Chapter 230 H.Y.D.R.A. Emblem

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TL: Kyous


The full moon hung in the sky, casting its silver light upon the ground, painting the field of green grass a golden hue.


Diving down from the sky, Leo hovered steadily above the blades of grass. Before him was the shield border of Wakanda, where the warriors of the Border tribe had built a new encampment. This was the place where he and Bucky had parted ways earlier in the morning.


But as he scanned his surroundings, the swaying grass stirred by a gentle breeze obstructed his vision, making him unable to make out anything clearly.


“Bucky, I’m here. Where are you?” Leo asked through the communicator.


“I’m under the grass, southwest at 25 degrees from your location,” Bucky heard the voice in his helmet and simultaneously heard Leo’s voice coming from the air. He knew Leo was nearby and he replied with a weak and lifeless voice.


Hearing Bucky’s feeble voice, Leo pinpointed Bucky’s location and made his way through the tall grass, landing next to Bucky.


Bucky was lying on the ground with his limbs splayed out, looking like he had given up on life. He barely turned his head to glance at Leo before turning back, too tired to even move.


“Leo, do you have any food? Low blood sugar.”


Leo was speechless at first before retorting, “Stop complaining. With your body, you could go three days without food and still run more than ten kilometers with a heavy load. There’s no way you’ll be half-dead.”

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“Although what you said is correct, I’m still starving!” Bucky remained motionless.


Leo knew he couldn’t let his employee go hungry, so he reached for his Storage Belt and thought for a bit, “Get up, I’ll bring you to eat.”


“Do we have to leave the shield?”


“No, I have some food with me.”


Bucky immediately bounced from the ground. 


They were near the Wakanda military camp, not a place to dine. In no time, Leo led BUcky to a nearby woods and found a large tree with a trunk that could be hugged by adults. Standing on a branch, Leo used the laser cutter in the fist of Viper Mark VIII to easily cut a large piece of wood and dig out a tree hole.


“Leo, aren’t you bringing me to eat? Why are you digging a tree hole?” Bucky asked puzzledly.


Ignoring Bucky, Leo placed the piece of wood into his Storage Blet and then took out the Capsule House. He enlarged it and stuffed it into the tree hole, fitting it perfectly.


“Bucky, go in first,” Leo pointed to the open door of the enlarged Capsule House.


Bucky suddenly realized what Leo was doing and immediately jumped in. Leo followed closely behind and then installed the piece of wood just now back in its original place on the tree trunk.

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This way of hiding the Capsule House was very tricky. Leo believed that no one would discover the capsule hidden in the tree hole. Thus, he decided to use this place as his long-term base in Wakanda for the next few days.


The height of the Capsule House was about twenty centimeters. 


Following his usual habit of scaling furniture heights, Bucky adjusted himself to the appropriate proportion. But Leo, being a bit sly, took advantage of his slightly shorter height and waited until Bucky started removing the Ant-Man suit before changing his body size to be half a head taller than Bucky.


After a while, Bucky took off the Ant-Man suit and put it aside. When he looked up and saw Leo, he was taken aback for a moment, “Can I put on the Winter Suit again and choose a different height?!”


“Why?” Leo asked.


Bucky flattened his palm and gestured to Leo’s height, then gestured to his own. “You know, it feels a bit weird all of a sudden.”


“Nope.” Leo circulated his Mechanical Force and the armor quickly disassembled and flew to the side. After stretching his limbs, he said firmly, “As the boss, I should be taller than you.”


Just as Bucky was about to say something, Leo interrupted, “By the way, you gave the suit a name?”


“Yes, it’s called the Winter Suit,” Bucky’s face lit up as he was distracted by the question.


“It goes well with the Winter Soldier,” Leo said with a thumbs up.


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“Thanks, but I still feel uncomfortable with your height,” Bucky didn’t forget about it.


Instead of responding, Leo changed the subject, “Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?”


“Yes, I’m hungry and I want to eat,” Bucky gave in.


Walking into the kitchen, Leo took out a large thermos box and placed it in the middle of the living room table. Due to the limited space, there was no dedicated dining table, so they had to make do with what they had.


Bucky rushed to the kitchen to wash his hands before joining Leo at the table, watching as he opened the thermos box. One by one, Leo took out steaming hot servings of dishes such as pork lungs in chili sauce, pan-fried steak, chicken burgers, and hot rice.


“Why did you prepare so much food?” Bucky’s eyes widened as Leo kept on bringing out more food.


“I didn’t prepare them, Natasha gave them to me before we left,” Leo said truthfully.


“She made all of these? There’s quite a lot!” Bucky was even more surprised.


“And you believe it?” Leo turned the box of pork lungs in chili sauce towards Bucky. “The name of the restaurant is there, it’s obviously a takeout.”


“Oh, it’s from our favorite Chinese restaurant.”Bucky casually said before picking up a chopstick and taking a bite of the dish, “It’s that taste, can’t go wrong with it.”


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He quickly scooped up some rice and ate a couple of mouthfuls, but it was still too spicy for him. Looking up, he asked, “Are there any drinks?”


“The fridge is over there. Go get it yourself,” Leo answered as he pointed his chopsticks toward a row of three huge refrigerators behind him.


Bucky rushed to the fridge right away, opening the door, “Wow! Why are there so many drinks? There are even potato chips, packaged bread, and compressed biscuits.”


“I prepared those. After we finish Natasha’s boxed meal, we’ll have to rely on those to survive,” said Leo as he continued to eat. “Can you pass me a bottle of Coke, please?”


Bucky grabbed two cold bottles of Coca-Cola and handed one to Leo. He then opened his bottle and drank half of it to relieve the spiciness, “Did you prepare so much food because we’ll be here for a while?”


“Around two weeks,” Leo roughly counted and answered.


Wakanda’s black technology was beyond Leo’s imagination and figured he needed two weeks to learn everything.


“Oh, by the way, how’s your intelligence-gathering mission going?” Leo asked after eating for a while.


With a full stomach, Bucky began to discuss the important matter at hand. “I don’t understand much of the Wakandan language, so I didn’t gather much information. However, I did find something in their command center that might interest you.”


“What is it? Don’t keep me waiting,” Leo replied, clearly intrigued.


Bucky’s face suddenly turned solemn and he said in a low voice, “It’s the H.Y.D.R.A. emblem.”

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