Chapter 186 Natasha And Fury Are In Troubles!

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TL: Kyous


After Ol’ Tom left with Erik, only Leo and Bucky were left in the small living room.


Then, Bucky began to talk to Leo about some topics that were inconvenient to discuss in front of Ol’ Tom and Erik.


“Leo, what was going on yesterday? Why were missiles flying over all of a sudden? And why was Zola divulging H.Y.D.R.A.’s matter to the public on TV? Why was the alert lifted abruptly?”


Facing Bucky, Leo wasn’t going to hide anything. So, he swiftly explained his entire plan with Fury to Bucky while omitting some details.


“Which means that H.Y.D.R.A. is completely destroyed in the U.S.?” Bucky was rather baffled.


Leo nodded, “H.Y.D.R.A.’s last base had been discovered and occupied by the military, and some of the spies in S.H.I.E.L..D. had escaped, those that remained probably were captured too. In the United States, H.Y.D.R.A. basically is gone for good.”


Bucky suddenly reclined his body, lying on the couch as if sighing. After a while, he sat up and emotionally exclaimed, “From its peak to its destruction, only two years had gone by… Leo, you’re really something!”


Bucky couldn’t resist straightening his thumb.


“Don’t blame me for prematurely wiping out your life goal.” Leo chuckled. He didn’t forget when he brought Bucky away from H.Y.D.R.A, Bucky’s only thought at that time was to get revenge against H.Y.D.R.A.

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Staring at Leo’s face, Bucky suddenly solemnly expressed, “Leo, thank you.”


His thanks were sincere without any pretense. It was because of Leo that he managed to escape from H.Y.D.R.A. and Leo took him in when he had nowhere to go. A while ago, Leo also helped him capture Sinthea to vent his anger and also allowed him to personally kill Sinthea, lifting the burdens in his heart. And now, Leo also wiped out the whole H.Y.D.R.A. organization in the country, helping him to take revenge.


Regardless of whether or not Leo did all of these for him, Leo’s kindness towards him was genuine.


Initially, when he agreed to follow Leo, it was to repay the debt aside from having nowhere to go. But in the end, he noticed that he had virtually done nothing of assistance. Without him, Leo still could smoothly grow in the country.


Therefore, he always held a heart of gratitude towards Leo and it was piling up more and more. Since he realized that he couldn’t do anything as a thank you for Leo anytime soon, he could only use the words “thank you” to express his feelings.


Leo readily accepted the thanks and jokingly said, “Don’t tell me you’re going to say ‘goodbye’ to me and leave after thanking me?”


Stunned, Bucky blurted out, “Why would I leave?! Staying here is great! There are foods and drinks here and I don’t have to work either.”


“No, it’s nothing. I was just talking to myself.” Leo twitched his mouth. Besides, looking at Bucky’s response, he reckoned Bucky was going to be a couch potato for life.


Pondering for a bit, Bucky asked again, “Just now you mentioned Zola framed Fury as a H.Y.D.R.A. agent, how did it go?”


Leo shook his head and answered, “I’m not sure myself too. I didn’t stay at S.H.I.E.L.D.’s HQ for too long. Once the alert was lifted, I headed straight to H.Y.D.R.A.’s base. But Fury is an upright man, there won’t be any problem… right?”


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“What about Natasha? Natasha is a former Soviet Red Room agent and they had a superficial relationship with H.Y.D.R.A., will it be an issue?” Bucky pursued.


“You’re quite concerned about her, huh? Are you interested in her?” Leo winked at Bucky. A moment ago, he was contemplating why Bucky would worry about Fury who was irrelevant to Bucky, it turned out Bucky was worried about Natasha instead!


“Stop your nonsense, there’s no such thing.” Bucky explained, “I was born in the 20s and now it’s already the 90s. There aren’t many people I’m familiar with, so…”


Speaking of this, Bucky was somewhat saddened. His concerns for Natasha were out of their friendship and student-teacher relationship, it wasn’t between a man and a woman.


Stopped fooling around, Leo solemnly answered, “I’m not sure whether or not yesterday’s matter will drag Natasha. Dr. Zola’s plan was out of our expectations!”


Leo pondered for a bit before pulling out his phone and handing it to Bucky, “If you want to know how Natasha is doing, it’s simple. Just call her and ask.”


Without delaying, Bucky made the call but the call tooted for a while without anyone picking up. Both of them frowned.


“I’ll try calling Fury.” He took the phone from Bucky and dialed Fury’s number. 


The call tooted for a while, but no answer. Exchanging glances, they understood that Natasha and Fury were in trouble.


With a frown, Bucky stated, “I’m worried about Natasha. Leo, how about a trip to Washington with me?”


Slightly deliberating, Leo nodded

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“Come, let’s go now.” Bucky abruptly stood up, preparing to start the car.


Leo hurriedly stopped Bucky, “Bucky, hold up. How about I go alone? I have the armor, I can fly there in a short time. It’s a four hour trip if you drive, that’s enough for me to make several rounds.”


Bucky finally realized that due to his momentary anxiousness, he forgot that Leo could fly.


Leo added, “I’ll fly there to check the situation first and I’ll call you. If necessary, you can go afterward.”


Bucky nodded, agreeing to Leo’s suggestion.


Then, Leo took out the thumb-sized Viper Mark VI in front of Bucky and swiftly donned it before shrinking and vanishing out of sight.


Bucky only saw a flash before Leo was missing and he immediately widened his jaw.




Five minutes later, Leo traveled nearly four hundred kilometers and arrived at Triskelion’s entrance. 


But before he entered, he already noticed the anomaly. At the entrance, it wasn’t guarded by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, it was four fully-armed soldiers instead.

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Frowning, Leo dashed into the HQ. As he wasn’t familiar with the place, he didn’t know where to search for Natasha and Fury. So, he could only fly around like a headless fly, slowly gathering information.


Since he was as small as an ant, it was extremely easy for him to move around. In just ten minutes, he had an overall grasp of the situation in the HQ.


Currently, there were three parties of people in the S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ.


The first party was the U.S. military, roughly around two thousand of them. They had utterly surrounded S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ and anyone that entered or exited the HQ were required to present valid documents. On top of that, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were forbidden from leaving. According to what Leo had gathered, these soldiers were under the command of General Ross.


The second party was the investigators sent by the Security Council, around fifty of them. They were men and women dressed in formal suits and just arrived in the morning.


And the third party was the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that remained in the HQ, approximately six hundred of them and they could be divided into two categories. 


The first category was those whose names were on the list provided by Dr. Zola. They were being imprisoned in a gymnasium on the right side of the HQ, guarded by U.S. soldiers. 


The second category was those whose names weren’t on the list. Their condition was slightly better as they stayed in the dormitory area, but no one had a personal room and they weren’t allowed to leave the area. Apart from that, all of the communication devices were confiscated.


The number of people in the two categories was roughly the same. This ratio was also contributed by twenty percent of H.Y.D.R.A. spies that fled.


Thinking for a moment, Leo had an idea of where to look for Natasha. She should be staying in the dormitory area right now and he only needed to check each dormitory one by one. Since he was fast, it shouldn’t take too much time.


However, just as he was preparing to search, a familiar figure suddenly caught his attention.

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