Chapter 187  Bad-tempered Women

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TL: Kyous


For starters, Leo silently found an empty corner and called Bucky. Bucky anxiously waiting at home hurriedly questioned him about the situation at S.H.I.E.L.D. 


He briefly described the information he gathered to Bucky and told Bucky to calm down as Natasha’s freedom was restricted just like others and she didn’t receive any special treatment or life-threatening treatment.


Bucky was relieved and gave up the intention of going to Washington, leaving everything in Leo’s hands. He was conquered by how Leo left home by instantly vanishing and he knew the current him miles behind from being Leo’s opponent.


Then, Leo looked at the familiar figure in the corridor again. At that moment, the corridor was filled with soldiers and Peggy was walking towards an unfamiliar woman in her thirties walking head-on toward him. But he was now the size of an ant, so the women weren’t looking for him.


Both the women were carrying a briefcase respectively, leaving a fragrant smell as they passed by where Leo was. He quietly followed them into a spacious office.


Outside the office, he saw two guards and in the office, General Ross had been waiting.


Peggy first introduced the two of them to each other, “General Ross, this is the lead investigator appointed by the Security Council, Miss Lindsay, who is in charge of this investigation. Ms. Lindsay, this is General Ross who is cooperating with S.H.I.E.L.D. to lock down the base.”

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Lindsay was the lead investigator from the Security Council and there was no hierarchical relationship with the U.S. military, so she and General Ross courteously greeted each other before beginning to discuss the business.


Peggy took the lead and stated, “After counting overnight, we’ve now identified that more than half of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. branches across the country, except for Triskelion, have inexplicably disappeared. They were working in their respective division yesterday without showing any abnormalities yet all of them mysteriously disappeared overnight. Here’s a list of them.”


Pulling out a name list from the stack of documents from her briefcase, Peggy handed it to Lindsay.


Lindsay accepted the name list and briefly browsed through it, “Disappeared? It’s clear that this is absconding from justice.”


Unceremoniously, Lindsay continued, “From the looks of it, whether it’s S.H.I.E.L.D.’s higher or lower level agents, more than half of them are part of H.Y.D.R.A. Hmph, suffering this much without having any idea…”


“Miss Lindsay, please refrain from giving endless irresponsible and sarcastic comments.” 


Peggy wasn’t a good-tempered woman either. She interrupted Lindsay right away and coldly stated, “The council president dispatched you to provide assistance and identify the spies as soon as possible. If this is your work etiquette, I will apply to the president for a new person to be in charge of this matter.”


Lindsay opened her mouth but held back and stopped saying anything unpleasant eventually. Although she worked for the council and had great authority, she was still incomparable to the ex-Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. whether its seniority or connections.

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Therefore, she shut her mouth albeit being reprimanded once by Peggy.


However, the council had been funding S.H.I.E.L.D. for decades, yet it turned out they were funding their enemy. How couldn’t this make the council’s diligent worker, Lindsay, fuming?! In particular, when she thought the funding she applied for her department was a pocket change compared to S.H.I.E.L.D. She was slightly infuriated by it.


Nonetheless, the livid Lindsay had no place to vent and chose to remain silent. But the current her was equivalent to a ticking bomb. If Peggy reprimanded her once more, she would explode right in front of Peggy.


Feeling the abrupt tense atmosphere, General Ross hurriedly stood up to mediate and took the name list from Lindsay’s hand. He wasn’t willing to let the two women quarrel. If they began, it would be endless and working would be out of the question.


General Ross leafed through the list in pretense and said, “These names soon will appear on the military’s special wanted list. Although we cannot guarantee a hundred percent of their capture, eighty to ninety percent shouldn’t be a problem.”


Then, General Ross summoned one of the guards and handed the list to him, instructing him to carry out the order immediately.


After General Ross’s intervention, the tension between the women eased up a lot.


Only then did Lindsay follow the planned investigation protocol and inquired General Ross, “General, what’s the situation with the H.Y.D.R.A. base? I’ve heard something happened.”

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“Indeed, something did happen.” With a pale complexion, General Ross solemnly answered, “According to the intel I received, the base was already emptied when the military discovered its location and the soldiers had no casualties. However, when they were transporting some valuable resources in the H.Y.D.R.A. base, they were robbed on the way!”


“Someone had the gall to rob a military convoy?” Lindsay was shocked as if hearing some funny jokes. 


“Who’s the robber? And how are the casualties?” Based on her understanding, the robbers should have a greater number and be fully armed. Otherwise, the robbery would fail.


Listening to Lindsay’s questions, General Ross’s expression contorted, unsure where to begin. In the end, he took out a report he received not long ago and handed it to Lindsay, “I don’t know how to explain. Just take a look for yourself!”


Puzzled, Lindsay took the report and carefully read it. The more she read, the deeper her frown was and eventually, she angrily retorted, “General Ross, are you sure this isn’t a joke?! A mystery sixty feet tall black giant armor… Thick white giant nets coming from the wrist… A box that’s as huge as a mountain… And all of these instantly vanished in the end! Including three supply trucks loaded with a billion dollars worth of supplies! How is this military intel?! It should be a sci-fi story instead!”


The situation of the H.Y.D.R.A. base was in her scope of the investigation. Although that place was occupied by the military, she still needed to provide a presentable report to the council. But now, the content of the intel was too outrageous and she believed there was no way to write it in her report. Coupled with her unvented anger from Peggy Carter just now, she was extremely infuriated and slammed the report on the table.


God knows if she knew Leo pocketed two billion worth of supplies beforehand, how furious would she be!


General Ross narrowed his eyes and said, “Miss Lindsay, I also feel the intel is nonsensical, but it’s stamped with the army commander’s seal. Also, the Ministry of Defense’s seal is on it too. So, although the description was far-fetched, I believe what was described was personally experienced by the soldiers. Therefore, please treat this piece of intel with a proper attitude. The military won’t joke with the Security Council with a false report.”

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He was rather confused why the council would dispatch such a bad-tempered person to deal with this huge matter. Perhaps this woman was ostracized in the council and was forced to be a scapegoat.


Or rather the council purposely sent this bad-tempered woman to uproot the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., wiping out every H.Y.D.R.A.’s spy once and for all?!


While he was unsure what the council president was thinking, he wouldn’t allow the army’s dignity to be trampled, thus he wouldn’t be polite with the council.


Lindsay was perfectly justifiable to criticize S.H.I.E.L.D. because it was under the direct order of the Security Council. But she didn’t have the guts to complain about the military. Right now, she was slightly embarrassed by the slip of the tongue and hurriedly explained her inappropriate action and attitude.


Seeing Lindsay suffer, Peggy on the side smirked and felt a sense of pleasure. While Lindsay was explaining, she silently picked up the report and swiftly browsed it before silently placing it down. Despite her unchanging face, her eyes were flickering as though having some inkling.


Currently, Leo, who was hiding in Lindsay’s hair, had moved to Peggy’s hair and had roughly read the report a couple of times. He realized the U.S. military was baffled by this robbery and had no prime suspect at all. Feeling at ease, he knew no one would come knocking on his door with troubles.


By now, being a generous man, General Ross had reconciled with Lindsay and the three began discussing the questions for the following interrogation. However, disagreements were inevitable and the atmosphere between the three reached a stalemate.


Leo felt it was pointless to stay here and listen to the mentally-challenged woman anymore and promptly flew out of the office, heading to the agent’s dormitory.

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