Chapter 157 Bucky’s Old Trade

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TL: Kyous


Normally, Mingde Street at six o’clock was empty. Most of the customers would silently leave at midnight while those who didn’t weren’t willing to leave at such an early hour. As for the shopkeepers, they would be resting after a night of work. So, it was rare for people to be moving around in Mingde Street in the morning.


And today’s Mingde Street was the same as usual at first glance. But if one were to personally enter Mingde Street, they would realize today’s Mingde Street wasn’t empty, but dead silence. Especially with the dozens of battered bodies sprawling on the other end of the street, the feeling of dead silence was overwhelming.


When Leo landed on Mingde Street, he sensed this type of dead silence. Besides the deceased on the street, there was no human figure around.


Randomly entering a wide-opened bar, he found out the furniture was all over the place. Even the room upstairs was wide-opened as shoes and pants were still lying around. The escapees didn’t even have time to put them up. It was as if everyone in the bar were seeking refuge, they left in a haste.


Taking a look at another couple of bars, the situation was basically the same.


Leo pondered for a bit before recalling Bucky mentioning Mingde Street’s evacuation plan. This was a little trick Bucky taught his underlings when he was bored. It was for swiftly evacuating everyone in Mingde Street when an unexpected accident occurred.


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Naturally, even the workers in Mingde Street also needed to cooperate, thus causing every bar owner to lament. But from the current state, the effects were quite effective. Ol’ Tom driving from here to El Tech Company required around ten minutes and Leo flying over needed less than a minute. In this short span of time, the whole street was emptied. One had to praise the efficiency of Bucky’s drills.


Yet, in the end, the unexpected accident in the evacuation plan was Bucky himself. For sure, Bucky was very… farsighted!


However, Leo suddenly realized he couldn’t find Bucky’s whereabouts in this way! In the beginning, he believed when he arrived at Mingde Street, the scene would be utter chaos and would find the mad Bucky at first glance.


But now he was standing in the middle of the street and saw no live people on Mingde Street, thus fretting. 


‘Don’t tell me I have to question the dead people lying on the ground?!’


In the end, it was just a complaint. He squatted down and swiftly identified the dozen of bodies. After inspecting, he let out a sigh of relief. All of them were ruffians in Hell’s Kitchen, so he didn’t have to be too concerned about the aftermath.


Even though these ruffians’ life were worthless, he couldn’t let their bodies lie on the street. He extended the tentacle claws in his armor and in just a minute, he tossed the bodies into a room in the bar before shutting the door.


By now, a figure in a red tight suit suddenly hopped down from the rooftop, landing before Leo, It was Daredevil, Matt Murdock. His current appearance differed from his old appearance. The half-covered leather mask on his face had been replaced with a half metal half leather helmet. On each side of his ears was a bulge, making it look like an odd-shaped headphone.

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This helmet was a Noise Filtering Helmet that Leo specifically designed. Besides the helmet, Matt’s guiding stick was also improved enormously by Leo. Not only was the stick able to extend freely, but the tip of the sword was also extremely sharp as well. On top of that, it was capable of releasing high-voltage current, greatly enhancing Matt’s combat prowess.


Nevertheless, Matt’s combat prowess was still weak. Among the extraordinary people in the office, he was at the bottom of the list.


However, Leo never expected him to fight on the frontline. What Leo needed more was his professional expertise and detection ability. Just with his professional expertise, he was able to make several cops including the Chief retreat. This was more than enough to prove he was very capable. As for his detection ability, he was unmatched in El Tech Company for the moment.


In fact, before Leo called him, he already heard what was happening on Mingde Street. Hence, just after Leo flew over, he arrived.


Coincidentally, Leo was struggling to find Bucky at the moment, and hurriedly asked, “Matt, can you hear where Bucky is?”


As expected from Matt’s exceptional hearing, he knew where Bucky was, “Teacher Bucky is here. I’ll lead you there, follow me.”


Matt waved at Leo before swiftly and silently dashing toward a direction. Leo immediately hovered and silently followed behind him. After walking for a bit, he led Leo to another end of Mindge Street. There was a three-story bar named “Graceful Life” and its door was wide-opened. It seemed empty.


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But Matt pointed at the bar and whispered, “Teacher Bucky is in that bar. Third floor, Innermost room.”


“What’s he doing there?” Leo was confused.


“Sex,” Matt whispered in a strange tone.


“Sex?! With who?” Leo was astonished.


“A woman,” Matt answered as though it was a matter of fact.


Leo retorted, “I’m not asking this, I mean what does the woman look like?!”


Matt rebutted, “I can only hear, not see!”


“…Then tell me what have you heard?” Leo further asked Matt, trying to determine the woman’s identity.

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Matt revealed an odd expression behind his helmet but still answered truthfully, “Erm… it’s ‘harder’, ‘oh yeah’, ‘f*ck’, those kinds of words.”


He was used to listening to these noises in the middle of the night, so he wasn’t ashamed to talk about it out loud. Leo too wasn’t ashamed about it, but Matt’s answers provide no clues about the woman’s identity!


“I’m not asking you these useless words!” Leo was choked by Matt’s answer. Then, he restructured his sentence, trying to convey the meaning better, “Get rid of those words. Did Bucky speak to that woman? Anything that shows her identity? Like her name.”

“After they started, Teacher Bucky didn’t say a word. It’s the woman that’s always speaking and she only said those words.” Matt shrugged, indicating his helplessness.


The corner of Leo’s lips twitched, as questions upon questions emerged in his mind.


‘Bucky, if you want to make love then make it! Why did you kill your underlings?!’


Leo was baffled by what happened to Bucky last night and was prepared to charge in, demanding an explanation.


Just as he was going to storm in, Matt suddenly voiced out in an odd tone, “Ahaha! My dear Winter Soldier, I can’t have imagined meeting you here! Using you feels much better. I’ve never felt this good in a while! Ohhh! My darling, don’t be so impatient. We still have other matters to attend t, so let’s stop for now. You’ve mentioned that traitor, Leo, is around here. Let’s destroy that traitor first. Then, I’ll bring you back to have a fun time. Hahaha!”

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