at once. Boss Bucky and I went to check the situation and when we arrived there, we learned it was a new prostitute playing with two men. But all of a sudden, someone heard the two men let out a weird scream in the room. Then, security went to check the situation. He found out those two men died in the room and the prostitute was gone. Boss Bucky then inspected the room for a bit before dashing out to somewhere as if discovering some clues. But who knew Boss Bucky would suddenly return at around six o’clock? And he became another person, he beat whoever he saw. When I escaped, six of the underlings were beaten to death by him!”


Ol’ Tom spoke with a frightened face as the memory of the tragic situation was still fresh.


Hearing the situation, Leo frowned deeply. Only by guessing, he couldn’t guess what happened to Bucky. The situation was urgent. He was going to check it out right away.


For the sake of safety, he instructed, “Ol’ Tom, go back and ask Natasha to head to Mingde Street right away. Call Peter and ask him to hurry to Mingde Street as well. Then, don’t stay at home. Bring Erik over here and hide in my lab. Don’t ever go out.”


Ol’ Tom frantically nodded and immediately left, hastily going back home.


Leo instructed Steam to shut the southwest entrance before swiftly returning to the lab. Surging his Mechanical Force, he donned Viper Mark V and headed to the rooftop with his personal elevator.


“Daredevil, head to Mingde Street now!” Standing on the rooftop, Leo shouted before the Anti-gravity Pulse Blasters ignited. He rose several meters into the sky and rushed towards Mingde Street.

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