Chapter 231 Bucky’s Scheme

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TL: Kyous


“H.Y.D.R.A. Emblem?!” Leo was startled, “Are you sure?!”


“I’ve been with H.Y.D.R.A. for so long, there’s no way I could be mistaken!” Bucky declared confidently.


“Then, are you saying Wakanda is actually loyal to H.Y.D.R.A.?” Leo found it unbelievable. If Wakanda was the base of H.Y.D.R.A., then the world would have been under their control a long time ago.


“No, you misunderstood me,” Bucky hastily clarified, “The emblem isn’t enshrined in Wakanda’s command center. It’s more like it was cut from some clothing, probably for war trophies or some kind of evidence. I confirmed that the clothes seem to be standardized design, resembling military uniforms and completely different from Wakanda’s style of dress.”


“So, you mean that the battle scars we saw outside the shield were left by H.Y.D.R.A.? And the war that Wakanda fought recently was with them?” Leo pieced Bucky’s explanation together and connected it with the Wakandan frantically mining the Vibranium from the veins.


H.Y.D.R.A. had a notorious reputation in the world, and their fighting prowess and resilience were infamous. It made sense that the Wakandans were willing to spend numerous Vibranium to create weapons for battle preparation.


“That’s exactly my guess,” said Bucky. “But I don’t understand the Wakandan language, so I can’t be too sure about it. However, based on those H.Y.D.R.A. emblems and our guesses, it’s highly likely.”


“It should be HYDRA. No other organization could have discovered Wakanda and fought them so fiercely,” Leo affirmed.

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He had no doubt that H.Y.D.R.A.’s ability to find Wakanda, given their track record. After all, years ago, Red Skull was able to locate the Tesseract, a mythical object, based on vague legends. Thus, it was only reasonable for them to locate Wakanda hidden deep within the East African forests based on local African history and legends.


However, Leo was perplexed by the fact that in his past knowledge of the Marvel storyline, there was no mention of H.Y.D.R.A. invading Wakanda.


What caused this change in the plot?


“Perhaps the reason H.Y.D.R.A. has started expanding their market overseas, is it because I destroyed all of their bases in America and drove them out?” Leo suddenly thought, realizing that this could be the most plausible explanation.


As he pondered this possibility, he innocently rubbed his nose, muttering to himself, “Don’t blame me, people of Wakanda, I’ve nothing to do with this!”


Noticing Leo’s silence, Bucky couldn’t help asking, “Leo, what’s your thought on H.Y.D.R.A.’s attack on Wakanda?”


“Let’s just wait and see,” Leo replied after a moment of contemplation. “Our purpose for coming here is to find Vibranium, so let’s not get distracted.”


What Leo wanted to say more was that they shouldn’t worry about Wakanda’s affairs. 


Even with Red Skull and his army, and the Tesseract in their possession, it was difficult to predict the outcome of a battle with Wakanda given their formidable military power. Yet now, with only a handful of H.Y.D.R.A. members left, Leo doubted they could even breach Wakanda’s shield.


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Bucky nodded in agreement as HYDRA’s attack on Wakanda was over ten days ago and there was no sign of them since. It was pointless to dwell on their actions.


Changing the subject, Bucky asked, “How did it go with finding Vibranium? Did you find it?”


“I found tens of thousands of tubes of Vibranium!” Leo exclaimed, shocking Bucky.


“That many!” Bucky was surprised as his eyes suddenly shone with gold.


A standard glass tube of Vibraniums was worth one billion dollars, so ten of thousands of tubes of Vibranium would be worth tens of trillions of dollars!


Bucky had lived for decades but had never seen such a large amount of wealth at once.


With a nod, Leo added, “But those Vibraniums are being guarded, and recently, due to the attack by H.Y.D.R.A., Wakanda is crazily producing Vibranium weapons for defense. So, the amount of Vibraniums is being counted every day, and it’s a bit difficult to secretly take them away.”


“Why do we have to take them away secretly? Can’t you just shrink them and put them in your pocket?” Bucky asked in surprise. 


“Shrinking and stuffing them into our pocket, and then just running away. Will the Wakandans be able to trace it back to us?” Bucky suggested with a pair of eyes glistening with greed.


“That’s a good idea, and I’ve thought about it,” nodded Leo. “But how are we going to get out?”

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He continued, “If you were the King of Wakanda and suddenly found out that your backyard had been robbed, what would you do?”


Considering for a bit, Bucky put himself in the shoes of the Wakandan king, “I would order the immediate activation of the shield, blockade the entire Wakanda and conduct a thorough search.”


“Exactly.” Leo continued his analysis, “Once the shield is fully activated, I don’t have a good way to leave Wakanda unnoticed. And do you really think that being the size of an ant would make us invisible? Today, while I was in the Vibranium mine, I bumped into the Wakanda king. When I got within three meters behind him, he sensed my presence and almost caught me.”


“Really?” Bucky was startled. “Is he not a normal person?”


Bucky knew that besides children, ordinary people wouldn’t have the time to appreciate ants on the road or wall, let alone Leo following someone from behind.


“I believe so,” Leo confirmed.


“Does Wakanda have the Super Soldier Serum?” Bucky was even more startled.


A sudden idea struck Leo and he subtly prepared to mention the heart-shaped herb to Bucky, “It might not be the Super Soldier Serum, maybe it’s something similar, but it’ll take some time to confirm.”


“I have time.” Bucky immediately replied.

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“What do you mean?”


“I have the time to find something similar to the Super Soldier Serum.” Bucky’s gaze was intense.


“But you’ve already been enhanced by the serum, why are you so keen on something similar?” Leo was confused.


“But you haven’t been,” Bucky stared at Leo with great eagerness.


“Are you serious?” Leo’s expression was somewhat uncomfortable.


“Of course.” Bucky patted his chest, “I always like to look out for my friends.”


“You’re not serious, I’m sure of it.” Leo pointed at Bucky, “Your eyes, expression, and actions, all of them tell me you’re lying. Tell me, what’s your scheme!”


Bucky suddenly smiled awkwardly, “You just said that the King of Wakanda can sense your presence within three meters behind him by intuition, so the kind of thing that Wakanda possesses, similar to the serum, should enhance either mental strength or intelligence. Heh, you know, my mental strength isn’t that high.”


“Now that’s the truth.” Leo breathed a sigh of relief, “You can think so much from just a few words I said, proving that you’re not lacking in intelligence at all. So, in the future, just say what you think, don’t beat around the bush with some random excuses.”


Bucky grinned sheepishly.

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